These are the sounds that come to mind when thinking of the Inland Empire’s home grown and cultivated Swashbuckling Sound Sensation... THE PYROCKERS!
This duo started out in 2001, playing music under the acclaimed banner of IZIS...otherwise known as Mike Cazares on guitar/vocals, Zack Howle on bass/vocals and Randy Ramirez on drums/vocals. While managing to keep under the "Pirate Radar", IZIS rocked from house to house, party to party and venue to venue. Against their better judgment, they did what Pyrates do best...they rocked the boat, pillaged and plundered accross the United States, and before they could tell East from West...they had established their "PYRATE" Sound. While at Home Port (Riverside, CA), Mike helped bring back the Ska Scene in an otherwise uninterested crowd. As founder of Rivercidal Pyrate Crew Promotions, Mike booked bands that sailed near, brewed beers that would make Davey Jones proud, and was a key player in the Rivercidal Records Crew. During a Medic Alert leave, Randy dropped in and heard some live recordings of songs recently written and performed by Mike. Randy, being the rythmist extraordinaire that he is, decided it would be a good idea to play various bongos, congas and drums to accompany those tracks...And so, "The Pyrockers" where born!
Upon the duo's return from an acoustic tour of the United States, an interview was set up with Time Warner cable network's premier World Music program, Front Row, where the group was asked to perform live. The recording of this program was aired for Los Angeles County based viewers, and The Pyrockers were recieved with outstanding ovation. The Pyrockers have since grouped up with a seasoned bassist who calls Brazil home, Herton Tancredo. The recruitment of Tancredo brings in the Soulful Rythmic Sounds of South America, and in addition to heavy reggae bass lines, Tancredo is famously known to bring out the "cajon", a South American percussion instrument. The trio have been working hard to make The Pyrockers a household name all over the world, speciffically in the Latin Ska and Reggae scenes.
Having an established the core group, musicians from other bands have joined the Pyrocker stage, adding elements such as keyboards, horns, back-up vocals and such, ensuring that the Pyrock sound will always be fresh for an ever growing global audience. Most notably, Dustin James and Micah Turney from San Jose, CA, based Ska veterans Monkey, joining in ..boards, melodica, trombone and drums. Joey "Helios" Hernandez, ex-saxaphone player from world renound ska-punk group, The Voodoo Glow Skulls, has also been known to join the Pyrock stage. Jerry O'Neill, drummer for The Voodoo Glow Skulls, is featured on Concertina and back-up vocals in The Pyrockers self-titled E.P, specifically on the first track to be released as a single, "Sail Away".
Currently, the group is teaming up with Reggae legend Andrew Bee's, former lead singer of Black Uhuru. As his backing band, The Pyrockers will be gearing up for an extensive tour of the U.S. On this endeavor, Bee's will be performing some of Cazares' original songs.
Combining elements of their favorite types of music, The Pyrockers have been recently hitting towns all over the Globe...So watch your Booty and raise your Red Flag cause The Pyrockers are setting sail for a town near YOU! Let’s book some shows! We want to hit the road! Catch ya’ on the flip side...
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