wuTs tHa daMN dEaL y0..!!
the namme iss laureenn and ii attend tamucc full timee!!! ittss pretty chill. myy biirthdayy iss junee 18! imm still a young'n immaa bee 19!
TAKEN by my ♥ RUSSELL RENE ALEJANDRE..he hass myy heartt and ii lovee hiim soo muchh.hes my besstt frieendd and ii tell him any and everything!! he justt gettss mee!...hell, wee justt gett each other!!
i HaTe dRaMa aND PPL wh0 taLk sHiT andd aiintt gonnaa doo a daMn thhiing boutt!!
FUCK U! aNd i fReaKin haTe fakee people! ..anywhose...oo ya ii work at offiice depot!! fresssh!! eh? ii chill hardd mostt of thee timme whenn myy faccee aint inn the books orr ii ainnt workingg! ii make people lauughh att the randomest timess.
iim justt soo guttaa yaa diig??found this polka layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com