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Underground Acoustic is a foundation set up to help out underground bands/musicians in need of fans. Only rules are you support me and I'll support you. I'd understand if you don't want to have your banner on here because it won't help with the small fanbase but it started in late July of 07. We are searching for friends and always adding a band. If you'd like to be under our support-system message us and we'll help you out as long as you help us. This is being run by 2 teenage girls who deal with school,sports, work, and friends. So sorry if your not gotten back to for a couple days. So I'm starting to get some bands on here and just help us. Post bulletins, use away messages, profiles, word of mouth, etc. Anything to get the word out.
If you would like to get involved please comment us saying involved and we will add one of your banners(make sure you have one) and you will add ours!
Artist of The Week!
Deep lyrics, deep eyes and an even deeper voice are the best words to describe Bill Aftermath. The now seventeen-year-old solo artist has been playing music alone for almost four years now. At the age of thirteen he decided that performing with a band was not the correct road for him to take, so he put all his spare time and energy into writing music that could be arranged in a way that he could perform on his own. Even though he had played with a band, COBOL Tongue, for a while, he has continued to play crowded solo shows at a variety of venues. Unlike most solo artists of his generation, Bill Aftermath draws influence from artists along the likes of Jackson Browne and Bruce Springsteen, along with various blues artists, although he still admits that he has a deep love for punk rock. His music can be soothing, he is known for being energetic and emotional during a live show. His songs all have meanings and quite often he will use chords that are unheard of in modern pop music, drawing in sounds from jazz dating back to the speak-easy eras. Bill Aftermath’s music is definitely must-hear for anyone.