About Me
CLEO'S ORKUT PROFILE: http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=10020743576215831314 CLEO'S ORKUT COMMUNITY: http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=6729950 She came to the world on the spring on 1977, born on a small town in Minas Gerais, Brasil. Daughter of a Liban father and a mother half portuguese and half brazilian indian, she lived her childhood and teen years between her birth town (Coromandel) and the capital of Minas, where she completed her studies and further colege.
Since her youth she had showed receptive and naturaly talented when it comes to music and arts in general. When she heard Madonna for the first time she was 9 years old... and it was love at first sight!
In the Middle of 1995, made fer first Madonna remix, a production of VOGUE, but decided to "put it on the fridge" since didn't have a complete knowledge of editing softwares. In 1998 met a DJ producer and personal friend who just had arrived from London where he used to play in some clubs. This DJ and friend, DJ Tunté showed her some new sound equipments. Cleo then started to become interested in production again. Learning on her own to dominate softwares and all the techniques needed for a work as a mixer.
In 2000 she produced a few more works, JUSTIFY MY LOVE, ONE MORE CHANCE, EROTICA, ETC... but only in 2004 she went back to releasing her work, FROZEN (2003, released in honor to a french friend: Chab) and RAY OF LIGHT (2004), since then, it was just a matter of time to dominate the softwares she needed to remix with quality.After the release of Madonna's CONFESSIONS ON A DANCEFLOOR Cleo decided to take the big step working track by track. With an incredible talent Cleo made her own versions for the tracks giving them a new face. She decided it was the time to hear what others thought about it so she released them on the internet and the results couldn't be better. For each track she made, more people started becoming a fan. Madonna's brazilian fans we're anxious for a new remix everyday. And her work spreaded the whole world. People don't know who she is (still) but there isn't one Madonna fan who doesn't have or heard one of Cleo's work. As a result, in 2006 her first work was released, CONFESSIONS ON A DANCEFLOOR REMIXED was available for the fans.For an anonimous DJ, Cleo went really far. So far that reached dancefloors over the world and even satelite radios.
As a huge Madonna fan Cleo felt fulfilled when she heard the news of her remixes (SUPERPOP & I LOVE NEW YORK) were played at former ROXY Club in NY. Taking from where Madonna started, maybe Cleo might be taking the same steps to stardom. And we hope it happens.In 2007 Cleo accepted a chalenge from one of her closest friend Jack Morais, a DJ himself. The chalenge was making a brand new Madonna song. A original Madonna acapella was made by using a message sent by Madonna to her fans to promote the album SECRET. As a result OFTEN NEVER was being created. The work was so original and fun that Cleo went on and on and in the end, 5 versions was made. What was supposed to be an original song, became an original single. Cleo couldn't be more pleased and the fans were amazed.Cleo's latest work will always be uploaded on the player frequently.IMPORTANT NOTICE:
Cleo never made profits with her work. Private Policy from Madonna is well respected by her. Nothing was ever sold, everything was FREE and she would appreciate if everyone kept it this way. THIS IS A FAN MADE WORK ONLY. NOTHING IS OFFICIAL!