- Hi my name is Mel
- Im 18 years old and I hate getting older
- I act like a little kid and will for a while
- I'm a saggittarius
- To me...Dreams and family come first.
- I have a very original voice and pronunciation,
it completes who I am. so love it or hate it.
- I can play a guitar, and I sing.
- Yes I write my own music
- Yes I have a music myspace now,ask me for it.
- I have big plans for the future
- I once ate cereal with coke
rather than milk because I was bored.
- I believe in UFO's and unicorns
- I used to be an excellent skateboarder
- Coincidence isn't coincidence being at the right
place at the right time comes down to destiny
- I believe I can do anything if I want too
- I am one of the nicest guys you will ever talk too
- I try to have my own style on everything I do, I don't
like being like others.
- Talk to me cause I will reply to you.