So this is it. The road stops here. Behind everyone’s foolish smile there is a sense of fear. Fear of not where they might be going, but a fear that they might already be there. If everything that you ever believed, ever loved, ever cared for has caused you nothing but disappointment and pain; then you’ve come to the right place. See here begins a world of reality, a world where every day is a challenge, a fight. A fight against all the things that try and tear you apart. From the outside world and from within your own soul. An outside world that provides nothing but vice and illusion filled with soulless people that thrive on each others misery. Am I wrong? Take a good long look around you. What is it exactly that you see? When was the last time you ever felt anything? When was the last time you actually thought your own thought? Do you like the world we live in? If yes leave now.
I’m not here to brag to you about how great a song writer I am. I know 99% of the population has shit taste in not only music but just about every other aspect of their life as well. No one gives a shit about anyone but themselves. If they tell you different then they are a fucking liar. Life is now all about working day in and day out just to keep yourself distracted from who you really are. Basically I don’t give a shit what you think of me. It couldn’t be half as bad as to how I feel about the modern world and the fools that inhabit it. I know a lot of people, but I can count the ones I consider my friends on one hand. I’ve grown to absolutely despise the world I live in and there is no changing it. I gave up on that as well. All the things I want out of life are out of my reach and that is no accident. People may think they change the world, but it’s actually the world that changes them.
These songs are only a small fraction of what I’m capable of producing. In fact these songs will be 5 to15 years old by the time they reach your ears. I have a whole new batch waiting to be recorded. The problem is I can’t count on anyone to record them with me. No one shares the passion that I do to play music. Everyone’s too busy being an asshole hiding from themselves and the world around them. Or they are afraid of what people may say about them. Oh well fuck it. I owe no one any apologies and I have no time for cowards. The only person I’ve ever wronged is myself. And believe me I’m still paying for it.
Before you call me dark and depressing, first take a good look at yourself then take a close look at the world around you and you’ll come to find that I’m just a product of my environment and so are you.
Here is where hope dies and reality begins. If you’re interested in discussing politics or saving the world then save your breath because I no longer give a shit. I’m just doing my time at this point. So go back to your retarded television programs, get ready for the next day of your meaningless job, and make your plans for Saturday night because that’s all your probably good for.
How I made my profile:
I used 's amazing MySpace Editor .