Lacrosse, art, friends, shopping, reading, vegetarians, wicca, comics, future problem solving, french scrabble, various other dorky things, watching movies
Big Cat. Oh wait, he's right here, sitting on me.
Name: Lucy
Birthday: 4/7/89
Birthplace: Louisville
Current Location: Same.
Eye Color: blue/gray
Hair Color: Dark brown
Height: 5'4" if I stand up straight.. which I don't.
Right Handed or Left Handed: Left!
Your Heritage: mostly german... a little english
The Shoes You Wore Today: Um.. I don't think I left the house today. This is what VA does to me!
Your Weakness: I avoid confrontation and I can't say no.
Your Fears: Getting old. Not like 30, like 70. Also, being alone.. blah blah
Your Perfect Pizza: Cheese, garlic, onion, pepper. It sounds gross.. but it's not. OR! The half-cooked pizza sandwich with not enough cheese and too much sauce I made with Samantha!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Not to die because of stress.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Yo.
Thoughts First Waking Up: THIS time I'm REALLY not going to school.
Your Best Physical Feature: People says my eyes and hair.. I like my collarbone. Weird?
Your Bedtime: I go to bed early! People will say, "I stayed up till 1/2/3 studying for that test!" And I'm like, "I went to bed @ 9:30!"
Your Most Missed Memory: If I don't remember it... how can I miss it?
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi I guess... but I'm more of a juice person.
MacDonalds or Burger King: Taco bell! Or burger king I suppose...
Single or Group Dates: I guess.. group? Who knows....
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea. No comparison. I can't believe there's even a question on it...
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate ice cream/candy bars, vanilla cake/icing
Cappuccino or Coffee: Tea.
Do you Smoke: Noooo
Do you Swear: Ha.. yes. And people are still surprised by it...
Do you Sing: Not well
Do you Shower Daily: Sometimes TWICE daily. I got a disease.
Have you Been in Love: I don't think so.. I hope not. Because if I have been, it obviously wasn't that great.
Do you want to go to College: Yes
Do you want to get Married: Yes
Do you belive in yourself: Yes
Do you get Motion Sickness: Sometimes...
Do you think you are Attractive: Once in a while...
Are you a Health Freak: In theory.
Do you get along with your Parents: Mostly
Do you like Thunderstorms: A lot
Do you play an Instrument: Nope. Me=not musically inclined
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: nope
In the past month have you Smoked: nope
In the past month have you been on Drugs: nope
In the past month have you gone on a Date: nope
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: why.. YES! I'm not a loser with only no's after all!
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: AH! YES! I bought some last week! Destiny!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no...
In the past month have you been on Stage: no...
In the past month have you been Dumped: no...
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no...
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no...
Ever been Drunk: no
Ever been called a Tease: no
Ever been Beaten up: no! that would suck though.
Ever Shoplifted: no
How do you want to Die: Uh.. painlessly?
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: art therapist.. or maybe something totally different.
What country would you most like to Visit: France, New Zealand, Japan
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Who cares?
Favourite Hair Color: same.
Short or Long Hair: either long, or realllly short. I don't like that whole, half-way don't know they want their hair to do thing. That's lame.
Height: whatever
Weight: whatever... though for both of those, I do really like lanky guys
Best Clothing Style: good jeans!
Number of Drugs I have taken: Wait... this is no longer about boy/girl anymore is it? none that weren't like perscription
Number of CDs I own: I dunno.. my family and I kinda share.
Number of Piercings: Ears. My mom got hers double pierced, and she was like, you do it too Lucy! But I didn't want to. I am such a loser.
Number of Tattoos: None.. yet.
Number of things in my Past I Regret: I dunno.. I regret this one time in 2nd grade when I got in trouble for something I didn't do... well.. it's a long story. But that's it.
Aqua,Rent,Elton John, Carbon Leaf, The Cranberries, Enrique Iglesias, Grateful Dead, Beatles, Cars, Belle and Sebastian, Counting Crows,Coldyplay, Shins, Enya, Fleetwood Mac, Greenday, George Harrison, Steely Dan, Man at Work, the Killers, Lou Reed, Matchbox Twenty, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Switchfoot, 80's mix
Take the quiz:
What Fruit Would You Be? (pics)
You're an apple! An apple personality is sometimes serious, quiet, and almost always calm. You have the willpower to keep yourself under control, although inside you're sensitive and have strong opinions. You like to be around some people but being the center of attention doesn't distract you. Apple personality people make great friends because they are loyal, honest, and forgiving
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Breakfast Club, Happy Gilmore, LOTR, Zoolander, Meet the Fockers, Now and Then, Garden State, Say Anything, Bend it like Beckham, School of Rock, Hook, Incredibles, Mulan, Princess Bride, Little Miss Sunshine, Love Actually, Eternal Sunshine blah blah blah,
A 65 question "This or That" quiz concerning food.
Cream cheese or butter?: cream cheese
Coffee or tea?: tea
Provelone or cheddar?: cheddar
Chocolate or caramel?: chocolate
Strawberries or bananas?: strawberries. ugh. bananas. so gross.
Pineapples or kiwis?: pineapples
Juice or soda?: juice!
Banana splits or sundaes?: sundaes (see strawberries v. bananas)
Cauliflower or broccoli?: broccoli. they tried to make these cauliflower things @ kashmir... but they were just gross.
Cucumbers or tomatoes?: cucumbers
Brussels sprouts or asparagus?: asparagus. brussel sprouts suck.
Cinnamon or spearmint?: spearmint.
Gum or breathmints?: gum. i love gum.
Spaghetti or lasagne?: spaghetti. lasagne=no good.
Ravioli or tortellini?: they're a bit similar....
Wheat Thins or Trisquits?: triscuits i believe they're called. and yes.
Mashed potatoes or French fries?: too close to call.
HoHos or Twinkies?: ew. ew to everything like that.
Salt or pepper?: salt.
Ketchup or mustard?: ketchup
Onion or garlic?: garlic
Cottage cheese or sour cream?: sour cream. cottage cheese is lumpy.
Frozen pizza or take-out pizza?: frozen pizza. i don't know.. there's just something about it
Bean soup or chicken noodle soup?: bean soup!
Corn chowder or clam chowder?: ew. chowder is stupid.
Sourdough or raisin toast?: ...
Scrambles eggs or hard boiled eggs?: scrambled. though i do like hard boiled.
Salsa or chip dip?: salsa
Ranch or vinagarette?: ranch
Raspberries or blueberries?: oh my goodness, raspberries kill blueberries.
Apples or peaches?: apples. peach skin is icky
Coconut or mango?: i think i'm allergic to mango.
Lemonade or Kool-Aid?: kool.
Beer or wine?: i think both are gross...
Gatorade or Powerade?: gatorade. fo sho.
Water or milk?: water. milk is dumb.
Plain milk or chocolate milk?: see above.
2% milk or skim milk?: see above above.
Pancakes or waffles?: waffles
French toast sticks or slices?: ?
Cheerios or Wheaties?: cereal is dumb too.
Lucky Charms or Count Chocula?: see above.
Fruity Pebbles or Cocoa Pebbles?: see above above.
Frosted Flakes or Corn Flakes?: see above above above.
Puffed Rice or Puffed Wheat?: god aren't there any other foods to ask about?
Instant oatmeal or oatmeal from the can?: i like dry oatmeal.
Fruit and Cream Oatmeal or Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal?: fool.
Cantaloupe or watermelon?: watermelon
Orange juice or apple juice?: apple
Grape juice or grapefruit juice?: grape
Yoplait or Dannon yogurt?: yoplait. i guess?
Macaroni and cheese or noodles with alfredo sauce?: noodles!
Corn on the cob or frozen bagged corn?: corn is gross too. i think i'm picky.
Caesar salad or house salad?: house
Macaroni salad or potato salad?: potato
Peanut butter and jelly or meat and cheese sandwich?: PBJ
Pears or nectarines?: pears
Oranges or tangerines?: clementines
Butter or margarine?: butter
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?: dark chocolate
Banana chips or apple chips?: apple chips
Pizza rolls or pizza sandwiches?: wassat?
Eggplant or cabbage?: i don't like
Celery or carrots?: they's ok.
Bagels or crescants?: bagels
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Family Guy, Simpsons, Laguna Beach (so shameful!), That 70's Show, Boy Meets World, What Not to Wear, Miami Ink, Friends, Who's Line, 70's House, Iron Chef
HP, Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, Wicked, Lovely Bones, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, The Only Alien on the Planet,
Big Cat.