Member Since: 29/07/2007
Influences: Musica: Eels, Neil Young, Buffalo Springfield, Kinks, Kyuss, Turin Brakes, NoMeansNo, Bowie, Hives, Turbonegro, dEUS, Dylan, Velvet Underground, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Beck, Who, Division of Laura Lee, BetaBand, Strokes, Weezer, Stooges, Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin, Cat Stevens, Calexico, Fu Manchu, Pixies, Qotsa, Pavement, Dinosaur Jr, Jet, White Stripes, Smashing Pumpkins, the (international) noise conspiracy, Mogwai, Friends Of Dean Martinez, Shins, Soundgarden, Battisti, Bennato, Air, Beastie Boys, Chemical Brothers, 13th floor elevators, Thrills..ecc..Film: il cielo sopra berlino, Barfly, le Iene, Adaptation, the Hudsuker Proxy, blair witch project, 21 grammi, coffee and cigarettes, clerks, Serial Mom (la signora ammazzatutti), desperate living, elephant, spider, spun, Natural Born Killers, 2001 odissea nello spazio, scarface, Requiem for a dream, Ken Park, Gummo, Kids, broken flowers, il sorpasso, quasi tutti quelli di Crowe, dei Cohen, Wenders, Jarmush, Van Sant, Inarritu, Penn, Kubrick, Stone, DePalma e poi deh...Steve Buscemi per tutta la vita!
Libri: Pirsig, Bukowski, Ellis, Kerouac, Pancake, McCourt, Carroll, Svevo, ecc....L'ossessione di questo periodo
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