Enlighten Me
Enlighten Me
Johnny Depp... DRAMA!!!...Working Out... RUNNING... the Paranormal... Strange but true history... pirates... vampires... movies... WRITING... Acting... Reading... plays...oh yeah and JOHNNY DEPP!!!
You Are Ed Wood From "Ed Wood."
You definitely have your name in history, although probably not for the reason you believe. Yet you are very accepting, non-judgemental, and optimistic almost to a fault. You also have a thing for angora sweaters. How could anyone not like you?
Take The Johnny Depp Quiz!
Jack the Ripper
A Time Traveler... seriously
Soooo many.The Doors, Jem, Iggy Pop, Interpol, Regina Spektor, Peaches, Gay For Johnny Depp, Led Zeppelin, Johnny Cash, Thin Lizzy, Imogen Heap, Frou Frou, Ram Jam, Rouge Wave, and many many more.
Here's A Few
Big Love, long live polygamy.
Invisible Monsters- Chuck Palahanuick
Fight Club-""
The Vampire Chronicles- Anne Rice
The Rum Diaries-Hunter S. Thompson
Hell's Angel's- ""
The Glass Castle- Jeannette Walls
Dracula- Brahm Stoker
The Historian- Elizabeth Something...
many many more.
Father Stan Fortuna