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I was born, raised, and will eventually die, in Vermont. I started organ lessons when I was 12, then started playing piano when I was 14, accompanying the school chorus. In high school, I continued to be the chorus accompanist and was recruited for band my senior year to play "anything that looks like a keyboard" (the percussionists couldn't read music). In church, I was in the vocal and handbell choirs. I began my church music career at age 16 when I started subbing for my music teacher. During my 20s I continued to sub in various churches, and by age 30 got my own church. I have been the organist/pianist at the present church since about 1991. In 1996 I also took on the title of handbell choir director when we purchased a set of handbells. I've only been composing music (for piano, piano/flute, handbells, organ) since the mid 90s. The first composition was actually started in college; I finished it 20 years later, mostly to see if I could. At the time of my brother's death in 1996 I had completed 3 compositions... he only got to hear the first two. Composing and recording were his idea so the first CD is dedicated to him. My obsession with composing over the next 10 years is completely his fault! (It also helped me deal with the entire grieving process.)
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