I am interested in alot of things. I like to play sports as well as watch them. I like to read though I don't make enough time for it lately. I play pool and occasionally a good game of poker.I also like psychology, it interests me to analyze the way you think as well as others and why we act the way we do.
I'd like to meet anyone who could improve my career, better my life, or inspire me.
I love music in general.
I love Half Baked that is definately a classic. Some other favs have to be 40 year old virgin, that movie is freakin hilarious. Grandma's boy and Waiting are also some pretty funny movies. On the serious side I liked Million Dollar Baby that movie was super sad I definately cried lol. The Green Mile, The Usual Suspects, Lord of the Rings and my all time favorite Man in the Moon (Its old school but I watched it pretty much everyday when I was like 10)
I cant think of one hero in particular. I think that anyone who has ever put the well being of another person over themselves is a hero. Not everyone can be an ammasador to the UN fighting world hunger and AIDS but we can all do our small share and collectively we can make a difference. Being able to help people and actually doing it is an admirable quality that I wish everyone had.