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"Todo lo que se produce del todo completo también está completo en sí mismo/Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself"

Material sin editar del documental realizado por personal de la Escuela de Cine de Autor Obsevatorio de Barcelona. El film mostrará a TODOUNO BAND!, banda de rock libre integrada por personas con distintas capacidades físicas y mentales, en el primer día de ensayo para la grabación de un disco del año 2005. Este retrato espontáneo muestra el proceso de trabajo de Maxandrea (Andrea Reimann y Max Pierro) en el que los músicos especiales tocan e improvisan sobre sus propias composiciones acompañados por el guitarrista Ulises Butrón/Unedited material from the documentary made by staff of Observatorio Art Cinema School from Barcelona. The film will show TODOUNO BAND!, free rock formed by people with different physical and mental capabilities, at its first rehaearsal previous to the recording of an album in 2005. This spontaneous portrait shows the work in progress of Maxandrea (Andrea Reimann & Max Pierro) where special musicians play and jam on their own compositions accompained by guitar hero Ulises Butrón.
También podés visitar nuestras extensiones dentro del sitio/You can also visit our extensions at: (Personas Especiales/Special Children) (Salud Mental/Mental Health)

Este sitio no se encuentra administrado personalmente por TODOUNO. Solo serán aceptados comentarios relacionados con su obra. Cualquier mensaje autopromocional será borrado sin excepción/This site is not being run by TODOUNO personally. Please send comments about his work only. Any other message containing self-promotional stuff will be erased. LONG LIVE SOUND.
En una serie de conciertos en los que de uno a otro no se repetía el material, volvimos a tocar en los jardines del Hospital Borda junto a Sergio Del Yesso (Pajarito) como cantante y animador.
La sorpresa fue Tony Rainieri, a quien siempre veíamos a lo lejos caminando por el Borda con una guitarra negra que después supimos, no sabía tocar. Tony fue presentado por Pajarito tanto al público como a nosotros en simultáneo y a la cuenta de cuatro comenzamos a conocernos. Intimamos posteriormente y orgulloso nos mostraba su obra: todas las canciones que conocía, que tomaba como propias. Estas incluían realmente a TODAS las canciones del rock de TODOS los tiempos y países desde "Sympathy For The Devil" de los Rolling Stones hasta "Desconfío" de Pappo. Después descubrimos que era un maestro de la improvisación y que su verdadera obra no era la otra, la ajena, sino un grito que surgía de lo profundo. "Mi voz es un reflejo de mi propia alma. Tres mariposas se alimentan de ella", nos reveló. El resultado fue la violenta letra antibélica con violines, máquina de ritmos y panderetas que se pudo escuchar en el día de la Vírgen de 2006 y también en este registro sonoro.
In a series of changing set concerts we came back to play at the Borda Psychiatric Hospital gardens with Sergio Del Yesso (a.k.a Pajarito: Little Bird) as singer and host.
The surpise was Tony Rainieri. We used to watch him at the distance walking down the hospital with a black guitar he couldn't play, as then we knew. Tony was introduced by Pajarito to the audience and us simultaneously and after counting four we began to meet each other. Later we became close friends of him. He proudly showed his body of work to us: he had taken as own compositions every song he had learnt. So EVERY rock song from EVERY decade and country, from Rollings Stones "Sympathy For The Devil" until "Desconfío" by the argentine singer and guitar hero Pappo. Then we discovered he was a master of improvisation and that his real work was not the other, the foreign one, but a scream emerging from the deep. "Mi voice is a reflection of my own soul. Three butterflies feeds with it", he revealed to us. The final score was the violent anti-belic lyric with violins, rhythm machine and tambourine we could hear at St. Mary's Day in 2006 and in this recording too.
La experiencia con nuestro "dream team", TODOUNO BAND!, comenzó con lo que muchos consideraban como una causa perdida: un proyecto independiente exclusivamente artístico para personas con distintas capacidades.
Desde su primer concierto apoyó sus canciones en una trama musical básica desde la que se desplegaba un camino que nadie se imaginaba donde iba a terminar aunque sabíamos dónde queríamos llegar.
"Desde Manal hasta TODOUNO BAND! no hubo nada" decía Sandra haciendo referencia a la mítica banda argentina de los tempranos 70s y al vacío creativo y espiritual de los 80s. Nosotros nunca los dudamos. Como ensamble de rock libre formado íntegramente por chicos especiales que improvisaban sobre su propio material como filosofía implícita, en noviembre de 2002 comenzó un tour que terminó con un concierto/performance en Festicumex el 22 de diciembre de 2005, cuando el ciclo vital de la banda llegó a su fin.
Ese mismo año se empezó a trabajar en un nuevo proyecto. Esta jam session sobre "Te Pido Que Vuelvas" (también conocida cómo "Victoria" y "Espíritu Santo" según el ánimo del cantante, guitarrista y percusionista Martín Mazzei) es la primera grabación de una serie para este trabajo, y mantiene la energía de los primeros encuentros. El solo de guitarra corresponde a Sandra Espinosa, líder femenina del grupo y “guitarrista del alma”.
The experience with our dream team, TODOUNO BAND!, began with an idea that many people considered a lost cause: an exclusively artistic independent project for disabled people.
Scince their very first show, the band based their songs in a simple musical argument developed in a way no one knew where was going to end but knowing where we were going to arrive.
"From Manal till TODOUNO BAND! there was nothing" said Sandra to refer to the mythical argentine band from the early 70s and to the creative and spiritual emptiness of the 80s. We never had a doubt about it. As a rock ensamble totally formed by special children jamming on material of their own as only philosophy, in november 2002 began a tour that ended with a concert/performance at the Festicumex 2005, on december 22nd, when the vital cicle of the group came to an end.
On the same year we were working on a new recording. This jam session on "The Pido Que Vuelvas" (also known as "Victoria" and "Holy Spirit" depending on the mood of the singer, guitar player an percussionist Martín Mazzei) is the first recording on the rehearsals for this project and keeps the energy of the first encounters. The solo was played by Sandra Espinosa, frontwoman of the group and "lady guitarist from the soul".
Miguel Tomasín fue baterista de la banda argentina Reynols en la que Max Pierro colaboró hasta el año 2000.
Fue Roberto Conlazo, fundador de ese proyecto, quien nos invitó para que veamos la posibilidad de que aprendiera a tocar un nuevo instrumento. Conociendo a Miguel desde 1996 y su amor por la música universal, creímos que era un buen momento para que todos puedan saber que este artista con síndrome de down era capaz, no solo de ser el objeto estético de una banda de culto sino un juglar que puede regalarle una nueva geografía a nuestros corazones.
Lo que comenzó como clases de guitarra, se convirtió en una dimensión creativa donde cada nueva "lección" era una composición nueva. Los músicos que tocaron junto a Miguel una larga serie de canciones que, antes de comenzar a tocarlas, nadie había escuchado jamás. Alguien las describió de manera hermosa como "folklore de un país que no existe".
Miguel Tomasín was the drummer of the argentine band Reynols where Max Pierro collaborated until 2000.
Roberto Conlazo, founder of that project, invited us to consider the possibility he cold learn to play another instrument. Having known Miguel scince 1996 and his true love for all music in the world, we thought it could be a great moment for everybody to know this artist with down syndrome, wasn't just an eastetic object of a cult band but a troubadour who can gift our hearts new geography.
Guitar lessons flew into a creative dimension where every "lesson" was a new composition. Some musicians joined to play a long series of songs that before playing nobody have heard ever. Someone beautifuly describe them as "folk from an imaginary country".
Diego Oliveri es esquizofrénico. Su diagnóstico siempre lo sorprende. Durante el proceso de formación de PAJARITO BAND!, integrada por pacientes del Hospital Borda de Buenos Aires, un interno sugirió llamar a Diego, un guitarrista sin guitarra que no paró de tocar durante las dos primeras horas desde la llegada a nuestra casa. Después nos preguntaba una y otra vez "¿Es cierto que quieren que toque? ¿Es cierto que voy a tocar?". La experiencia de la primer grabación de dicha banda, realizada con un estudio portátil en el transcurso de 5 días, entre los que se cuentan también el mezclado y el arte de tapa, se hizo en habitaciones de abuelas, casas de amigos y propias y en el rincones del hospital cuando el permiso de los músicos no era firmado por sus psiquiatras.
Diego no dejó de sorprenderse ni teniendo el disco terminado en su mano en el que inmortalizó su refinado estilo ("¿Este soy yo? ¿Este soy yo?").
Posteriormente fue el asistente más aplicado durante los talleres de la fábrica recuperada IMPA y más aún cuando comenzamos a grabar sus propias músicas durante dos meses explosivos.
Este tema es el primer track de la serie y esta versión no tiene retoques ni trabajo de mezcla, sino que es el diálogo original de las guitarras grabadas por Diego sobre la toma en vivo en que lo acompañan Maxandrea en el resto de los instrumentos.
Diego Oliveri is schizophrenic. His diagnosis always surprise him. During the formation process of PAJARITO BAND!, integrated by Hospital Borda patients in Buenos Aires, a patient sugested to call Diego, a guitar player within a guitar, who didn't stop to play all over the first two hours scince he arrived to our house. Then he asked again and again: "Is it true I going to play in a band? Is it true?". The experience on the first recording with that band, was made with a portable studio in just five days, including mixing and artwork at grandmothers rooms, friends houses, at home, and in different corners of the hospital, when musicians permission wasn't signed by shrinks.
Diego was still surprised when he had the finished record in his hands where he immortalized his polished style ("Is this me? Is this me?").
After that, he was the hard-working pupil at the workshop in the cooperative factory IMPA and he was still more diligent when we began to register his own compositions during two explosive months.
This song is the first of those series and this version has no finishing touches or mixing at all. It's the original guitar dialog recorded by Diego over the live take acompained by Maxandrea in additional instuments.
Horacio Surur, El Guerrero de la Luz de la radio del hospital, solía traernos sus cuadernos de poemas para que los copiemos. "No te los voy a dejar pero los voy a perder igual", nos decía, y después, como acto obligado, los extraviaba. El material nos llegaba de esta forma o simplemente escribía de a ratos en casa, en los ensayos o donde sea. Como externo ambulatorio tenía la entrada prohibida al Hospital Borda, tal vez por su sinceridad."¡Los voy a denunciar a todos!". "La próxima voy disfrazado de payaso a hacer el programa. Eso es un circo".
Siempre terminaba volviendo a nuestra casa, sobre todo después de las tormentas personales que él mismo se propiciaba.
Su enfermedad terminal, la adicción a drogas no prescriptas y sus desapariciones por largos plazos nos llevaban a preguntarnos cómo ese cuerpo de 45 kilos tenía tanta resistencia y como su cerebro se mantenía lleno de luz como si siempre fuese de día mientras atravesaba su larguísima noche.
La última grabación de quien era la segunda voz de PAJARITO BAND! a finales de 2005 vino acompañada de un aviso que no queríamos escuchar y estaba inspirada en alguien que él había perdido. La transparencia del texto debía hacernos aceptar que ya estaba pudiendo mirar al otro lado del velo. "Cuando uno se va cierra la puerta ya no estás", cantó.
Horacio Surur, El Guerrero de la Luz (The Light Warrior) from the hospital's radio station, used to give us their notebooks to make copies of his poems. "I ain't gonna let them to you, although I'm gonna miss them anyway", he used to say. And then, as a forced act, he missed them. From time to time he used to come home to write too, or at the rehearsals, or wherever. As outpatient he has forbidden entrancy to the Borda Hospital. Maybe his sincerity was the only reason of it. "I'm gonna bring charges to them all!". "Next time I will go desguised as a clown to make my program. It's a circus".
He always returned to our house, particularly after the personal storms he brought to himself.
His terminal disease, his adiction to non-prescribed drugs, and his long term dissapeareances, made to ask ourselves how that 100 lbs body could be so resistent and how his mind could keep so full of light as he was passing through his longest night.
The very last recording he made at the end of 2005 came accompained with a warning we didn't wanted to hear and it was inspired in a friend he had lost long time ago. The transparency of the lyrics must have made us accept he was having the possiblity of watching the other side of the veil. "When one gones away closes the door, you're not here anymore", he sang.
¿Cómo llegan las canciones? La mamá de Agustín lo trajo a nuestro taller luego de vernos una madrugada en la repetición de un programa de TV en el que aparecíamos con TODOUNO BAND! En nuestro lugar de trabajo Agustín no solo se reconoció entre sus pares sino que empezó a crear narraciones que terminaron siendo las letras de sus temas. Su interés por tocar la guitarra lo superaba y prefería plantearse todas sus dudas antes de tocar un acorde ("¿Qué pasa si empieza a llover cuando estás en un escenario? ¿Qué hacés si se te cortan todas cuerdas en un solo?”). Pero la hora de cantar había que vibrar a su velocidad y así encontrar un resultado instantáneo como el que podemos escuchar en "Nada De Ti", que en la segunda y definitiva toma se encontró a sí misma. En la grabación pueden escucharse nuestras voces como referencias de cambio tonal y estructura con códigos como nombres de animales o de colores.
"Gracias Dios mío por dejarnos tocar sin saber", solía decir Agustín cuando la última nota dejaba de sonar.
¿Where songs come from?
Agustin's mother took him to our workshop after watching the repetition of a TV program where we appeared with our special children's musical group. At our place of work Agustin not only recognized himself as a pair with the others but also began to create narrations that finally were the lyrics to his songs. He was exeeded by his interest in playing guitar so he prefered to consider all his doubts before play a chord ("¿What would it happend if it rains when you're onstage?" "What would you do if all stings breaks up at once when you are playing a solo?"). But at the time of singing we had to vibrate at his own speed to get an instantaneous result as we can find at "Nada De Tí", a song that in its second and definitive take found itself. On this recording you can hear our voice as reference to the tone and stucture changes with codes as mames of animals and colours.
"Thanks My Lord to let us play without knowing", he used to express when the last note was dying.
La noche en que nació TODOUNO en el año 2000 escribimos nuestra declaración de principios.
Silvia Gregorio asistía a los talleres de TODOUNO pero no para participar sino para estar presente y hacer nuevos amigos. Estaba fascinada con la actuación y la plástica pero no con la música, tal vez por pudor.
Una llamada suya rompió su regla de oro y nos dijo que quería cantar. Que ahora recordaba que cuando era muy pequeña cantaba con su papá. Nosotros sabíamos que esto sucedería algún día y la esperamos con una impresión del Manifiesto.
Le preguntamos si no quería ponerle música y nos pidió unos instantes en los que probó su voz para encontrar la sintonía del texto. Hizo algunas pruebas y de pronto nos dijo que estaba lista. El lirismo de su adorable voz fue grabada y filmada en simultáneo y eso es lo que sucedió. Un tema y un video clip en solo cuatro minutos.
Esto dió comienzo a una larga serie de grabaciones acapella y en cada una de ellas, Silvia nos planteaba un estilo y una idea diferente. Hoy música del Japón, mañana una ronda para chicos y así.
Para la última grabación que realizó en esas sesiones trajo una frase escrita en un papelito que no conocimos hasta que la escuchamos cantar. Pertenecía a un ser que como ella había estado más cerca de la mística que de la razón. Tal vez estas palabras resuman TODO para aquel que, como nosotros, busca pureza en el arte. Algo que en otro tiempo y lugar alguien llamado Vincent Van Gogh escribía en una carta a su hermano Theo:
When TODOUNO was born in year 2000 we wrote our declaration of principles.
Silvia Gregorio didn't came to the TODOUNO workshops to take part but to just be there and make new friends. She was fascinated by acting and visual arts but not with music. Maybe because she was too reserved.
A telephone call broke her golden rule to tell us she wanted to sing. Now she remembered when she was a young girl and she used to sing with her dad. We knew it would happen someday. A printed version with the Manifest was waiting for her so we ask her if she wanted to make the music for it. She only took a few minutes to test her voice to find the tuning for the text. She made some efforts and suddenly said she was ready. The lyricism of her lovely voice was registred an filmed simultaneously and that's what happened. A song and a videoclip in just four minutes.
This was the first step of a series of acapella recordings and, in every encounter, Silvia tried a different style. Today Japanese music, a lullaby tomorrow, and so on.
On the last session she bring a quote written in a small piece of paper and we didn't know what it was till we heard her to sing it. It belong to somebody like her. Someone who has lived closer to mystic than to reason. Maybe these words sum up EVERYTHING to those, like us, are looking for an expression of purity in art. Something written in other time and place by someone named Vincent Van Gogh wrote in a letter to his brother Theo:
"El Día de la Primavera, un grupo de personas especiales fue a llevar un Mensaje de Amor a los internos de un hospital siquiátrico con la mejor herramienta que ellos poseen: Su Música", anuncia la placa que antecede al videoclip. El encuentro sucedió en la noche de ese día y al cierre de una accidentada programación de Radio La Colifata que nos puso en ese lugar con los faroles del jardines del instituto como única iluminación.
Los pacientes tuvieron que hacer con los enfermeros el trueque de la cena por la fiesta de pasos de baile, sombras chinescas y sombreros al aire, en resumen, una ceremonia de alegría entre los que entramos en ese mundo y los que después iban a seguir sin poder salir.
La filmación, que jamás fue concebida como material de promoción, documenta el ese momento (y un emocionado epílogo por parte de los internos) registrado de manera amateur con las temblorosas cámaras de familiares de los chicos de la banda. El mundo tenía que saberlo.
"On the first day of Spring, a group of special children went to take a Message of Love to the patients of a psychiatric hospital with the best tool the have: Their Music. This is what happened", announces the advertisement previous to the videoclip. At the night of that day and at the broadcast closing of an eventful program of La Colifata which took us in that situation, the encounter happened.
The ceremony consisted of a stay up late with patients and nurses swapping dinner by a party of dance steps, shadowplays and hats in the air. In short, a moment of joy for those who entered in that world and the ones who would stay behind the walls.
The filming, never conceived as promo stuff, documents that moment (and an epilog by the audience) amateurly registred by the shaking hands of relatives of the guys from the band. The world has to know it.
Esta es una composición colectiva de TODOUNO BAND! y el primer tema corto, dado que anteriomente habíamos trabajado sobre ideas de canciones que servían de trampolín para la exploración sonora y la improvisación. Se convirtió en el himno de la banda en el tour por colegios especiales donde el público entendía que podían ser ellos los que estaban sobre el escenario. En la primer versión grabada, que se perdió en un accidente digital, era Marcelo Sorvaro, un brillante tecladista y acordeonista oligofrénico, quien ponía la voz a las estrofas mientras Sandra cantaba los estribillos. La letra se hizo con frases sueltas que él nos dictó junto a los otros chicos. Al "Chino", tal su alias, también se lo puede escuchar derrochando libertad sonora con su órgano en el trepidante final de 'Guitarrista Del Alma' en
Este fragmento de expansión autodidáctica es parte de la mágica gira que la banda realizó en la última mitad del año 2003 ante el mejor audiencia que tuvo jamás. Creímos y seguimos creyendo todavía que EL AMOR ATACA Y TODO LO PURIFICA.
This is a collective composition by TODOUNO BAND! and their first short track. Previously we had been working on song ideas which served as trampoline to audible expasion and impromptu. It became an anthem at the tour at special education schools where public understood they could be the ones on stage.
On the first recorded version of the track, lost in a digital accident, Marcelo "Chino" Sorvaro, an amazing keyboard and accordion oligophrenic player, was who sang the verses as Sandra did it with the chorus. The lyric was made with loose sentences he dictated to us together with the other guys. We can also listen to him wasting sonorous freedom with his organ at the vibrating ending of GUITARRISTA DEL ALMA at
This fragment of self-taught expansion is part of the magical tour the band performed at the last half of 2003 in presence of the best audience they had ever. We believed and still believe LOVE ATTAKS AND PURIFIES EVERYTHING.
Track 1
Canción compuesta en vivo/Live-written song
EDUARDO CODINA-Pandereta/Tambourine
DIEGO SEOANE-Violín/Violin
VICKY BARCA- Pandereta/Tambourine
MAX PIERRO-Guitarra/Guitar, Roland 505
EL ORDENADOR-El Lugar y el Momento/The Place & the Moment
Grabado en el Hospital Borda, Diciembre 2006/Recorded at Borda Hospital, December 2006
Track 2
Improvisación sobre un tema de Martín/Jam on a Martin's composition
MARTÍN MAZZEI-Guitarra/Guitar
MAX PIERRO-Guitarra/Guitar
EL ORDENADOR-Principios, Arreglos y Finales/Beginnings, Arrangements & Endings
Grabado en Dagobah, 2005/Recorded at Dagobah, 2005
Track 3
LA ÚLTIMA VEZ (Unreleased)
ROBERTO CONLAZO-Percusión/Percussion
DIEGO SEOANE-Violín/Violin
EL ORDENADOR-Arribas y Abajos/Ups & Downs
Grabado en casa de Miguel, Noviembre 2006/Recorded at Miguel's house, November 2006
Track 4
SPACE JAZZ (Live Rough Mono Mix)
DIEGO OLIVERI-Guitarras/Guitars
MAX PIERRO-Guitarra Eléctrica, Teclado, Roland 505/Electric Guitar, Keyboard, Roland 505
EL ORDENADOR-Vibración y Espacio/Vibration & Space
Grabado en casa de Maxandrea, Octubre 2005/Recorded at Maxandrea's home studio October 2005
Track 5
RECORTE (Premix)
Canción compuesta por Horacio Surur y Maxandrea/Song written by Horacio Surur & Maxandrea
NÉSTOR MAZZONI-Guitarra/Guitar
DIEGO OLIVERI-Guitarra Líder/Lead Guitar
MAX PIERRO-Guitarras/Guitars
EL ORDENADOR-La puerta y la llave/The door & the key
Grabado en Coral Studio por Mauro y Milton, 2005/Recorded at Coral Studio by Mauro & Milton, 2005
Track 6
Improvisación sobre una letra de Agustín/Improvisation on Agustin lyrics
AGUSTÍN SANTOS-Voz, Logística/Vocals, Logístic
MAXANDREA-Guitarras, Códigos/Guitars, Codes
EL ORDENADOR-Acentos en Notas y Palabras/Accents in Notes & Words
Grabado en casa de Maxandrea, Octubre 2004/Recorded at Maxandrea's home studio October 2004
Track 7
EL AMOR ATACA! (Broadcast)
SANDRA ESPINOSA-Voz, Guitar/Vocals, Guitar
MARTÍN MAZZEI-Pandereta/Tambourine
RADDAR CARABALLO-Percusión/Percussion
MARCELO GONNINO-Batería Rodante/Rolling Drum
HERNÁN HERRERA-Guitarra/Guitar
MAX PIERRO-Guitarra/Guitar
EL ORDENADOR-... Grabado en M&B, 2003/Recorded at M&B, 2003
Radio Broadcast: Rock a Control Remoto, México, 29-06-09
Track 8
SOMOS TODOS... (Slogan)
PEPE MIRELLI-Efectos, Edición/FX, Edition
Video 1
Improvisación sobre un texto de Maxandrea/Improvisation on a Maxandrea text
Video 2
Canción escrita por TODOUNO BAND!/Song written by TODOUNO BAND!
SANDRA ESPINOSA-Voz, Solo de Guitarra/Vocals, Guitar Solo
MARTÍN MAZZEI-Pandereta/Tambourine
RADDAR CARABALLO-Percusión/Percussion
MARCELO GONNINO-Redoblante/Snare Drum
JOSÉ MIRELLI-Sintetizador Moog/Moog Sythesizer
MAX PIERRO-Guitarra/Guitar
Filmado en vivo en en Hospital Borda, 2003/Filmed live at Borda Hospital, 2003
Video 3
Canción escrita por TODOUNO BAND!/Song written by TODOUNO BAND!
MARTÍN MAZZEI-Voz, Pandereta/Vocals, Tambourine
RADDAR CARABALLO-Percusión/Percussion
MARCELO GONNINO-Redoblante/Snare Drum
HERNÁN HERRERA-Guitarra/Guitar
MAX PIERRO-Guitarra/Guitar
Special Guest: GUSTAVO-Pandereta/Tambourine Filmado en vivo en la Escuela de Educación Especial N°22, 2003/Filmed live at the 22nd Special Education School, 2003
Videos 4/5/6/7/8/9/10
Improvisación sobre una canción de Sandra/Improvisation on a Sandra's song
Canción escrita por Martín y Maxandrea/Song written by Martín & Maxandrea
HAY UNA ESPERANZA 1 & 2 (Rehearsal)
Canción escrita por Sandra y Maxandrea/Song written by Sandra & Maxandrea
SOL (Rehearsal)
Canción escrita por Raddar, Martín y Maxandrea/Song written by Raddar, Martín & Maxandrea
Canción escrita por Martín y Maxandrea/Song written by Martín & Maxandrea
LIBRE 1 & 2 (Rehearsal)
Canción escrita por Sandra y Maxandrea/Song written by Sandra & Maxandrea
MARTÍN MAZZEI-Voz, Pandereta, Guitarra, Silbido/Voice, Tambourine, Guitar, Whistle
SANDRA ESPINOZA-Voz, Solo de Guitarra/Voice, Guitar Solo
RADDAR CARABALLO-Percusión/Percussion
JUAN PABLO PIZZINI-Pandereta/Tambourine
ULISES BUTRÓN-Guitarras/Guitars
MAX PIERRO: Guitarra, Pandereta/Guitar, Tambourine
Filmado por Patricia Estévez Afonso y Nerea Portuondo en Dagobah, 2005/Filmed by Patricia Estévez Afonso & Nerea Portuondo at Dagobah, 2005

My Interests


Member Since: 28/07/2007
Band Members: Participaron/The Passing Line-Up:

Sebastián Caraballo
Marcelo Gonnino
Marcelo Sorvaro
Martín Mazzei
Sandra Espinosa
Agustín Santos
Fernando Di Meo
Juan Pablo Pizzini
Silvia Gregorio
Sergio Del Yesso
Diego Oliveri
Horacio Surur
Julio César Montesanto
Néstor Mazzoni
Tony Rainieri
Eduardo Codina
Walter Fuchs
Darío Caridad
Eduardo Dizner
Lili Lator
Miguel Tomasín
Roberto Conlazo
Hernán Herrera
Mauro La Grutta
José Mirelli
Gustavo Esnaola
Jorge Portaluri
Hernán Doño
Juan Lopez
Diego Seoane
Victoria Barca
Carmiña Villaverde
Patricia Estévez Afonso
Nerea Portuondo
Pablo Barrio
Daniel Pierro
Rodrigo Vejo
Marcelo Dupleich
Diego Sima
Ariel Sima
Fernando García
Nicolás Mellmann
David Cintron
James Weaver
Ted Versicolor
Randy Reimann
Astrid Herrera Reimann
Ulises Butrón
Andrea Reimann
Max Pierro
El Ordenador

Sounds Like: TODOUNO, TODOUNO BAND!, PAJARITO BAND!, MAXANDREA, Ulises Butrón, Zorros Petardos Salvajes, Nuevos Ricos, Los Síquicos Litoraleños, Silverio, Dick El Demasiado, Los Durán, Pegi Young, Pomelo, Manu Chao, Cara Interna, Zebra, Ajit Singh, The Keruza, Lumbre, Kate Bush, Ö-Tom, Hiperimpulso, Festicumex, Los Estelares, Robert Wyatt, Tom, The Artist Community, Sun Ra, Deftones, MC5, Aurora Black, Schopenhauer, The Seeds, Stanley Kubrick, Hans Morgenstern, Foetus, The Cramps, Friederich Nietszche, Leonardo Da Vinci, Beethoven, Hyperbubble, Klemmy & The Goombot, Kuan Yin, Elecric Magma, Misfits, Sharaab, Throbbing Gristle, Lunch With Beardo, The Subliminator, Kemado Records, George Orwell, Aurora Blue Records, Motorhead, Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers, Aurora, Frank Zappa, The Moogles, Willie Nelson, FDH Records, Broken Social Scene, The One Campaign, Dungen, George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic, Stan Satin, Jimmy Rip, Los Lobos, Shooter Jennings, Krishna, Johnny Cash, Robert Johnson, Johannes Brahms, Neil Young, Ben Harper, Gang Of Four, Acid Mother Temple, Aurora Burn, Alec Empire, ZZ Top, Juana Molina, Keith Kefron, Bhagavad Gita, Aurora Jane, The Birthday Party, Firetone, The Stooges, Gary Lucas, Anthony And The Jonhsons, Van Morrison, Lydia Lunch, Janis Joplin, Andrew Baldwin, Nick Drake, Shiva, Soren Groth aka Niertun Merlin, 1st. Chancers, Sonic Youth, 13th Floor Elevators, Grönland Records, Odawas, Jacques Brel, GOD, Bob Dylan, Wire, Van Dyke Parks, Snakefinger, Paul Kendall, Some Bizarre Label, Amon Duul, A Place For Music, Aurora Borealis, Yello, Spiros, WFMU, Steve Earle, Yaneka, Henry James, Fender, Isato Higuchi, Samalea, The Fuzztones, Entombed, Cooking Vinyl, Yma Sumac, Jean Cocteau, Ärvo Part, Allen Ginsberg, Devo, Brian Wilson, The Young Gods, The Old Boot Band, Peter Green, Galería Alternativa TV, Tim Spiggs, Aurora Stripe, Tin Machine, Lucas Marti, The Penguin Cafe Orchestra, Herbert Grönemeyer, T Bone Burnett, Antonin Artaud, Audionom, Anoushka Shankar, Ilitch-Ruth-Thierty Muller, Buddy Holly, Tussle, Farmacia, Sarasvati, Ricärdo, Van Der Graaf Generator, Thomas Koppel, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoievsy, Steve Reich, Peter Brotzmann, Rikki Nadir, Tuxedomoon, Isabelle Corbisier, Elephant Records, Remco Helmers, Zodiac Sunrise, Butthole Surfers, Martin Rev, Digital Intervention, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Orzic Tentacles, Kath Bloom, The Residents, Faust, Howlin Wolf, Leadbelly, Crammed Discs, William Shakespeare, John Jacob Niles, Hasil Hadkins, Extreme, Syd Barrett, Gustavo Lamas, John Lee Hooker, White Light Music, Jimi Hendrix, Razormaid, Norton Records, Scott Walker, T.E.N.S., Bizz Records, Ivana Lapolla, AC Bhakitvedanta Swami, Aurora, Chet Atkins, Igor Stravinsky, Los Virgilios, Fernando Kabusacki, Solitude Productions, Moondog, Pere Ubu, Kevin Ayers, Serge Gainsbourg, Daniel Melero, Eric Burdon, Phase 47, N.E.W., The Savage Rose, Manu Schaller, Just Groove It, F.M. Einheit, Erik Satie, Gram Parsons, Astrid Young, Crazy Horse, Siddhartha,, Swans, Karen Dalton, Subliminal Sounds, Logos, Fassbinder, Alfredo Zitarrosa, Dick Dale, One The Movie, The Legenday Space Cowboy, Model Of The Invisible, Retsam Suriv, Gisela, Gamexane, Captain Beefheart, Brian Jones, El Ombligo, Martin Ariel Hartmann, Grateful Dead, Jagannatha, Arthur Brown, tab_ularasa, A Head Full Of Monsters, Arcade Fire, Aurora Records, Smart, Isabelas Nacho, Frank Black, Deignorants, Holger Czukay, Roy Orbison, Hans-Joachim Roedelius, Zzzzzz, Laura Casarino, Morbo & Mambo, Chuck Berry, Henry Miller, Booker T. & The M.G.s, Crummy Stuff, John Cale, Univers Zero, Manosanta, Los Natas, The White Stripes, Lucas Y Su Computadora, The Fugs, Experimenta Club, Princesas Apuñaladas De Luna, Pascal Comelade, Erich Fromm, Henri Michaux, Travelling Wilburys, Los Tigres Del Norte, Gretsch, Dirty Water Records, Marisa Mere, PH Pampa, Sergio Marchi, Miles Davis, Eat You Heart Out Records, Philip Glass, Roky Erickson, Every Monday Matters, Pete Seeger, Patrick Dorobisz, Los Pillos, RV33RB, Bessie Smith, Flor, J. S. Bach, Don Cherry, Glenn Branca, Wunderbaum, Jack Nitzsche, Radha, Evelina Constantini, Federico Gironelli, Aurora Flame, Sister Circuit, John Coltrane, Michael Harrison Blues, Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds, Sor Juana, J. J. Cale, Led Zeppelin, Los Del Sofa, Brian Setzer, Proyecto Musical Ambigüo, Ganesha, Manal, Kraftwerk, Pink Floyd, Billy Bond Y La Pesada, Diego Spencer, Canned Heat, (B)ananartista SBUFF Fine Artist, La Rosa De Cobre, Elton John, Revolutiva, Moldes, Igoagrio Y Las Crestas Del Estrangulario, Insighful Events, Crucis, Aurora Low, Las Cosas, Yoko Ono, Viajero Inmovil, Los 7 Delfines, Doom Metal Alliance, Caturix, Alban Berg, El Joven Ausente, Leonard Cohen, Minor Threat, Hoergesellshaff, Capitanes Del Espacio, Ünder Linden, Stockhausen R.I.P., Ravi Shankar, Ome Sake, Titán, Aurora Power, Burning Down The House, Bing Crosby, Triangular, Aurora Fall, Suzukijunzo, Orquesta Trompa De Elefante, Peter Hammill, Harve A&R Bad Boy, Gary Lucas Vs The Dark Poets, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Aurora X, The Birds Of Pray, Oh Ne, K-106, Jazz Collective, JQWIE=, Nikita Nipone, Ordog, Andy Stephan, Dan James, Artilleria Sound System, Wonder, Big Rig Records, Cheef. Bie, AstroCity, Spacemen 3, Tam Tam, Filippo, Ordinaria Hit, Young Kay, French Eggs, Nattefrost, Team 17, J Da High, Region Rat Productions, DJ Los Motors, Tim Reynols, Metaphor, Steve Hillage, The Rossmann Frister Project, Going After Zen, Lemon, Spy Nation, Muddy Nasty River, H-E-A-T, Rock Español, 101 Distribution, Dice Von, DW, Willi Hustler, Aura Sonora, Dununba, Matcat, Mr D, XVB., Storm, Ton Hyll, Syn Criterio, Joy Division, Ex-Malik, Di Gregorius, Vondir, K. Sparks, NN Records, Südenede, Lee Hazlewood, Proyecto Under, Elliot Smith, Martin Nastelski, Dalai Lama, ESQ., Vaqueros Paganos, Paul Masson, XTC, Hari Vandana, Fernando Laub, Kelly Nishimoto, Conscius Compositions, Nate Kizerian, Barneys Boogie Train, Mario Percali, DJ Stix, John Ellis, Nursery Of Naughtiness, Deire Hughes, Dave Matthews Band, On The Rim Of The Wheel A Nail, Eddie Dee, Arlo Guthrie, Meiko, BamBam, Pineral, Fat Cat, The Beatles, KevKev, The Woodentops, La Cardone, Small Faces, 108, Norfolk Falconry, (Alias) John Riley, Patti Smith, Festival Sumar, Molleja Eléctrica, Elvis Costello, Big Bus Dream, Tom Verlaine, Pere Ubu, Brightcarvers, José María Profesor Merchan, Danny Kirwan, Tercer Ojo Quinteto, Muddy Waters, Mammalua, Rainy Day Saints, Robyn Hitchcock, Leighting and Shields, Led Zeppelin, Telepatía, Radiohead, Caravan, Mark Shields, Jeff Philips & Tru Blu, The Felix Cabrera Band, Beck, Choco Deforme, Charles Mingus, Elvin Bishop, Spiritualized, Vincent Van Gogh, Kimosabi, Lou Reed, Theory Of Flight, Microesfera, Judge Smith, Marcus Elias, Pete Townshend, Tero 3000, Robe, Shambo, Silver Apples, Alfred Howard And The K23 Orchestra, Bruce Spingsteen, Brad, Serge Tankian, Drum Blonde, Serj Tankian, Boosty Collins, Mike Lessiter, Tobec, School Of Seven Bells, Komitas Vardapet, Cora Venus Lunny, Watanabeai, Hughes Vincent, Joan Baez, Gamelan-x, Bernie Worrell, Filippo Giuffrè, Suicide, Buckethead, Eclectic Polpo Records, Metastasis, Peter, Paul & Mary, Michael Rother, Hyacinth's Mushrooms, Holen, Radio Basile, Carlos Sanyana, Ninja Pirate Mafia, Hunt & Tony Sales, The Durutti Columnn, Fela, Salas El Quijote, Murk, Antialien, Philip H. Anselmo, Musica Dome 2, Skip James, Hagen Khul, Comte De Lautremont, OuterSpace, HyperSpace, Earth, Midvendor, N.E.S.r.i.p., Jarboe, Carl G. Jung, Frida, The Andy Warhol Museum, David Tibet, Rizorkestra, Sea Of Cortez, Somos Jardín, Bert Williams, Anti Records, Metastasis, Naglfar, PlayYourSong, Friends Of Dean Martinez, Nica Marone, The Ocean, Temilia, Pablo Krantz, Casa Frida, Avocado/Booking, Pythagoras, Juan Ravioli, Hugo Race and the True Spirit, Flamman, Cult Of Luna, Khoma, Cat Power, Brainticket & Joël Vanderroogenbrooeck, Rockin' Roadrunner Club, Brown Gyrlz Productions, Uma, The Sugar Dames, DAF, Blues Control, Neon Sunlights, Conny Plank, Alice Russell, Deformica, Tawee Kiva, Ladytron, Dexter Jones Circus Orchestra, Grace Jones, Bobb Trimble, Ivor Cutler, Don Tyler, Heavy Load, Big Botch, Moon River Club, Expíritu Explorador, Gabriel Soulé, The Businness Muse, Andrew Bayuk, Genie Verre, Colours In Rainbow, Wild Things, Fotos Del Otoño, Bill, Laz D, Einstuerzende Neubauten, Los Pus, Marc Ribot, Anti-Human, Astrid, Sandro Botticellli, Pablo Reche, Steve Miller Band, Jaaaaaaack, Joe Vig, Shanna, Black Flag, Tofusquirrel, Italiana Bella, Charles Andrew Bates, Daniel Johnston, Epilepsy Action, Moist Paula Anderson, The Kids Of Widney High, Orello, The Elated Sob Story, Autism Anarchy, Spinal Tap, Moisturizer, Shout Your Mouth Off, Denise, Sir Anthony, Eduardo Codina, Experimental Musicians Club, Autism Connections, Amma, John Zorn, How's Your News, Stephen Hawkins, Norris Bennett, Tolouse-Lautrec, Beautiful Octopus Club, Cover Your Bones, Jefferson Airplane, Jem, Kid Shoals, Valles Flying Machine, The Beta Band, Create This!, Bubble Club, King Crimson, Spiral Tribe, DyLab, Purple Dream Machine, Mutate Records, Hecate, Edgar Allan Poe, Jack Blood, Tiny Enigma, Aural Resusitation Unit, Henry Rollins, Flight Orchestra, Isaac Asimov, Hal McGee, Robert Rich, Daniel Lanois, Kevin Spencer, Violent Noise Atrocities, Taras Bulba, Mark Archer, Soma, Tyske Ludder, Tilibop, Knut Hansum, The Residentz, Rock Action, The Roches, Pescado Rabioso, Umired, Espantapájaros, Praxis, Junin, Mr. Misps, Fydor Dostoievsky, Mother Supreme, Sebastián Escofet, Matasiete, Jen Gloeckner, Steven AKA Malfunction, Domus, Lessie, Hugo Ball, The Analog Synthesizer Ensemble, Lila Downs, Leonardo Favio, Kim Novak, Rira Lee, Husk, Talking Heads, Black Rain, LDHamrock, The Walking Man, Clowns In Rehab, Mordor, Popbox, Black Uhru, Finnugor, The Hot The Bothered, Bullet Ridden With Vermin, Charlie Kaufman, Sergam, Ketz, Proving Ground, Pegasus Actual: The Age Zero, Monster A-Go-Go, Jimmy Aldridge, Why, Capablanca, Palecrow, Nancy, Latex, Sunship, Harlequin Hannah, Darren Ramshaw, Zebre, Panadole, Joseph, Pauline Oliveros, Barclay James Harvest, Butumbaba, Pegasus Actual: The Year Of The Zero, The Red Alert, George Harrison, Yellowman, Raise And Fall, Joe Wheeler, Melt-Banana, Buddy Miles, Charlotte & Megan, Robbie Redcheechs, Light Of Darkness, Second Hand, Dschinn, Nattsvart Maland, Soul Control, Caramelo Criminal, Cindy Frey, Jimmy Tribe & Gerry Joe, Hurry Up! Records, Deathwish, Cultura Profética, The Prophets Of Lotto, John Astor, Bollywood Classics, Noel Redding, Alpha Blondy, Andrea, Paco Mendoza, B.B. King, Max Corbacho, Abraham Cloud, Nick Flavell, Untitled 731, The North Star Healer, Wilhelm Reich, Jarvis Cocker, Gravity Field Zombie Bitch, Gerry Joe Weise, Steve Schultz, Kris Bone, Cheech & Chong, Neil Andreson Project, Soundkraft, Kill Ugly Radio!, Slight Slappers, The Graves Brothers Deluxe, Los Murderachis, Mahikary, Mister Odom's Bottomless, Eek A Mouse, Madoo, Kenelis, Helena Christensen, Black Drawings Chalks, Jeff Bell, Unexploded, Dead Serious!, Leon Hendrix Mysterience, Natalie Portman's Shaved Head, Fruit Bats, Machi Rufino, Incubus, Hunab Ku, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Ressurrection, Klaxons, The Stellervoid, Claudio Gabis, Andreaw Soto, Espionaje, Dead Biscuit, MusicGeekMedia, Buffalo Boots, Jerry, Psychedelic Velveeta!, Rick Bain, Dead Meadow, Tom Waits, Kill Your Idols, Kawabata Makoto, The Sumner Brothers, Ennio Morricone, Poll A Drag, String Of Conciousness, Perpendicular, Carlos Cutaia, Mike Oldfield, Purepath, L7, Disco's Out Murder's In, Hiras, Wear Wolves, Drag City, Play Paul, Kavinsky, Bauhaus, Vegan Abortion, Daft Punk, Royal Bliss, Panic Ensamble, The Divine Comedy, 7 Seconds, The Gay Silouettes, PJ Harvey, Capitalist Casualties, Rolling Stone, Wait For Green, Jawoo, CozyLab, Electronic Sleep, JQ, Vincent Gautret, The Puritans, Buzzcocks, Barebones, Front Line Assembly, Johnny Thunders, Birdman Records, V.R.V./New Online, Keyboard Cathy, DJ Falcon, Mammoth Graveyard, DJ Durtysneaks, Killaflaw, Air, 808, Kimg Tubby, Assasynths, Love Ponk Pony, CBGB, Samuel Prody, Spektra, Nine Inch Nails, Midnight Creeps, Roy G And Innner Light, Nico, Nitzer Ebb, Sugar Red Drive, Papillon, Bright Young Sons, Hiro, Front 242, Scott Hayes, Blank, Digitaria, Skinny Puppy, Damage, RPG Magnet, Adam Polo, Creatura Feature, Su*Li*Zhen, Tzadik, Samuel Beckett, Villie Walo, John Cage, Santa Montaña, Underworld, Bems, Barbara Barale, Rubbish FM, Crystal Antlers, Devil Dust, Roberto Cervi, The Prospector, Graciela Borges, The Fall, Look Daggers, The Stranglers, Sayem, Turbo Fruits, Stationary Odissey, White Hills, Terminal Lovers, Dolls Can't, Secrets In Scale, Powder Train, Pomo, Massive Attack, Vincent Black Shadow, Pontiak, The Opposite Sex, Under Sanction, The Never Ending Sin Wheel, Primus, The Bugs Of Lightning, Bennet Records, Micah Nalley, The Family Stand, TV On The Radio, King Fuzz, Stereolab, Free Moral Agents, Ministry, Dusty Rhodes And River Band, Gary Putthoff, The Prodigy, Alex Baugh And Crazy Carls, Mister Woo, Stereolab, Kirlian Camera, Scout Niblett, The Flaming Lips, La Mano Ajena, Mueran Humanos, Zerotech, The Paper And The Plane, Godhead, Litmus, Quasimodo Trío, Mercury Rev, Liliana Herrero, Fritz Lang, The Devotees, Black Market, Arvo Part, Ween, Shamantis, Lee Scratch Perry, Kafka, Starpower, Mike Emvee, Roberto Moreno, Iverness, Death Spirit And Music, Treeangel, Scout Niblett, The Flaming Lips, Strangling Pets, Dúo Salteño, Ian Brown, Meditativa Yoga, Bootleg, Mitch Mitchell, Happy Dwarf, Krishna Art, Olga-Rita, Uuuuu, Because Live Music, Joe Henry, Akuka, The Well Tuned Piano, The Del Sonics, The Mummies, Black Lodge, Silent Poets, Cartel, Taylor Mills, Jeff Beck, The Wavers, Jemek Jemowit, Rob Thomas, Dead Boys, The Qualitons, Throne Of Lions, Poison Arrows, The Heavies, Kings Of Koma, Vom, Azax Syndrom, Nikols Tesla, Yosida Tatsuya, Sun Of Selah, Kylie Minoise, Ebbdesign, Rook, Calibro 35, Laura Warfield, Amore, Wearwolf Press, Luke Vajsar, Zolof, Afrirampo, The Unicorns, Giant Sand, Sissi Lewis, DoraVideo, On Fusion DJ, The Epoxies, Tabata Mitsuru, Lippie, Patanjali, Stever, Miminokoto, Princess Emilia & Rainer, Allegaeon, Mikky Ekko, Forever Mountain, Young Rebel Goombas, Driven A.D., Junecast, Moon Mama, Concrete Experience, Osvaldo Pugliese, ZGA, Neon Cage Experiment, Tenek, Stevo, Bochatón, Bernard Herrmann, Aphex Twins, Four Year Beard, Cunt Whale, Gary Numan, Ex Humans, Mere Theory, Brain Lisure, Verkkag, Tetrafusion, The Metal Congregation, Bermuda, Vegetable 100%, The Beach Boys, Björk, Apolonio, Katakliysm, Gwar, Dimmu Borgir, Treetarantula, Numinous Eye, Dubsounds, W.A.S.T.E., Destroy Inc., Caplan, Lovecraaft, Cosia, Cliff Burton, Gallow, Simeone, Das Ich, Roots Connections, Metal Fanzine, Vendetta Music, Tortoise, Seting Sail, C/A/T/, Ant-Zen, Monolythe, Paul Mendez, Sho Iwamoto, Baia Imperiale, Krystyna Olsinewicz, Buddah, Some Bizarre Records, Jonny Makeup, The Horrors, Sound Assembly, Typoon Ministers, Dirk Ivens, Ergo Phizmiz, Sparks, The Brain Flakes, Tatyana Sherman, David Guetta, Abuzed-1, Zen, El Che, Parachutes, Peter Gabriel, Sigur Ros, Little Richard, Renee Walker, Ponytail, Senseless Apocalipse, Immortal Threat, Joe Crypt, Ulterior, Chemical Cosh, The Head, The Grid, Zircon, Exotic Cinema, O'Capucha Bros., Serkan Karman, The End Of Silence, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Fanfaro, R.E.M., Ariel Minimal, Naked Eye Image, My Casanova, bTmG Records, No Histotical Backspin, Tagno, Pingpong, Yummy, Coil, Thompson & Khul, Mellow The Band, Chasing Phoenix, Atomic, Method Man, Knyfe Hyts, N.A.S.A., SPA, Helge Schneider, Le Baron Vampire, The Kinks, Criptofonia, MusicThatJumpedTheShark, Compunctio, Cécile, Might Quinn Productions, Black Liquid, Ssion, Modeskeletor, Gengis Khan, Klaatu, Psychic TV, Natal Zaks, November Process, Bruce Lee, Hector Zazou, Joe Jackson, Logan, Rua Minx, Report, Sub Produkt, Die Braut, Metal Label Secrets, Panicsville, Toponauta, Piss Piss Piss Moan Moan Moan, Dead Can Dance, Zen, I Am One, No Lo Soporto, Chaos Divine, Nostromo 7, Bee Gees, Kusari Gama Kill, Bloodyminded, A.R.E. Weapons, Marcel Duchamp, Super Yo, Into The Woods, GL1TCHGOR3, Clock DVA, Burn The Priest, Tor Marrioc, Andrea Alvarez, Killing Joke, Sudamericano, Lamb Of God, 13th Chapter, Savas Celik, First Aid 4 Souls, The Antagonist, Starring Janet Leight, The Streets, Hun, Julian Cope, Graham Nash, Flopa, Picture (FR), Deaddolphin, Class Of 1984, Buenosindies, Tonuca, Tyrants, Several Trips, Versuchsanor Dnug, Hi-Tech Hippies, BladestorM, {OPEN}, Pupa, Sparklehorse, Yokohiro Takahashi, Carbonas, Nanaye, Druids Of Huge, Gala, John Zorn, The Big Drum In The Sky Religion, The Mid-Summer Classic, Invisible Children, Thom Yorke, At War With Alse Noise, Félix, James Happenick, PlusPlus, Satan Dealers, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Phish, Leon Russell, R.C. Daniels Band, Codename, Stir The Silence, Kamikaze Slut, Monotalk, Gaia, Morrissey, Jess, Fuerte Apache, Nahuel Lerena, Metronomy, Soulwax, Mutineers, Szuk Norbert/Ed Narrow, Ms. John Soda, Arvo, Late Of The Pier, Grovemere, El Pedúnculo, Terra Incognita, Heartless Bastards, Lulu Rouge, The XX, El Mató A Un Policia Motorizado, 3Artes, Boy Dirt Car, Ecoutez Music Blog, The Mark Of Cain, Operación Escuchar, Lado Oeste, Charles Ives, Combat Cunt, Stars Of The Lid, Paula Jean Brown, Microtonality, Colyn, 13th Sky,Krishnamurti, Cross Trigger, Joe Brown, Los Guerreros Del Jazz, Kevin M. Kirker, Lord Lhus Of Bloodline, Sr.Yo, Phillip Rogers, Hieronymus Bosch, Significance, Drew Street Mary, Los Telecaster, Grizzly, Babasonicos, Jean-Luc Godard, Neurothing, That’s What She Said, Sonnos, Oblique, Tierra de Fuego, Venus de Milo, Eddie Cochran, Link Wray, The Rolling Stones, Luz, La Sarita, Arco Y Flecha, Yukograffiti, Rubbish FM, Krishnamurti, Oldwick, Y Promatics, Gauchito Gil, Grabek, Roll Tape, Attic Trax, Pendu Org Arts & Actions, Hostility, Bonaparte, Ted Versicolor, Chuck Berry, Henry Gross, Sr.Yo, Phillip Rogers, Hieronymus Bosch, Significance, Laptra, Lali Puna, Chris Cornell, The Duckworth, Self Conclusion, John Bonham, Richard Nervouss, Asphyxia, The Twees, Children Against Egos, Blue Tesla, Henry Cow, Sumilan, Plastic Fuzz, ST, Truckfighters, Against All Fate, The Moving Portrait, Deportivo, Marcos Rocca, Sinplus, Branded With Fear, Mora-Tic, ANDREAREIMANN, Odisea Records, Las Manos de Filippi, Exote Concept, The Transfer, Booker T Jones, Barr, Wet Paint, Superoscope, Barbara Zielinska-Van, Blood Ceremony, Los Kahunas, Delaney C. Walsh, Dietra Kruschev, The Americans, Vegan Cannibals, The Knife, Electric Wizard, The Rakes, The Classy Individuals, Going Insainsbury's, ÞгιYα, Tom Harrison Band, Adoro, Jyl Millard, Station 17, The Lightworks, Ayleron, Letal Ataraxia, Felipe, Otoño, All Mankind, Everlea, Deformed Cactus, Amir Gelman, Amphibic, Zcfos, Para, Dëvä . Dïkshä, Foreverinmotion, Thismachine, Tra La La Blip, Reefer Madness, Ludwyg, Erland Karkoff, Eddie the Rat, Yimkin, Red Racan, Moshpit, Myka, Geoff Leigh, She Devils, Fall Drive, The Strangers, X Black Sheep, Alejandro V. Annichárico, The Plasticos, Senate, Eye of Providence Design, Recurring Mysterians, The Goodbye Door, Balbec, Reps In Space, Los Esquiafos, Methuselah's Disco, Steven Does & The Riders Of Tomorrow, Make Celebrities History, The Psychogeographical Commission, Dirty Loveguns, Thomas Atzmann, The Kickdrums, Toykult, Mika, Lache, Between The Screams, Lovol, Bats and Swallows, Darby Crash Band, Mecca Bytes, Steven DoesMer, Internet Music Media, Sound Holes, The Germs, Family Battle Snake, Atmospheric Guitar Project, Adr, Sick Head Tapes, Cheapmachines, Slow Listener, Noveller, Gaby Rock, Phone Calls From Home, Ramblin Dawgs, Hardknoks, The Overhead Lines, Buddah Sounds, Sofía Ruvituso, I Hate My Ex, Divo, Andi Weiss, RMT, The Wooden Birds, The Shackeltons, The Hollywood Kills, Lena Malmborg, Cookies n Beans, Red Eyed Legends, Hannilow, Motion City Soundtrack, BlindPlace, Grig, John Crook, Magnificent Bird, Friska Viljor, Merry, Hart Regn, The Effects, Motorpsycho, Cage The Elephant, American Bang, This Providence, In Morse Ion, Devil’s Minstrels, Insect Joy, Arc in Round, Zool, Aqua Nebula Oscillator, The Octopus Project, The Standards, Abuse The Youth, Chemtrail, Thunderbirds Are Now!, Les Savy Fav, Explosions In The Sky, Lymbyc Systym, This Will Destroy You, Die Toten Hosen, Tamara Jazz, Michael Jones, Gan Shin, Balzac, La Grosse Radio, Osaka Popstar, The Adicts, Juicehead, Mucc, Xavier Sainty, Milk Fiction, Glenn Phillips Band, Minimum Contacts, Screaming Females, Action Item, Boy Also, Gildas Arzel, Sundowners, Jeff The Brotherhood, Invasives, Air Waves, Suzu, Zero Hero, Hanson Brothers, Sisters, De Nam Connextor, Battle Snakes, Pink Noise, Mission of Burma, Nomeansno, Pattern Is Movement, Clipd Beaks, 50 Ways To Kill Me, Tabernaculo de la Fe In, Chimiks, Dogzegg, Nasty Product, Eagle Seagull, Revenge of The Cybermen, Magnetix, Sonic Chicken 4, Santiago Lozano, Shhipo!, Urban Emotion, Jimmy Pitts, Hecuba, Rainbow Arabia, Fatal Flying Guilloteens, Mix Up Festival, The Echo, Al Green, Blue Note Records, Fatty Chaos, Jaco Pastorius, Michael Brecker, Herbie Hancock, Jimmy Smith, Amavo, Exile, Free the Robots, Analog Buttons, Joshua Redman, Eyes, Pilares, Robot Bomb Shelter, Hello Sunshine, Brothers, Max and the Marginalized, Conestyle, The Meatards, Pit Er Pat, Lucertulas, The Fagetz, Thirdborder, Tiger Scout, Alan Parker, Los Electrosónicos Disonantes, Pat Metheny Group, Dean Dirg, Camelar, Ghost Hospital, No Retornable, Space Debris, Aural Innovations, Space Rock, Tunnel of Love, MAX PIERRO, Coso, Robbie V™, Buceo Invisible, La Venganza De Bavill, Fahrtwind, The Transisters, Ghast, Vincent Tompa, Casa Luna, Ludo, Perro Raro, Argentinum Astrum, Dean Dirg, Camelar, Los Gansters, Fiver's Stereo, LA TRAICIÓN GENÉTICA, Ironing, Abyss, Don Nadie, Dead Elephant, Scout Astray, Sinuti, Locrian, Marcelo Vaccaro, Julie, The Dreadful Horoscope, Big Bullet Records, The Resonators, Noise Maker, The Aggrolites, I.D. Fixe Distro, Yo Gabba Gabba!, Footsteps In Africa, Menace 2 Sobriety, Color The Sound, Khaos Kloud, Jelly Roll Morton, Fountains of Wayne, MaximNoise, Neon Mussolini, Hippie Johnny, Hush Puppies, Tahiti 80, Cupid, Nrisimha, 001101100, Fantastic Weapon, Radars, Mind Flow, Spirits Of Another Day, Neurus, Restless Georgie Brown, Daniel Ninoa, The Elektrocution, Art Brut, Party Poopers, Harris, Tone, MadaMaris, Richard Hodgekins, We Be Illin in LA, Music Composer Robert Nix, The Postmarks, Holy Piby, Copy & Paste, 27 Sens Rec., BrainStorm Operations, JazzMutant, Clearspot, Martha Ishman, Krishna Hach Winik, Faber Optimé, Yucastereo, Gauchos de Acero, Maison Variete, Boa Group Booking, Show Your Shoe, Lisandro Aristimuño, Ivy, Undercover-FM, La Otra Mano, Mr. Meeble, Schneider TM, Cucumber, The Notwist, Blizzy Support, Graham Massey, Choking Hazard Records, Sol Set Luna, A Melodic Horizon, The Blues Basement, Maja Ratkje, Fantasmagoria, Mark Fisher, Bedhead, Gielareck, Mr. Richard, Die Slow, Pelle Buys, Friction, Jazztofunk, Tarkus, Ada, Pescadas, Katzenkoenig, Patrick Weigel, 3 Of Kind, Stereo Total, The Green Children, Bette Frost, Monorev, Agitato Records, Eimog, The Strobosonics, Chas Ferry Producer, Hidden Towers, Kosmik-Klaus, KPT Michigan, Maryta de Humahuaca, The Backbiters, Pibacio Miéndaén, Peter Matthew Kasen, Crystal Lake, Elin, Avion Dream, Lauren Dukoff, Slr Kykke, Enrique Rendon, Gang Gang Dance, Banda Bear, Animal Collective, St. Vincent, Devendra Banhart, Bat For Lashes, Mark Lane, Hal Rammel, Young Sun, Punto Xero, Brandon Gabriel, Deathalizer, Rhys Chatham, Raul Sabaris, Allure, Cem Yucel, LuChi Psi-Chic, Paul Mauer, He Dreams Awake, Johnny Kahlua, Wide Eye Panic, Ayrveda, John Barera, Mando de Memoria Kingston, Cash And Cobain, Quantum Todd, Holter, Chemical Brothers, Pet Shop Boys, Erasure, Fatboy Slim, The Future Sound Of London, Beat Cairo, Lapdog Of Satan, Dance To Tipperary, Tobias Thomas Music, Dj Nobody, Living Arts, EL CUERPO LIMITADO, Broken Spindles, Mike Relm, Mouse On Mars, Rise, Paolo Monticelli, David Toop, Disarming Arctica, Katila Goreti, De/Fec/Tive, La Casa Azul, Keruzones, Walk The Deady, Diego Alladio, Los Famosos, Kundeköing, Tainonegro, Wet Sans Brolly, Digital Unicorn, Mirrors Reflecting Mirrors, The Dark Villager, El Gabinete del Dr. Caligari, Jefferson Starship, Paolo Monticelli, If Bwana, Zelmar Garín, Marcio Falchet, Kiss, Fred Sonic Smith, Javier Villafañe, Jimmy Carl Black, Sycronomica, Radio Free Bakersfield, El Pichi, Eugene Chadbourne, Jeff Parker, Megapuss, Echo Chamber Records, SoundClick, TWM, Kevin Blechdom, Pluto Revolts, Ashley Said Yes!, Your Eyes Lie, The Social Registry, Priestbird,Laura Vane & The Vipertronics, Federico García Lorca, EXPERIENCIAS CON EL INSTINTO, Federico García Lorca, Il Disagio, Robot Zonda, Spectronix, Red Blue Records, Rock a Control Remoto, Ensamble Confusión Del Mundo, Love Song To New Orleans, Globos, Astronauts Of Antiquity, Little Bridges, Runon Fragment, Robert Scott Thompson, Alfred Hitchcock, Tön Külberg, The Magic Radio Ensemble, Premios Luca Prodan, Andrés Ruiz, Wolfmother, Chrome Hoof, Echolepsy, Oh No Not Stereo, Erik Satie, Progressive Wear, Progressive Wear, Novo Pilota, Amrat Hussain, Gravity Pirates, Cathedral, Vicente Julián Carando Fonte, Gondo, Luis Alberto Spinetta, Music Wear, Gata de Noche, Astari Nite, Pandora, Polaroid Kiss, Seth Rock, Felipe Van Der Mer, Colette Kavanagh, Fetival Conchela, Yoya, The Shatters, Man and Machines, The Roman Games, Wolf, Henri Leo Thiesen, Scootracer, Alessio Busanel, The Sad Little Stars, Nostalgico Despertar, Cumbicus, Fuckware, Scott Ludwig, Human Boot Project, The Laundronauts, Jameson, Chasing Claymore, Manditi's TranBix, Max Low, Arteries Of Ice, Messenger Of Hope, James Harrison, Diablo Swing Orchestra, Varianz, Rahmlee Michael Davis, Husker Du, The Church, Earth Wind And Fire, Macy Gray, Shireva, Fabian, Rich O’Toole, Ninja Dolls, Pre-Mastering, Madmusic Management, Skaul, Requiem Laus, Inspired Flight, Leif Garrett, Eyezon, Spinzaar, Core Effect, Spektrum, David Crosby, Blue Oyster Cult, Alice Cooper, The Small Faces, Fake Youth, Werkhausband, Primates, Armando Saragoni, James L. Richard II, Serkan Karaman, Keiko, Yamada, Driving James, Covering Fire, Entrelineas, Vultures, Benjamin, Robinson, Rupert Loves A Riot, Naoto Yamagishi, Light Coorporation, Rufus Huff, Hingiz, Sherrie Keys, Lili Ster, Oleg Merkuriev, Origami, Bronwen Exter, Room, Rahma Kushna Soundtracks, Husk, Requiem For A Nightmare, Ramin Djame, Adam Lee Campbell, The Triffids, Gabe Moon, AnteKover New Cover, Korvus, Ethereal, Luis David Arreola, Enochian Theory, The Truth, Garrett Ramquist, Kaley Nelson Photography, Yoya, The Shatters, Man and Machines, The Roman Games, Wolf, Henri Leo Thiesen, Darling Waste, Cyclone B, Becky Micllef, LoveSick Radio, Wrugs, MudFish, Metzuyarim Basalon, Color Ink Book, Krishnabhava, Teen Heat, The Bride Wore Black, The Aroma of Punk Rock, Godin Guitars, Einvera, King Changó, Nuestra Razón, Hyperkube, Sick Drummer Magazine, Racetrack Babies, Eminent, 28 North, Sulli Allison, The Endless Endeavor, DJ SpyTroop, Cinderela Brasileira, DJ Alcoholico, Stucco Jones, Stevo, BadMoodMan Music, Bien Al Sur Sound Design, Henrique Millan, Beathovens, Sound Of Surrender,, Crosby, Stills & Nash, Stephen Stills, Nickie, Wasted Bullet, Random 68, Seed of Pain, Teen Idles, The Adolescents, Circle Jerks,, Requiem For Oblion, Sonanaut, Unclemad, Tension Wire, Jas Patrick, DarkStar, From All Within, The Sumner Brothers, Haunted Cane, Thembi, Paul Bibby, Discos Sordos, Girl On Fire, The Racket, Nimbus Creole, Bleat, Stephen Soul, Hatfield And The North, Stone Antica, Orgone, Thembi, Prom Night In Black And White, High Places, Marston Moor, Idílica, The Printed Mind, Printed Mind, Airport Sexy, Real J. Wallace, Memories & Jersey, Blaq Magiq Musiq, Mike Al Becker, Mike 7 Productions, Blessed Le Strange, Observatorio 51, DooLoad, TODOUNO JAM, Dawn Of Ashes, Zack, Clay Castle Films, Máximo, Hollywood Heartthrob, Bismark Vega, Annop is Annop, Scott Walker, Static Falls, Poison Tree Records, Puna Punch, Bureau B, Rebecca Pidgeon, Bosques, Demencia Records, Crisis, Pound, Sloma, Afro Studios, Mobile Wash Unit, Eureka Brown, Alan Short Center, Fiction Family, TODOUNO EXPANSION-MIGUEL TOMASIN, T-Dub, Fermín El De Las Manos Blancas, Astraea, Psycho Fish, Eureka Brown, Alan Short Center, Fiction Family, TODOUNO EXPANSION-MIGUEL TOMASIN, T-Dub, Fermín El De Las Manos Blancas, Astraea, Psycho Fish, Shakin Street, Julián Lambert, MySpace Secret Stand-Up, Kai Killick, Skribble, Desi Rootikal, Tweedy Byrd, Love The Love, Ahmond, Only Now Existing,Cherry Sauce Clothing,,Mellow Down Easy, La Nave de Carton, Super Cooper, DTA Darkside,Subversive Intentions, Otto Von Ruggins, Tim Der, Blessed Le Strange, Observatorio 51, DooLoad, TODOUNO JAM, Dawn Of Ashes, Zack, Clay Castles Films, Thomas Clay, Máximo, Hollywood Heartthrob, Bismark Vega, Scott Walker, Static Falls, Poison Tree Records, Puna Punch, Jesse Justice, Fhaar Loving, Soul Basement, The Tryptics, Shinto Records, Weirdoism, El Caballo DEl Comisario, DJ Pinchado, Samsaya, Lucy’s Doll, Adored Apparel, Red Sox Prospectus, LA TRAICIÓN (GENÉTICA), Matías Foreiter, Hexosiris, Los Fandangos, Stever 2, Roar!, La Guardia del Fuego, The Fantastic Harlan, The Sparrows, Luca, Guy Montag, John Reuben, Aig Splitter Hire, Army Of In Between, My Voz en el Mundo, Pop Thieves, The Hotliners, Tu Instrumento, Jhovan, Zidbovinesick, Joe Cutter Is Dead, Mick Nolan, Saya, Chris Pusey, Phil Fischer, Seven, Marvin Ayres, Astrid Reimann, Krieger, Calican Groove, Brian Eno, De... Connextor, LA TRAICIÓN, Miguel Frasca, The Ex Box Boys, Robt. Tyler, Jorge Gallardo, Syztem7, Guy Montag, John Reuben, Aig Splitter Hire, Army Of In Between, My Voz en el Mundo, Pop Thieves, The Hotliners, Tu instrumento, Jhovan, Zidbovinesick, Joe Cutter Is Dead, Mick Nolan, Saya, Chris Pusey, Phil Fischer, Seven, Marvin Ayres, Astrid Reimann, Krieger, Calican Groove, Brian Eno, De... Connextor, LA TRAICION, Miguel Frasca, The Ex Box Boys, Robt. Tyler, Jorge Gallardo, Syztem7, Mueve Montañas, The House Of Sin, Trynon Robinson, David Panizza, Archimboldi, TODOUNO EXPANSION-ELECTOREYES, Dirty Dancing, Hashtronaut, Industrial Reserva, Colrecords, KMFDM, The Screaming Moist, Oscar Kreimer, Wylde Bill, Kati, Klub Terminal México, Tent, O’Kane Mutiny, Combichrist, Emigrate, Makrame Records, TODOUNO EXPANSION: MARTÍN MAZZEI, Mister Fuckhead, Sir. Vixx, Aleks And The Drummer, The Machinist, The Beta Theta, Red Bull Music Academy, Laptop Battle, Ironchef Of Music, Protman, ArtDontSleep, Axel Krygier, Tweety Gonzalez, Higgs Boson, SubDirt Studios, Maria Eva Albistur, Andy Chango, Marcelo Della Valle, Hypnofon, Christian Basso, Fabiana Cantilo, Kinky, Casco, Claudia Sinesi, María Gabriela Epúmer, Calican Groove, Alina Gandini, Catupecu Machu, Yun, Triangular, Eluvium, Redline, Sanaz Metal, Agharta, Digital Revolution, Ipa, Daydreaming Space, A Locket, Codes In The Clouds, Christina Ward, Michael, Sofia Metal Queen, One Drop, Missing, S.T., Loto Ball, Lord of the Yum-Yum, DJ Mother Hubbard, ASCAP, Identity Crises Inc., The Canon Logic, Maria Xiradakis, Jon Mack, Organ, Celesttiani, Christine Dolce, DC Recordings, Let It Flow Thru Your S, Rackit!, Aeola, Mesma, Muscleheads, Knives Ov Resistance, Anubis,, Jim Clark, Ngocxious, Heavy Glow, Luisa Amaro, Dreamland Destiny, El Figu, A Terminal Sun, The Rave Welcomes, Aloha Radio!, Gypsy Johns, Jamie Lynn Noon, Unknown Component, Yoslobitch, Kibuke8, Pendentif, Ariel Campos, Pense-Bête, Magnolia, Rüdiger Warnecke, Simone Damiani, Niroopan, Colossus Of Destiny, Inner Version, Her & Kings County, Hugo Capablanca, Undergroundskyway, Posr, This Evenings Best, Cult 11, Russ Emanuel, Ed To Shred, Magdalena, S. Ulvestad, Sameheads, Simian Mobile Disco, Hunter S. Thompson, Kim Carsons, Gregory Corso, Amplidudes, The Fetish of Rock, Jeff Massey, Unexploded Street Team, The Psychogeographical Commission, Aaron English, Nicky Zimmer Records, Jesse V2, Christopher Uckermann, Innostar Productions, Toycult, Agustín Pisani, La Perla Irregular, Nick666, ..m/ Leon[44k] ..m/, Latin Bands, Nave Madre, Tornasolado, Chris Adams, Nicolas Merritt, Hitz, Nikhil Banerjee, Cash Wilson, Free Instrumentals, Cassmark, Hogz in Dandyland, Camomile, Deathpunx, Cherry Atom Pie Publishing, Pharaohs Den, The Soul’s Release, Path of Samsara, The Panderers, The Fores Street Team, Dynamic, Merchspin, Halfway To Winter, Thor Helms, Los Corrosivos, Hja Dubstep, Hear Hums, Max Wesley Wallis, Bruno Sanfilippo, Johann Sebastian Bach, Cunt Brutality, Robin Romei, Sara Iveco, Rod Serling, Amme, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, Dominion, Magdalena, S. Ulvestad, Sameheads, Simian Mobile Disco, 5 Mic Cluster, Kreskin,Bong-Ra, Miasma & The Carousel, The Oscillation, Invasion, Conmungos, Krampusz, Southern Records, Kruton, Booze, Dengue Fever, DRK, Like It Art Entertaintment, Sergio Agosti, Jon Mullane, RMP, The Rave, The Judes, Colombian Ga-Ga, Uncle John, Abquexa, Denise, Hans Rudi Giger, Daniel Strider, Siege Industries, Aindra Das, Trevor Lyon, The Chemo Kid, Exploding Fingers, Diogenes The Dog, Five of Five, MxV, Adams Dream, Culture Skate SF, Satori Family, Yximalloo, Smallville Records, Gudrun Gut, Lawrence, Console, Remute, Saboteur, International Pony, Like A Stuntman. Peters, Egoexpress, Sid LeRock, Wyclef Jean, Seeed, Kumharas, Microclocks, Thin Lizzy, Harida, Vlad In Tears, Vegetal, Coldcut, Gravity Free, Rising Silence, Sin C.T., Richtscheid!, Tova (Arjuna Project), Idiot Love, Empty House Cooperative, Matt Duane Griffin, David Bowie, Martin Eden, 1977, Bleatbox, E.C.P.E., Skip Spence, Gary Wilson, Jónsi, Rudely Interrupted, T.R.I.P., Soft Machine/Mister Head, Queen, MyMy, Guildo Horn, Christopher Just, Kompakt, Kalabrese, Knarf Relloem Trinity, Chickss On Speed, Von Spar, Barbara Morgenstern, Viviana Undead, Poetic K!, Joel Green, Nuclear Theatre, Silber, Dadamatto, Duke Garwood, On Repeat, Was, Alos, Blaze, J.D.Tiki, Gianmarco Diana, HysM?, Mr. Frederick, Moral Crayfish, Eet, Ao, Nanotear PDX, Moodring, RosolinaMar, Hormiga, Rabbit Claw, Waves Of Nightingales, Bill Horist, Rainstick Cowbell, Miss Massive Snowflake, Plants, Scott Pinkmountain, Unique Skinny, Mirian Edith Gonzalez, Evrim Tuzum, Suzywan, Pixie, Wood Tribe, Butcher Mind Collapse, Trasponsonic, Bruce Irwin, Uncode Duello, Plasma Expander, Soul Release, Xabier Iriondo, Transzendence, Load, Blossoming Noise, Gure Hitzak, Gomorra Beach, Rollerball, Neurosis, Om, Kyuss, Bron Y Aur, Maqom, Ronin, OvO, The White Mice, Geezer Butler, Tony Iommi, Slayer, Boring Machines, Federico Barabino, Rosolina Mar, Hormiga, Rabbit Claw, Waves of Nightingales, Bill Horist, Rainstick Cowbell, Miss Massive Snowflake, Plants, Scott Pinkmountain, Nillacat, Gogol Bordello, Queen Ifrica, Alambic Conspiracy, Theraphy Sessions, The Bug, Jungle Therapy, Nerve Central, Rip Jay Reatard, The Mellow Days, Here I Stay Records, Jey MP, Turbomaus, Wendelin, Osram, Capricorn Republic, Grillo Parlante, Three In One Gentleman Suit, Vanvera, R.U.N.I., Holy Carpenters, The Flying Sebadas, Iron Belly y VOS!/and YOU!

Record Label: TODOUNO
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Posted by on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 00:01:00 GMT


Posted by on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 00:00:00 GMT