inichThe fact is a government that has Single Payer Universal health care is a government that is fiscally responsible.
Single Payer insurance is good for small business and it’s great for the fortune 500 companies. Single Payer Universal Health Care promotes greater accountability to the public. Rising health care costs are also causing budgetary problems for federal and state governments, who are currently paying over 50% of the US health care bill.The fact is publicly financed but privately run health care for all would cost employers far less in taxes than their costs for insurance.
The rationale for single-payer health care insurance without question will help make all fortune 500 companies more competitive globally, but even help small business operate more effectively. The Automakers in Detroit, for example could save about $1400 per car versus the cost of manufacturing the car in Canada.
With universal coverage, employers would no longer have to pay for medical care as part of the compensation package offered to workers.The fact is Single Payer has significantly lower administrative costs. Studies by both the Congressional Budget Office and the General Accounting Office have repeatedly shown that single-payer universal health care would save significant dollars in administrative costs. If the insurance lobby in this county was not so powerful we would have this system in place right now! Having a single-payer system would create for the United States a comprehensive, Accurate and timely national data base on health service utilization and health outcomes.At present, the US spends 50% to 100% more on administration than countries
with single-payer systems. Single Payer facilitates quality control.
Michael Moore stated on CNN that estimates published in the International Journal of Health Services published conclude that “streamlining administrative overhead to Canadian levels would save approximately $286 billion in 2002, $6,940 for each of the 41.2 million Americans who were insured as of 2001. This is substantially more than would be needed to provide full insurance coverage.â€
CNN’s medical journalist Sanjay Gupta for confusing the American Viewer on these facts should have his “blackbook†of CNN females employees phone numbers confiscated!
The Single payer system is the only way we can realistically afford to end the embarrassing, and sickening situation wherein about 45 million people in this country lack health insurance and tens of millions more are seriously uninsured.The rationale for single-payer has become increasingly compelling right now, when US businesses are increasingly feeling the pinch of rising health care costs, the number of uninsured continues to rise, the nation is losing its comparative advantage in world markets, hospitals are eager to shed the burden of their “bad debt and charity†pool, and consumers are increasingly confused with the different insurers whose plans are designed to confuse.Universal health coverage without question would have a positive effect on labor-management relations. If the situation is untenable for individual employers, it is even worse for the economy as a whole. The fact Increases in health care costs are a drag on economic growth. Heath care costs are slated to rise between 14 and 18% between now and 2010. I believe that 40% of all bankruptcies filed in this country are a result of people not being able to pay their outstanding medical bills.Single Payer will enhance the comparative position of the US in the global
market. President Bush has failed to realize said that the United States is handicapped when it has to compete on the international market as long as there
along as those countries have universal health and we do not!Single Payer builds on the existing experience. Those who fear that single
payer is new and foreign, and therefore untested, need to be reminded that
Medicare is, in essence, a single-payer system.For those who are eligible, Medicare is universal and identical, and administered by the government, which acts as a single-payer for hospital and outpatient physician services.
Part D of Medicare, which altered the single-payer model and introduced private insurers, encountered consumers who are often confused when they are unable to maneuver the complicated choices required to obtain prescription drug benefits.Why are pro business Republicans against companies such as General Motors that have factories in both the US and other countries $1,400 health care expense? Remember, what I said about manufacturing the identical car in the US, primarily because of much higher health costs in this country many times the car manufacturer chooses to build that car in Canada, instead of here in the United States.As early as 2000, the GAO concluded that if the universal coverage and single-payer features of the Canadian system had been applied in the United States that year, the total savings (then estimated more than 200 billion) “would have been more than enough to finance insurance coverage for the millions of American who are currently uninsured.â€Single Payer gives the government greater leverage to control costs. A single
payer would be able to take advantage of economies of scale and exert greater
leverage in bargaining with providers, thereby controlling costs.The V.A. which has been highly successful in containing costs while providing excellent care in most cases. The key to its success is that it is a universal, integrated system: “Because it covers all veterans, the system doesn’t need to employ as much administrative staff to check patients’ coverage and demand payment from their insurance companies.In conclusion if you took a poll from Doctors they would tell that their office staff spends a lot less time on paperwork with Medicare Patients then they do with Private insurance companies. A recent report to Congress of the Medicare Advisory Commission recognizes this: “…perverse payment system incentives, lack of information, and fragmented delivery systems are barriers for full accountability.â€
Single Payer promotes greater accountability to the public. Because it’s integrated, providing all forms of medical care, it has been able to take the lead in electronic record-keeping and other innovations that reduce costs, ensure effective treatment and help prevent medical errors.â€
Thirty one percent of every health dollar is spent on the Insurance industries profit margin and to cover the costs of marketing, executive salaries and stock options. That represents currently more than Six Hundred billion dollars each year
that could be better spent on the 45 million uninsured and the 50 million people that are underinsured.If you’re Congressmen, Senator or Presidential candidate claims to not understand this program it is because the Insurance lobbies campaign contributions are more important to them than really addressing the Number One Domestic issue that is facing this country today.Dennis talks health care with George Stephanopoulos me on MySpace and be my friend!
The Single payer system is the only way we can realistically afford to end the embarrassing, and sickening situation wherein about 45 million people in this country lack health insurance and 50million more are seriously uninsured.SOCIAL SECURITY