Stayin together forever (Darrans interest btw :P) Breathing, eating, drinking etc.
A minster ;) someday, little Darran n Holly Junior, in four (six!!) no, four years :)
(8)I can be your hero babyyy(8)
(8)I want it that way... tell me whyEE(8)
The Lion King (H)Hairspray hehehe :P Darran loved it :P rude stuff :) American pie etc, home movies ;)
Charmed, South Park (hehehe) Family Guy, MTV stuff.
Harry Potter, James Patterson stuff, Dan Brown, The God Delusion, The Catcher in the Rye, Nursery rhymes (humpty dumpty sat on a wall.... humpty dumpty had a great fall....) fairytales XD
Us :) our friends n stuff :)