First Word That Comes To Mind No Matter How Random!!!
The first thing that comes to mind not the 2nd or 3rd. First!
Coffee: yuck
Polotics: boring
Love: fun
Divorce: over rated
High School: shit
Lights: yeah
Night: yay
Autumn: good
Mountain: pretty
Calculator: much neede
Venus: so what
Art: boring
Car: fun
Money: love more of it
Home: 2 small but it'll d
Emo: shit
Razor: good
DVD: entertainment
Cell Phone: could'nt live without it
Concert: fun
Hate: up 2 the person
Door: nothing
Bat: yuck stinky noisey things
Panic: so
Death: scared of it
Cemetry: same
Pistol: dangerous
MySpace: fun good idea
Computor: love it
Beer: yuck
Toilet: nothing
Smile: always its great
Family: yeah
Society: shit
Train: boring
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For the love of horses!
This survey is all about horses! If you ride, own a horse/pony/mule, or
just enjoy these beautiful animals, than this survey is for you!
How long have you loved horses?: 4 ever
When was the first time you had the chance to ride?: 10 yrs old havent stopped
What did it feel like?: words cant describe it
Did you/are you taking lessons?: even the best riders in the world still have lessons
Do you prefer english or westren (or some other schooling)?: english
Why?: havent tried western yet
Have you tried both styles?: no
Have you ever jumped? What did it feel like?: still do love jumping
Do you like riding on trails?: yes
What's better-- a headlong gallop or a nicely controled trot?: both
Have you ever been to watch a show? What did you think?: yes its ok radther be riding
Watched a rodeo?: yes www. visit it if you love animals
What do you consider a "beautiful horse"?: any horse is beautiful
Why do you love horses?: they are such a big majestic animal
Do you like their smell?: what kind of smell??
Do they cheer you up when you are blue?: of course
How and when do they frustrate you?: never
Where do you ride?: everywhere
Who is your favorite horse(s)?: my horse stubbie
Why?: I've had im since he was 3 we have a conectionj
Which breed do you prefer?: lover of any breed
Why?: you cant
What colors do you like the best?: all colours not a big fan of chestnuts though 2 many of them
Geldings, mares or stallions?: all
Have you ever worked with a foal?: no
Ever achieved "join-up"?: ages ago
What are your feelings on animal welfare?: love all animal welfare groups. I dont think the world is doing enough 2 help them all but
What do you think about the PMU mares?: whats that?
What should be done to people who neglect their horses?: d u really want me 2 answer that?
Do you like ponies?: yes there sooo cute
Did you ride ponies when you were little?: yes still can im that short!
Do you use alot of gear (wraps, spurs, special reins, etc.) when you ride?: no all those gadets are 4 cheaters who dont no how 2 train properlly
What is your happiest memory with horses?: every moment spent with horses are the happiest
Does you family like horses/ride too?: sort of
How many horses have you owned or leased?: owned 2 ridden dozens
Now answer questions about your current horse(s), whether you lease her,
own her, or are just in love with a particular horse.
Do you own/lease/love a horse or horses?: own
What are their name(s)?: stubbie
What breeds are they/it?: irish sport horse
Colors?: grey
Mare/gelding/stallion?: gelding
How old?: 8
Diet?: huh thats funny
Favorite treats?: anything put in front of him
What are their personalities?: far 2 much personality
How do you make your horse(s) pretty?: dont need 2 hes pretty how he is
What do they like doing?: eating
Are they smart?: sometimes
Fast?: haaahaa
What are they trained in?: jumping and dresage oh and eating
Still in training? What are they learning?: always training. Currently trying 2 learn flying changes half pass counter canter
What do others think about your horse(s)?: love him 2 bits but think he is waaayyyy 2 fat
What is their home like?: best home ever
Any toys?: yes
What kind of gear (bits, saddles, etc.) are they worked in?: jumping/dressage saddle and bridle
Are they "cow smart"?: no
What do they spook at, if anything?: yes cows. not much else
Describe how you got your horse(s): through a friend
Describe a special moment with you horse(s): the first day i met him. He licked me 2 death
What are their registered names, if they are registered?: second chance
Won any ribbons? For what?: 2 many. The won i most remeber is reserve champion irish sport horse
Want to win more, or try and win some eventually?: wont 2 start wining trophies
Do you love your horse(s)?: more than my life
This or that:
Carrots or sugar cubes: carrots
Leather halters or nylon halters: leather
Westren or english: english
Helmet or not?: both
Shoes or bare hooves: both
Mud or rain: both
Grass or hay: both
Alfalfa or oats: both
Trails or ring: both
Lope or canter: lope sometime canter he he
Sand or rubber: sand
Endurance or speed: none really hes built 4 power
Chestnut or bay: bay
Arabian or TB: tb
Wild or dull: both
Tall or short: both
Graceful or tough and hardy: both
Dressage or hunter/jumper: both
Reining or roping: none
More horsey questions:
What horse-apparel do you own?: 2 much
How much do you spend on horses?: 2 much
In medical bills?: not much
What kind of boots do you use?: riding boots dublin
Saddle?: peter james dressage , throrogood jumping
Bridle?: saddlecraft
Anything extra?:
Do you like riding bareback?: yeah
What is you favorite thing to do with horses on a cool summer evening?: anything as ;long as im with him
How many (human) friends have you made because of your love for horses?: a few
How often do you ride?: everyday
Do you plan on working with horses for the rest of your life?: yes
What is your favorite thing to do with horses?: spending every second with them
Thank you for taking this survey and...
Happy trails!
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