Existence posesses no answers.
Instead, consider what IS possible... as opposed to what SEEMS impossible.
In doing this, we maintain the progressive and intuitive spirit of humanity.
The search for singularly defined answers under the pretense of scientific and technological advancement is one which must be monitored by a cautious and sceptical eye. The pursuit, and eventual assumption, of such omniscience, is merely a petty manifestation of the primal and insidious urge to control.
In 'knowing' all the answers, no possibilities are allowed for. The art of intuition and the ability to commune and resonate with the intangible and spiritual fabrics of existence is potentially being jeopardised by a relentless, if not completely merciless, irresponsible and short-sighted hyper-acceleration of scientific and technological advancement. The machine is out of control, and the foot's still on the gas. The periods in which civilisation peaks and troughs are rapidly being minimised to such an extent that they will soon stand only as minute passages of time, leading one to logically surmise that it will most probably eventuate into the end of time itself.
The best manner in which to deal with this situation is to maintain the intuitive spirit of humanity. Indeed, it is important we continue to discover and progress, but not at the cost of the intuition, which has the potential to be rendered null by the simplistic acceptance of 'answers'.
We must unify, break the Cartesian train of thought and brace ourselves for any possibility... for, "it is now five minutes to midnight": (Steven Hawking, 2007)
If you disagree with or want to debate any of this, leave a comment. Relevance is lost in art when there is nothing there to question.
Video for contAnimate by www.youtube.com/molliecat (warning: mature content)
The infamous industrial noise busking performance, pt 1
The infamous industrial noise busking performance, pt 2
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