Music, football, cars, bowling, improv, video games, computer stuff, and TV
I'd like to meet anyone that's interesting....As for celebrity wise I suppose the New England Patriots, HIM, Jennifer Aniston, Eva Longoria, Evangeline Lilly, etc. etc. Oh, I'd like to meet the TRUE kings of comedy, Matt Stone and Trey Parker.
I love Classic Rock, all kinds too. From the 60's to late 80's, from 38 Special to ZZ Top, from the hippie days to the hair bands. And then of course there's this band called HIM. I do like old mo-town, some country, some disco, some pop, some r&b, and some rap.
I'm not really big on movies...but my favorites are: Scarface, South Park BLU, Team America, Casino, Heat, and some others I probably can not remember at the moment.
South Park, Lost, Survivor, Bull Run, NFL Total Access, Myth Busters, Survivorman, ESPN, and really anything on the Science and Discovery channels.
Yeah, I don't read. Out of the few I did read, I enjoyed, Holes, The Vision, To Kill a Mockingbird, and One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.
Trey Parker and Matt Stone