dyepoi profile picture


They say that PRIDE is Something that is hard to swallow, that's why we admire those who can do it..

About Me

i like singing.. smiling.. looking on life's perspectives.. loves writing essays of existence.. (weird ko no?) i like casual talking.. Loves to teach and be taught.. Likes to criticize.. Hardworking and productive.. Smart, neat and organised.. inSensitive and/but has deep thoughts.. Knows how to make others happy.. (yeah right?) Quiet unless excited or tensed.. Rather reserved.. Highly attentive.. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds.. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love.. Loves children.. Loyal.. &and most especially...... i prefer my friends telling me who i really am.... param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ga770zXqgX4" ..

My Interests

other people's experiences in life.. their views and perspectives.. the great outdoors.. relationships..

I'd like to meet:

people of great interest about love.. life.. and sex.. or should i say.. anyone who loves to talk about their life... just add me up: [email protected]


R&B, hip hop, pop, acoustic, almost anything.. most especially songs that makes sense.. Music of: the corrs.. linkin park.. destiny's child.. matchbox 20.. avril lavigne.. john mayer.. alanis morissette.. jason mraz.. sheryl crow.. backstreetboys.. beyonce knowles..


patch adams.. girl interrupted.. "the mummy" movies.. behind enemy lines.. beautiful mind.. signs.. american pie wedding.. the others.. finding nemo.. emperor's new groove.. xmen.. life is beautiful..


Grey's Anatomy.. Charmed.. sex&the city.. csi.. will&grace.. just shoot me.. yes dear.. 7th heaven.. smallville.. xmen evolution.. fear factor


to kill a mocking bird.. animal farm.. harry potter 1-5.. scarlet letter..


iceman.. nightcrawler.. hellboy.. blade.. storm.. guess thats it..

My Blog

bigger than my body - john mayer

have you ever been descriminated because you can't do anything right.. or hated yourself because you love to draw but you cant.. you love to dance but your hips wont let you.. you love to swim but you...
Posted by dyepoi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my name is luca - susan vega

what's with this world that man cant live without.. they say its money.. some say it's power.. and still others say it's love/sex.. well.. true.. all of these are essential to one's survival.. but mo...
Posted by dyepoi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Fighting Temptations - missy eliot,free,mc lyte&beyonce

i woke up this morning feeling agitated about what happened to me yesterday.. i went to megamall(shoemart) w/my friends,arvie,bvin,&majelle.. we accompanied majelle in her sole search of being a...
Posted by dyepoi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST