dispite i dont think that activist isnt so great maybe it is.i think dont do shit let it be.however the governement has been hiding mad shit from us like secret technology and cures to evrything.how is it that in such a highly economic world we live in is it that investors have not have the power enogh to make it a better futuristic world yet.im guessing there just trying to put there haeds around it.in that case say something plz.tell us what will be the system like and when will it be on its way.tell us what wer waiting for. and if the stars tell the furure tell us what the weather of they be.so that we just know.but dont keep us blind.
the future that i want for myself now.
everything except too much jazz,the really good shit,and alternative,metal,emo,and underground cool shit
fightclub,city of god,dracula,ferngully,disney movies,the fox and the hound makes me wanna cry,
i hate the idiot box sometimes,except for the computer its the smart box.to bad its so goddam fucking slow
people are better books then books themselves.and its easier that way because you draw it to you
there are no heroes here dude,just super heroes,na t haha