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Black Power (Soul, Funk, Jazz, Blues), Nu Jazz, Breakbeat, Electronica (Trip Hop, Lounge), Psychedelic Rock, House
One of the greatest song ever! Motown sound!!Let's get it on!She's is incredible..She's invisible..She's SugahSpank!Oh my holy Funk! Sooo sexy track…
24Hour Party People, Standing In The Shadows Of Motown, Amadeus, American History X, Braveheart, Deja Vu, Code Da Vinci, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill I & II, Monty Pythons and the life of Brian, Monty Pythons and the Holy Grail, Ta Kourelia Tragoudane Akoma, Glykia Symmoria, O Xamenos Ta Pernei Ola, Spirtokouto, A Clockwork Orange, 2001:A Space Odyssey, Big Fish, Closer, Blow,Talt To Me
H skhnh me Clooney & Pitt pou vlepoun Oprah,apla einai istorikh..The true story of a great radio producer
Tony Wilson, Frankie Wilde, Ray Charles, Syd Barrett, John Cage, Ludwig van Beethoven, John McClane (Bruce Willis forever!Die Hard..), Ottis Redding