Jorge Gabriel "JG" profile picture

Jorge Gabriel "JG"

About Me

Age: 13 – Miami, FL
JG, the youngest of the finalists, is one on the more talented singers in the penthouse, and he knows it. JG has been grooming himself to be the next Latin singing sensation, but Menudo is a group and not a solo gig. Many of his potential bandmates question if he’s even ready for a group like Menudo which causes a lot of tension. Will his age and overconfidence separate him from the rest of the group, or will he overcome those stumbling blocks and become a member of Menudo?
Hometown / Lugar de Residencia: West Palm Beach, Florida
Where is your family from / De dónde es tu familia: Cuba
Favorite Band / Grupo Favorito: Menudo (of course), Christina Aguilera, Beyoncé, Ricky Martin, Whitney Houston, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland and Marc Anthony
- Menudo (por supuesto), Christina Aguilera, Beyoncé, Ricky Martin, Whitney Houston, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland y Marc Anthony
Favorite Subject in School / Materia Favorita en la Escuela: Language Arts and Drama
- Lenguajes y Teatro
What you look for in a girl / Qué buscas en una chica: Since I am a romantic person I'd like to say their eyes, their lips and their personality and a body like Jessica Alba! Hahaha
- Como soy una persona romántica me gustaría decir que sus ojos, sus labios y su personalidad y un cuerpo como el de Jessica Alba! Ja, ja, ja
Sign / Signo: Scorpio
- Escorpión
What you do in your spare time / Qué haces en tu tiempo libre:: Get on my Mac computer create lyrics sometimes about how I'm feeling or the mood and then I create a beat to go along with it.
- Compongo líricas en mi computador Mac, a veces sobre mis sentimientos o mi estado de ánimo, y luego creo música que vaya con ellas
Favorite Sport/Team / Deporte/Equipo Favorito: Swimming/Fins A.K.A. Miami Dolphins
- Natación/Fins, también conocidos como los Miami Dolphins.
Favorite Video Game / Juego de Video Favorito: I'm not into video games. I've always been into music more than anything
- No me gustan los juegos de video. Siempre me ha gustado la música más que cualquier otra cosa.
If You Were an Animal - What Would You Be / Si fueras un animal, cuál serías: Lion because I am an adventurer and I am vicious!
- Un León, porque soy aventurero y soy feroz!

My Interests


Member Since: 27/07/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:

Sounds Like: Making Menudo on MTV Trailer
The show premieres October 25 on MTV!

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Record Label: Unsigned

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