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.. .. ..Being a passive homosexual in a hostile homophobic society is a living hell, yet we have endured for 52,000 years (5 Mayan Suns). We are the salt of the earth, and our time has arrived. The Mayans predict that great spiritual change shall come in the year 2012. The Celestine Prophecy predicts that the human race is ripe for a new spiritual revolution. The homosexual Apostle John predicts a massive war between the homophobics and the homosexuals. This is Armageddon.
.. WWW.GOSPELOFEMANUEL.COM ..This is the prophecy. The number of the homophobic beast is 666, and its name is Homophobia. This is the Evil Adversary that rules this homophobic world in the New Millenium. All religions of the world are bound under the God Homophobia in one universal poisonous hatred against homosexuals. One Omnipotent Homophobic Diety governing over the ignorance of the homophobic masses. Such is the rage of their homophobic bigotry that the three major religions of the world (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) shall force the homophobic United Nations into submission of the 666 mark as a global means of segregating heterosexuals from homosexuals. No homosexual shall neither buy nor sell goods or services, including medical assistance. The Beast of the Sea represents the machista homophobic Latin American nations, and the Beast of the Land represents the homophobic male chauvinistic Arab nations of the Middle East. Latin American Catholics and Middle Eastern Muslims joined in a bond of Homophobic Bigotry in the quest for the extermination of homosexuals. Drunk is the Homophobic Babylon with the blood of righteous homosexuals.
.. WWW.GOSPELOFEMANUEL.COM ..Letter to the seven churches of the world. Jehovah’s Witnesses hate Catholics, Catholics hate Protestants, Pentecostals hate Baptists, Jews hate Muslims. Yet these seven faiths are bound together in their universal hatred of homosexuals. Love is the number one commandment declared Jesus Christ. It is written that no one who has hate in his heart shall be in the presence of the Goddess Ashera. Leave the homophobia at the door. No homophobic Christian shall enter the kingdom of heaven. Homosexuals are the corner stone, which the homophobic church builders rejected.
.. WWW.GOSPELOFEMANUEL.COM ..The 144,000 chosen children of light are the 144,000 hermaphrodites that are part of the 6.5 billion inhabitants of earth in the year 2012. The hermaphrodites shall minister to the millions of LGBT in the kingdom of heaven. As for the 6 billion homophobics that inhabit the earth, these shall be exterminated by the Goddess Ashera. The Goddess Ashera is the female counterpart of the God Jehova.
.. WWW.GOSPELOFEMANUEL.COM ..The Bible is nothing more than a historical account between the war of homophobics and homosexuals. Jehova wiped out the homosexual metropolises of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Goddess Ashera retaliated by melting the polar caps and wiping out the entire world population of homophobics in the great Deluge. Only the bisexual Noah, and his family were spared. The Sacred Feminine Goddess Ashera is stronger than the Divine Masculine God Jehova. History is now repeating itself. First shall come disappearance of all LGBT and LGBT supporters across the globe. Second shall come the torment of all 6 billion homophobics that currently inhabit the earth. Third shall be the casting imprisonment of the homophobic Jehova for a 1000 years. Fourth shall be the casting of Jehova into the sun to fuel the great lake of fire with his eternal homophobic rage. Fifth shall be the consummation of the earth by the Red Dwarf sun and the annihilation of the 6 billion homophobics that inhabit the earth. Sixth shall be the rejoicing of all LGBT and LGBT supporters in the kingdom of heaven. Seventh shall be the arrival of the Holy Spirit of the Sacred Femine Goddess Ashera with her Holy LGBT children. And they lived happily ever after.
.. WWW.GOSPELOFEMANUEL.COM ..Adamas the hermphrodite. At the birth of the human race, all humans were created with the dual sex organs of male and females. The gods created them male and female. They were hermaphrodites. Assholes to elbows. Every human had a penis, vagina, and anus. The ying and yang in perfect spiritual and physical harmony. Then the hermaphrodite Adamas wanted a companion. Eve was not created from the Adam’s rib, or Adam’s bone, but from Adam’s vagina. Jehova performed a sex change operation on the hermaphrodite Adamas, removed the Adamas’ vagina, and created Eve. Adamas became Adam the male with a penis, and Eve became female with just a vagina. Jehova wiped all memory of the Adam’s former hermaphrodite lifestyle from the Adam’s conscience mind, but the secret remained hidden in the Adam’s subconscious mind. As a symbol of the great sacrifice the hermaphrodite Adamas made for the creation of his companion, the Goddess Ashera placed a mark in the form of a healed incision extending from the testicles to the anus of every male human. Modern medicine calls this mark the Perineum Raphe. Since the origin of the human race is hermaphrodite, it is only natural for humans to experience bisexual and homosexual tendencies. Heterosexual and homosexual acts are the natural order of the human race. Sexual gender was never an issue in Heavenly judgment. The serpent arrived in the garden of Eden and revealed to the Adam and the Eve their shame. The serpent shaved the Adam’s testicles and revealed the Adam's Perineum Raphe, the Ashera mark were Adam’s vagina once stretched. The Eve was lacking a penis, and the Adam was lacking a vagina. Both humans were imperfect and a disgrace to the natural order of the hermaphrodite lifestyle of the archangels. In other words we humans were not sexually whole, hence "Unwholy" or rather "unholy." Therefore the shame of the human race is the un-wholeness or rather the unholiness of our sexuality. Adam and Eve quickly covered their shame, and the rest is history. Homophobia was born.
.. WWW.GOSPELOFEMANUEL.COM ..A prophet is never honored in his own country. All clairvoyants and divine prophets are homosexuals. From Joseph and his rainbow colored coat, to Elijah who brought down fire on homophobic children for calling him a queer, to the hermaphrodite Enoch who was taken on to Barbelo without seeing death, to the very throne of the Goddess Ashera which is crowned with a rainbow, the spirit of homosexuality has never left the bible. Even as the bisexual Noah and his ark overcame the great Deluge, a symbol of a rainbow was revealed across the heaven as testament of the victory of homosexuality over the ignorance of homophobic heterosexuals. Yet as the human race has overcome racism and male chauvinism, it is time for the final veil of ignorance to fall: homophobia. Nowhere is a homosexual hated with more fury then amongst homophobic members of his own race. Blacks, Whites, Latinos, and Asians joined in mutual universal bigotry against homosexuals on a global scale. It is time to stop the hate. Those that served Hitler now serve the homophobic multi-national Christian sect. There is no difference between Billy Graham and Adolf Hitler. Violence inspired by homophobic bigotry is a sin.
.. WWW.GOSPELOFEMANUEL.COM ..The hermaphrodite Jesus Christ arrived to put an end to the rule of homophobic Jews. Unfortunately, after all the works of Jesus Christ and the apostles, it only took a Roman male chauvinist, homophobic, self-proclaimed apostle named Paul, to destroy all the teaching of the hermaphrodite Christ. Paul rooted up his false Pauline Christianity and made the Closet Homosexual Apostle Peter the puppet ruler of Roman Catholicism. The entirety of modern Christianity is governed by not the teachings of Christ but by the teachings of Paul for all books of the New Testament, including the four Gospels, are inspired, if not authored, by the false teacher Paul. The apostle Paul’s books have no more place in holy scripture than due the philosophies of Billy Graham. Philosophy is philosophy and has no place in scripture. The apostle Paul never met Jesus Christ therefore none of the Books written by the apostle Paul and his disciples have any relevance in the bible and are null and void. Rip out the Biblical books of Acts, Romans, Hebrews, Corinthians, Ephesians, Luke, and Mark from your New Testament bible for these books were inspired by homophobia and male chauvinism not the Holy Spirit of the Goddess Ashera. Remove all homophobic and male chauvinism from your scripture and you will find the true universal love of the Goddess Ashera.
.. WWW.GOSPELOFEMANUEL.COM ..Son of Man. The 12 apostles were 12 homosexuals who were gathered by the hermaphrodite Jesus Christ to enlighten the world of the presence of the Goddess Ashera. Jesus Christ had sexual relations with Mary Magdalen, Lazarus, and the Apostle John. The Apostle Peter was a closet homosexual who denied the hermaphrodite Jesus Christ three times in the presence of the homophobics. The 12 apostles came from Galilee for they were all related by a mutual grand-mother named Anne, mother of the hermaphrodite Virgin Mary, Mary Colpas, and Mary Salome. Anne was a high priestess of the Egyptian order of Essenes, which worship the Goddess Ashera. The Sea of Galilee is ruled by the Goddess Ashera. After the hermaphrodite Virgin Mary gave birth to the hermaphrodite Jesus, Joseph consummated with the Virgin Mary’s sisters in order to attain hires. This is were Jesus Christ’s other brothers and sisters come from. Christianity has always been a faith of homosexuals. Compassion, sympathy, turning the other cheek, brotherly love are all principals of the Sacred Feminine Goddess Ashera. Jesus Christ walking on the waters of the Sea of Galilee and calming the storms, as well as Jesus Christ being crucified on a Ashera Pole are relevance to the purpose of the Holy Crucifixion of the Christ in the liberation of the Goddess Ashera from Hades. The mystery of the kingdom of heaven is that all heavenly creatures are hermaphrodites. Son of Man. Thank God we are fortunate enough to re-witness this great phenomenon when Thomas Beatie gives birth on July 3, 2008. Men giving birth to children. That is the natural order of procreation. Welcome Son of Man.
.. WWW.GOSPELOFEMANUEL.COM ..Hermaphrodite Jesus died after three hours on the cross giving birth to the hermaphrodite child Emanuel. Upon Jesus’ death, the Holy Spirit of the Goddess Ashera reincarnated into Emanuel. At the order of Saint Anne, the centurion Javius Longivus slashed Jesus Christ’s belly with his scathe, performing a cesarean incision. Water and blood gushed from Jesus Christ’s side and the baby Emanuel was born. The father of the baby Emanuel is the Apostle John. This was done in public view that the miracle of the kingdom of heaven may be revealed to the world. Unfortunately, the homophobic Emperor Constantine censored all mention of Jesus Christ’s gender and the birth of Emanuel from Holy Scripture. For this reason the power to manipulate electrons were by Jesus Christ healed the sick, cured the lepers, gave sight to the blind, and multiplied single organic foods into hundreds was never revealed to the homophobic humans. As long as homophobics rule over Christianity, miracles shall never again appear.
.. WWW.GOSPELOFEMANUEL.COM ..We humans are trapped in a celestial family feud were the warring party consist of a homophobic father named Jehova, a wise and compassionate mother named Ashera, and a hermaphrodite sibling named Jesus. This war began with a hermaphrodite named Adam and shall end with a hermaphrodite named Emanuel. The Alpha and the Omega.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgenders with an interest in religion, metaphysics, and the arcane arts. I'm into Gnosticism and enjoy talking theology. I don't speak homophobia, and I have no interest in debating the false religious teachings of homophobic religious leaders. I believe that Christianity was originally a religion created by homosexuals for homosexuals with a Hermaphrodite named Jesus as its Messianic head. When Christianity was adapted by the Gentiles, the head of homophobia consumed and butchered Christianity. The person responsible for this literary hack is the self-proclaimed apostle Paul. So in a nutshell, I'd like to meet Christian homosexuals who are in touch with the Holy Spirit. The number one commandment is Love. Love conquers all...Even homophobia. The Holy Spirit comes in many names: Pistis Sophia, Venus, Ashera. We as homosexuals are bound by the Sacred Feminine in a profound way, so change your ways for no one. Least of all for a homophobic. The apostle Paul declared when in Rome do as the Romans. F*ck the Romans, and F*ck the Homophobics. Our way is the only way. Broad is the path of the Homophobic, narrow is the way of the righteous homosexual. Long live the homosexuals. Chosen children of the Goddess Ashera... WWW.GOSPELOFEMANUEL.COM ..

My Blog

USA and Vatican defend death penalty for homosexuality.

How many homosexuals had to be executed so you could have that gallon of gasoline? How many homosexuals had to be tortured so the Pope mobile could have that gallon of gasoline? The UN recently p...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Dec 2008 16:49:00 GMT

Homophobic Children of the Westboro Baptist Church

In WWII, Hitler draftet preteens into the SS Nazi party to fight against Nato forces.  In the Vietnam War, the Vietcong drafted preteens to fight against American soldiers.  Now we see histo...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 23:51:00 GMT

The Prophecy of the Westboro Baptist Church

In the year 2008, the Goddess Ashera will call each and every serial killer, mass murderer, and homosexual militia group witihin striking distance of Topeka, Kansas.  This Holy crusade is command...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 06:12:00 GMT

Fred Phelps is the Dragon of Armageddon

The Book of Revelations describes the rise of a Dragon in the End of Days that will devour and destroy all homosexuals on earth., and the Dragon will hunt down a hermaphrodite who gives birt...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 05:49:00 GMT

The Homophobic Infamous False Apostle named Paul

Two millenia ago a homophobic and male chauvenist Roman named Paul proclaimed himself an Apostle of Christ.  Paul never met Christ, and is the Infamous False Teacher of which Christ prophecied.&n...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 20:06:00 GMT

The Beast of the Sea represents the Machista Homophobic Latin Nations of Central America

The Beast of the Sea represents the Machista Homophobic Latin Nations of Central America.  These nations are bordered by the Pacific Ocean, Yucatan Peninsula, and Atlantic Ocean.  ...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 19:52:00 GMT

The Virgin Mary was a hermphrodite

Virgin Births are common practice for hermaphrodites since they contain both male and female reproductive organs.  Reproduction amongst hermaphrodites is the same as reproduction for tapeworms as...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 21:19:00 GMT

Water and Blood

There is only one event in human nature were a human sheds water and blood:  A pregnant mother giving birth to a child.  When the pregnant hermaphrodite Jesus Christ died due to labor compli...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 21:14:00 GMT

Who should be free and who should be executed? Osama Bin Laden or Ellen Degenerres?

Homophobia has not changed in 2000 years.  As was the custom of the times to free one criminal per year, Pontius Pilate asked the Jews who would they rather free, Barbarrus or Jesus Christ. ...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 21:06:00 GMT

The hermaphrodite Jesus Christ was crucified on an Ashera Pole.

The hermaphrodite Jesus Christ was crucified on an Ashera Pole.  "Take this cup away from me for I can not bear it," declared the Christ.  It was always Jesus Christ purpose to liberate his ...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 21:02:00 GMT