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About Me

My name is Kent Ryan Aldous Finn. i was born on the 2nd of April. My mommy and daddy are Jo Aldous and Riley Finn and i love them very much. My daddy isnt my biological father, but my adoptive father. i dont know who my biological father is, we think he raped my mommy Jo. i dont want to know him because he hurt my mommy. and because Riley is my daddy now and forever. My mommy and daddy love me very much. my mommy says that she's so glad she had me. i am the best thing that ever happend to her. and that her rape in her eyes is nothing to do with me.which makes me feel better. Both my mommy and daddy are FBI agents who work on the X-files. it scares me sometimes because it can be dangerous, but i know they are doing good for people and helping them. i want to be like my mommy and daddy when i grow up. because they are super wicked. We do alot of things together. We've been to a movie set, music studio and more. i love spending time with them. especially playing basketball with my Dad. He used to play professionally before joing the FBI. so thats what i want to do.
Mommy was pregnant and now i have a baby brother.Benjamin Fox Aldous Finn. i am 5 years bigger than him which is good. but it means i have a big reponcab...responcia...responcibility to look out for him. at the moment he is really boring and annoying. all he does is cry and eat. he doesnt even play. so i dont know why we have him. i want to play. i like to play.Mum is pregnant now. She is carrying twins. whats ever they are. Dad says that she will have two at once. i cant waits for them to get here. then Benjamin can bug thems.

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