Isn't it more fun learning about someone when you get to talk to them???
Myspace Countdown or Myspace Layouts
SnOwBoArDiNg, contact SpOrTs, DaNcInG, WoRkInG
Let's see...
Any guesses???
anything i can SnOwBoArD, DaNcE, ReLaX, or DrIvE to
FrIdAy the 13th, InTeRvIeW with a VaMpIrE, FiRsT DeScEnT, EvIl DeAd, StAtE of MiNd, LoRds of DoGtOwN, OlD ScHoOl, DrAw the LiNe, AnImAl HoUsE, YoUnG GuNs I and II, SuPeR TrOoPeRs, GrAnDmA's BoY, THAT, DC MtN LaB
SnOwBoArDiNg MaGaZiNeS
AnYoNe who does what they LoVe