illustrious hoenikker profile picture

illustrious hoenikker

pandas ATTACK!

About Me

Check out my music video for Murder No Motive

My Interests

What do I like??? what can I say without being like every other profile... duck tape holding together anything... how about??? ANything with a nice beat EXCEPT POP COUNTRY sorry guys I don't think your tracker's sexy. You done fucked up in my book. N E X T C A S E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want things to be weird enough for me. IS THAT to much to ask?

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Gene Wilder and Michael Gondry. Honestly it would be awesome to say hello to anyone unless your a pod person. sadly I fall for every girl I see...sigh. I guess its kharmaI guess I should be honest. Just try to find someone as weird as me. I am tired of being serious all the time.


I LOVE MUSIC VIDEOS always looking for somethiing new in the music video world. I enjoy almost every facet of music. If I don't like it now just means I am not ready for it or the music is lame. Like rap, not all rap--just repetative thug and lame beats that bore the hell out of me--- and country I am not talking about story telling like Johnny Cash just the pop country bs. As long as it has a good beat and nice production quality that's not too clean then its alright by me. Give me some dirt or blow up my head!


I'll watch anything if I am in the mood to watch a certain genre then even better. I'll do everything at least once-- if I haven't learned my lesson then a second... People that I am tired of Stephen King's made for tv movies and david lynch.


I haven't had cable tv for... a while. I catch most of my stuff online. All I really watch is Adult Swim, showtime anything that is on to say television is dying. Internet is using its moose to devour t.v's carcass.


I'll admit it I learned how to read from comic books.I read short stories and plays. It makes allot more sense in that format. I am literate in many styles of writting like kafka(long winded), tom robbin (keeps everything interesting and fast paced while constant wierd twists), all of Dante (purely amamzing), Vonnegut (same wave length) yada, yada, yada


Heroes are dead. The smell of a storm is thick in the air.

My Blog

I need to say something at 430 in the morning

The city sleeps but my mind is going a hundred miles an hour. I can't talk anymore. I don't remember the last time I had a natural conversation that didn't lead to a quick dead end. Is it bc I am flig...
Posted by illustrious hoenikker on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 01:40:00 PST

its been a minute

its been a while since I have told anyone but I am tired. I might have my life back on track if you want to think it had been on track at any point in my life time. I am tired of being quietly pretend...
Posted by illustrious hoenikker on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 10:43:00 PST


does something stop being edible if at one point in time it had already sort of been eaten?
Posted by illustrious hoenikker on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 10:33:00 PST

intro followed by: "to all you people".

spent way to much time on this to let it get eatin away in bulletins. So here is another installment of brain dribble. And HERE WE GO!>>to all you people I say 1... 2 1 - 1 1...2Shack glass! A...
Posted by illustrious hoenikker on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 06:13:00 PST

fuck this day

Its my 3 yr aniversary. Today is not as lame as the first day but not by much...r.
Posted by illustrious hoenikker on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:13:00 PST

untitled part 2- the letter

The innocents of the words made me feel safe with needles pushing into the hand that held the single sheet. The paper was coarse like an sos pad pushed underneath my eyes-- as I read-- the letters wer...
Posted by illustrious hoenikker on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 11:55:00 PST

untitled part 1

the mood is in the air again so I'll let my mind driblle out once time I remmbered seeing the bottom line where everything fits together. Running around gathering understanding to an out of d...
Posted by illustrious hoenikker on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 12:00:00 PST

not for the serious pt 1.

SO short and sweet and just as randomly ridiculous. Sorry I didn't play on your page maybe next time. Eventually everyone will get a little bit of random splash onto your page. Here is a little taste....
Posted by illustrious hoenikker on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 04:33:00 PST


it gets harder to fall asleep everyday. Will I transcend into a state of constant watch. I tire of the meager actions that slither across my plan of thought. To be a skew again would divert this empty...
Posted by illustrious hoenikker on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 04:12:00 PST

hidden secrets

This tale has a beginning, middle, and if my mind permits an end. Let's start with a line and a paragraph that might have a link to the rest, who knows where this will go. Even less will know what it ...
Posted by illustrious hoenikker on Mon, 07 May 2007 02:36:00 PST