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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi and welcome to the Andy myspace site. Important things to know about me??? I am married to the most amazing lady on this planet Natasha, who is currently pregnant with my progeny. I am a very very lucky guy. For a job if you can call it that is a musician and teacher (hopefully a good one...students care to help out there....)???? and I am also a budding film maker. Been lucky enough to have joined Mill Valley Productions and am being trained in the art of film making by my mate alan. Writing scripts and getting short films made, also oing music videos for people.Also another thing that has taken me over is my research group Manchester Haunted that I run with my wife. Check us out at had some really bizarre experiances...Apart from that ask and I shall tell (keep it clean people). So instead of a usual 'about me' thing I am going to give you a list of things that you could do to fill your time more productivly (its the service I give!!!)..................Throw Jelly into a loom,Get your legs double glazed,Claim to be allergic to the passing of time,Find a cure for death,Play swing ball in a church,Get 7 giant rabbits to chase a greyhound,Limp on both legs,Loose your eyes in a card game,Shrink wrap a Zebra,Shout the word spoon at a beggar,Build a wall of cheese,Wobble men on ladders,Sing Metallica songs in hebrew,Pose for saucey pictures that will be used for jigsaws,Campaign for bigger mice,Lobby for smaller Cats,Project a David Lynch film on a rhino's arse,Ignore farmers,Swear at the Armish,Christen a mellon,Pour hot water into the sea,Salute green-grocers,Pull faces at policemen,Chase a clown across wasteland,wear leopard skin trousers,Poo out your internal organs,Claim to have healing knees,
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A ghost, been looking hard but they are proving elusive.

My Blog

The Graveyard Shift Full advert Hey check out the advert for are first of many DVD's. !!! Tiz awsome....Oh yes!!!
Posted by on Sat, 15 Nov 2008 04:38:00 GMT

Band members wanted!!!

Setting up a progressive band of biblical proportions!!! Need like minded people who want to rock in stupid time signature's (the new porcupine tree EP has got me going). So anyone interested or know ...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 02:11:00 GMT