Born in June of 2005 from the remnants of various musical endeavors, Embers of a Saint is an amalgamation of five people’s, seemingly contrary, musical influences. While most bands seek out members with similar musical tastes and ideas, Embers of a Saint embraces ambiguities, diversity, and conflict.
Why should bands embrace conflicts in taste and ideas? Conflict is what drives all great art. Imagine trying to read a book, or watch a movie if you prefer, where everything is always great and happy and there is nothing to challenge the characters, nothing to be overcome. It is just plain boring, and the reader, or viewer, never has a desire to know what is coming next because its all the same. Embers of a Saint takes this lesson to heart and allows influences of classic rock, funk, R&B, metal, soul, punk, pop, classical, and progressive music to seep into their common platform of rock music. Giving the listener music they can't get anywhere else, and leaving the listener wanting to hear what’s coming next.
In 2005 the band spent their time building the foundations necessary for any band, writing numerous songs, recording a four song demo, and playing out in the cities in order to perfect their live performance and get their name out in the twin cities music scene. In 2006 the band participated in the Emergenza music festival, an international battle of the bands, during which they had a great reception among the fans of numerous other bands throughout the state. Embers of a Saint made it all the way to Minnesota finals and, despite some technical difficulties with equipment, managed to finish 4th out of about 65 bands overall. Afterwards, the members did not take any time to relax or slow down, their drive and desire to make better music and become a better band became greater than ever. The band worked vigorously to polish and tighten their sound and performance so they could bring themselves, as a band, to a new level.
Now in 2007 E.O.A.S. is working on getting new recordings to their fans and playing numerous shows throughout the state. Moreover, they are, yet again, participating in the Emergenza music festival. After the first round, the Emergenza representative wrote, that “Embers of a Saint was the best band of the night. Very tight on stage, great energy and polished sound really gave their music life. Their ideas were really thought out as well.†2007 is looking like it is going to be a great year for the band. Stay on the lookout for their new music and live shows in your area.
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This is us playing at the Uptown Bar aproximately a year ago.