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About Debris Company
Theatrical company Debris (originated based on Hubris company) exists and has been creating for sixteen years already, with interruption in 1999 - 2004. The main expressional mean of company focused mostly on classical themes was in the most part non-verbal approach to these (Process/Kafka, Gospel in accordance with Mark/J. L. Borgés, Ullyses/Joyce, King Ubu/Jarry, S. Beckett/Murphy, Breath, etc.). Later on, the company was becoming oriented on authorial testimonies. The theatre has produced fifteen performances during the time of its existence.
Production Index /1990-2007/
1990/comic mirror
1991/..on the ground../a dato vs. hubris company/
1991/screaching pipes of nothingness/hubris company/
1991/Point on the horizon /a dato vs hubris company/
1992/ulysses /hubris company/
1992/something in the way /hubris company vs a dato/
1993/UBU-celzia krona/hubris company/
1994/murphy/hubris company/
1995/code:QUTNXZ84/4Y/debris company/
1995/nobody knows/debris company/
1997/ode to filth/theatre la fabriks_du merlan vs debris company/
1997/biology of an obstacle/debris company/
1998/cosmidiot/debris company/
2006/soliloquy/debris company/
2007/dolcissime sirene/debris company/
2007/ortopoetikum/maja hriesik vs. debris company/
2008/hexen/debris company
Actual repertoiry
Contemporary, narrower company introduces the performance soliloquy, which is also a “comeback†of Debris company after a longer time. The dramatic dance performance/solo is a short stage adaptation of the last chapter of a globally famous novel of James Joyce – Ulysses, made famous by a revolutionary manner of introducing “subconciousness flow†to the world of literature – non-punctuational monologue of Molly Bloom, a concert singer and a wife of an advertising agent from Ireland, Leopold Bloom.
Free stream of feelings, thoughts, fragments of memory and fantasy of the state before sleep, mixed with incomes from the real world, are filling the stage up just like an empty page of Joyces novel in this case. The literary effect and archetype of this work is an inspiration on its way to respecting empty pages in an imaginary book, crossed out sentences and never sung music passages coming instead of words.
Soliloquy is the courtesy to James Joyce, his writing on the edge of consciousness and subconsciousness, experiment of words and motion, rhythmical and ritualistic confession in the new age, that we’re surrounded by, flood of emotions, continuous sadness, loss of context and an eternal discontent. In the center of our interest was fascination by Mollys womenly essence and her “burdensome dreamâ€, or a contemplation in the state before sleep, in the middle of everydays reality unlike any other day or night wherever else in the world, of whichever one of us. It x-rays subconsciousness and reality full of little everyday cataclyzms, dissapointments, jealousy, envy, trifling details and fluent bigotrys.
Name/title: Debris Company / soliloquy
Duration: 35 min.
Choreography : Stanislava Vlceková
Conception and direction: Jozef Vlk
Visual conception: Martin Piterka
Costumes: Marija Havran
Music composition: Jozef Vlk
Music played by: Zwiebel String Quartett
Light design: Jozef Vlk
Cast: Stanislava Vlceková
Dramatic dance performance dolcissime sirene / wedding arised from some of the parts of the text of Ottavio Rinuccini’s Intermedi da la Pelegrina, libretto, set to music by a representative of musical humanism, a director and an organizer – count Giovanni De Bardi. It was prepared in occasion of Ferdinando Medici’s and Cristine di Lorena’s wedding. Formally, the performance is inspired freely by the text and searching for other dramatic intermediaries of plato’s idealism and life philosophy in a dramatical/musical form.
The message of the work la Pelegrina from the year 1589 originally was announcing the comeback of the golden age as a signal for the return of joy and life optimism – a symbolic way out of the dark middle age cage. Respect toward this meaningful ritual ceremony has helped us to prepare and create an unusual mise-en-scene for a short moment of life celebration, game of values, doubts, details, thoughts about individuality, love, morale, reality and idealism.
Act of celebration of Medici’s and di Lorena’s wedding is in our case connected with a subjective view of protagonists on the wedding, that has entered history just like any other campaigns dealing with the struggle for power. We are looking at this event from a point of view that exposes history exaggeration and dogmatic messages capturing these moments.
The play is a contemplation of history efforts questioning and its political context to grip the attention on “the big protagonists†as representatives and definers of the truth. It is about truth maturing in each individual independently unenforced by the circumstances /maybe also never captured/. Always subjective in a way, with its own responsibility. The glory of for example the end of middle age as an apotheosis of the battle of good and bad is appearing as adequate. But the battle of good and bad was always just a struggle of individuality of an individual within himself. Politics and the struggle for political power can only get closer to this battle, but it can never become its slight component.
Name/title: Debris Company / dolcissime sirene
Duration: cca 35 min.
Choreography: Daniel Racek, Stanislava Vlceková
Direction: Jozef Vlk
Music and conception: Ján Boleslav Kladivo vs Jozef Vlk
Costumes and stage design: Marija Havran
Light design: Jozef Vlk
is a joint theatrical and research project of ID: members, the Debris Company and aktivnagruppa, inspired by physical limitations of some participating artists. Formally, it is rather a poetic, physical medical record about increasingly decaying human physicality than dance theatre.
A poetic image of non functional human body is inspired by intimate experiences of authors with different sort of body and spine impairments and corresponding “impairment†of the mind. It is a visual-motion concert of a mechanism of vertebras and spine, inspired by the anatomy of a healthy spine and geometry of orthopaedic supports and body deformations. And a blank verse about obstruction or accidental setback that frees the body from course of precise, everyday automatic activity.
Maja Hriesik (ID:)& Debris Company/ ortopoetikum
Duration: cca 58 min.
Concept, directed by: Maja Hriesik (ID:)& Debris Company
Choreography: Stanislava Vlceková
Dramaturgy: Barbara Gindlová
Visual and stage design: aktivnagruppa
Set and costumes: Eva Rácová
Music: Jozef Vlk
Performed by: Maja Hriesik, Stanislava Vlceková, Jozef Vlk, Martin Piterka
actual performance_2008:
„It seems like the characters are faced with extinction. In reality the world is swarmed with characters. And it is necessary to continue in making them up, so that we can see them. If they are bad, or funny. It would be better if they didn’t get swept off the earth’s surface.â€
Elias Canetti, The Secret Heart of the Clepsydra
The dynamics of changes in the world is not only based on the incredible tempo and increasing stress of a person, but it is a materialization of human relationships – multilateral, unbalanced, repeatedly mediated by motion in a relationship between the reason and the outcome, instrument and the goal, need and necessity, expression and the meaning.
H E X E N is an association drama filled with relationships, but also loneliness. The characters are dealing with situations in their own way and somewhere further, a completely different perspective arises. An interpretation perspective of these casual conversations, current conflicts, one-minute-phone-calls, commands and relationships and relationship chains, as in each of them there are different, individual dimensions picked up, leading to completely different and surprising closures – where the common arises into unbelievable and magical..
Performers: Zuna Kozánková/Martina Lacová, Emil PÃÅ¡, Daniel RaÄek, Stanislava VlÄeková and the fifth one
Choreography: Stanislava VlÄeková, Daniel RaÄek
Director and music: Jozef Vlk
Stage design: Marija Havran
Visuals: Martin Piterka
Costumes and visual collaboration: Eva Rácová
Light design: Jozef Vlk, Martin Piterka
Musicians: Jozef Vlk, Peter Krajniak, Jozef Lupták,
Peter Šesták, Boris Lenko
performances 2006:
6th may/soliloquy/festival ba in movement_slovakia_premiere
14th july/dolcissime sirene/usti/orlici_czech.republic
6th sept/soliloquy/bratislava a4_slovakia
5th okt/soliloquy/brno theatre barka_czech republic
5th okt/dolcissime sirene/brno theatre barka_czech republic
14th okt/soliloquy/banska bystrica 4 days_slovakia
14th okt/dolcissime sirene/banska bystrica 4 days_slovakia
20th okt/soliloquy/kosice ic culture train_slovakia
20th okt/dolcissime sirene/kosice ic culture train_slovakia
8th okt/soliloquy/bratislava a4 ars poetica_slovakia
14th okt/soliloquy/bratislava a4_slovakia
11th nov/csongor e tunde/budapest merlin szinhaz/hungary
performances 2007:
10th febr./dolcissime sirene/bornem_belgium
23rd march/soliloquy/slovensky rozhlas bratislava_slovakia
24th march/soliloquy/slovensky rozhlas bratislava_slovakia
27th april/ortopoetikum/slovensky rozhlas bratislava_slovakia
28th april/ortopoetikum/slovensky rozhlasbratislava_slovakia
25th may/dolcissime sirene/slovensky rozhlas bratislava_slovakia
26th may/dolcissime sirene/slovensky rozhlas bratislava_slovakia
15th june/dolcissime sirene/slovensky rozhlas bratislava_slovakia
24th june/dolcissime sirene/ostrava_czech rep.
13th july/me and the others/usti n/o_czech republic
29th sept./ortopoetikum/slovensky rozhlas bratislava_slovakia
30th sept./ortopoetikum/slovensky rozhlas bratislava_slovakia
1st oct./dolcissime sirene/kosice ICCT_slovakia
8th oct./dolcissime sirene/prague_czech republic
26th oct./ortopoetikum/banska bystrica__slovakia
29th oct./dolcissime sirene/bratislava_slovakia
30th oct./dolcissime sirene/bratislava_slovakia
performances 2008:
13th april/soliloquy/graz/minoriten_austria
27th july/soliloquy/zilina/stanica zariecie_slovakia
28th july/ortopoetikum/zilina/stanica zariecie_slovakia
19th october/brno/divadlo barka/hexen_czech republic
20th october/bratislava/A4/soliloquy_slovakia
30th october/bratislava/A4/hexen_slovakia_1 premiere
31th october/bratislava/A4/hexen_slovakia_2 premiere
14th november//dolcissime sirene/bratislava slovak national theatre_slovakia
21st november/nitra DAB/soliloquy_slovakia
22nd november/brett theater wien/soliloquy_austria
22nd november/brett theater wien/dolcissime sirene_austria
16th december/bratislava/A4/hexen_slovakia
performances 2009:
8th january/dolcissime sirene/grand theatre du reims_france
19th january/soliloquy/bratislava a4_slovakia
16th february/hexen/bratislava a4_slovakia
27th february/soliloquy/bratislava a4_slovakia
23rd april/ortopoetikum/bratislava mala scena IETM_slovakia
25th april/hexen 1/bratislava a4 IETM_slovakia
25th april/hexen 2/bratislava a4 IETM_slovakia
9th june/hexen/bratislava a4_slovakia
26th july/dolcissime sirene/zilina/stanica zariecie_slovakia
27th august/dolcissime sirene/Flota_slovenia
14th september/hexen/budapest_MU theatre_hungary
25th september/hexen/kosice_kulturpakt_slovakia
29th september/hexen 1/nitra_old theatre_slovakia
29th september/hexen 2/nitra_old theatre_slovakia
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