Lulabee profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

. . . On the subject of ME...Not to rub it in but I am pretty damn happy with where I am at in life and the person I have become. All my challenges have help me realize life is short and I might as well live life my way because it can all end in an instant. I am a fiery, independent, private girl. Ask and you will get the truth but don’t expect me to share. Trust is something that is earned not given. Respect is something I insist on in anyone I surround myself with. I don’t put effort into people that are not willing to put it in for me. I seem emotionless about everything around me most of the time but really I tend to care more than I should, especially about the people close to me in my life. I feel fortunate these days to have friends around me that are finally seeing the real me. I am often misperceived and misjudged. I am the girl you meet and walk away from saying “oh no, she does not like me.” ...though I usually like most people I meet. I do not consider myself a judgmental person. I just try to see things as they are. I am a realist. God can be the one to judge you. Religious, NO...Spiritual, YES...I believe in something. It is a mix of all I have learned. I call it the 'Religion of Lu'. I am a blasphemous religious woman. ;) I highly admire self-motivated people and those that make choice based on what is best for them, not those they surround themselves with. I believe in fate and serendipity. I am in love with a boy who is super cute. He sees and feels me like no other has...always up on a pedestal. I am retarded, he is! BTW, my laugh is infectious. I try to live life on both ends of the spectrum, no middle ground. Unfortunately, this is not by choice most of the time. It is just the way life goes, up and down. I am – shy, sociable, vain, unpretentious, lovable, evil, meticulous, laid-back, bold, timid, snippy, difficult to understand, old fashioned, modern, sophisticated, naive, clear-headed, intoxicated, lucky, and heartbreaking. I am a walking antonym but then again, aren’t we all? Just when you think you have me figured out, I change. It is called THE MYSTERY OF LU!
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My Interests

being in love, friends, parties, snack plates, wine, sushi, laughing, coffee, decorating, entertaining, shoes, music, dancing like no one else is watching, reality TV, dressing up, wigs, tattoos, food, cooking, vodka (dirty), crying, the color pink, long showers, rainy days, spicy food, summer nights, board games, shopping, getting my hair did, beer on occasion, fire nights, playing pool, camping, gardening, house projects, art, creativity, sarcasm, philosophy, debating, problems, change, strength, and my cat, Daphne.

I'd like to meet:

Nice, friendly people. I was friendly once, it felt pretty good.A good martini, some music, and a decent conversation are all I really need to make it through! CHEERS to those of you I already get to call my friend!!! LU You!


Radiohead, Courtney Love, Pixies, Beck, The Cure, Louis XIV, Wolfmother, Prince, Bravery, Muse, White Stripes, Franz Ferdinand, Collide, Snoop, Killers, Gorillaz, Ian Brown, Kaiser Chiefs, Modest Mouse, Moby, Justin Timberlake, Social Distortion, Janes Addiction, Johnny Cash, Nine Inch Nails, The Chemical Brothers, Sonic Youth, Eminem, The Strokes, Rob Zombie, Pink Floyd, Deelite, Cypress Hill, The Fratellis, Porno for Pyros, Dead Can Dance, Violent Femmes, Air, Shakira, Prodigy, Dirty Vegas, Jet, George Michael, Journey, The Carpenters, Outkast, The Smiths, Blur, The Faint, Green Day, De La Soul, Beatles, Lords of Acid, Bauhaus, Siouxsie And The Banshees, Enigma, Violent Femmes, Air, Shakira, Prodigy, Dirty Vegas, Jet, George Michael, Journey, The Carpenters, Outkast, The Smiths, 50 Cent, Beastie Boys, Fall Out Boy, She Wants Revenge.


Moulin Rouge, Primal Fear, Silence of the Lambs, Shawshank Redemption, Max Duggan Returns, Old School, Eyes Wide Shut, Requiem for a Dream, Momento, Four Rooms, Singles, Footloose, Four Weddings and a Funeral, True Romance, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, 54, Almost Famous, Blow, Fight Club, Twin Peaks, Fear and Loathing, Girl Interrupted, I am Sam, Pay It Forward, Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, The People vs. Larry Flint, Saved, Kill Bill, Interview with the Vampire, Reality Bites, Shawn of the Dead, Alice in Wonderland, Friday, Being John Malkovich, Best in Show, Waiting for Guffman, Better off Dead, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, American Beauty, A Beautiful Mind, Big Fish, Nightmare Before Christmas, Boogie Nights, Anchorman, The Virgin Suicides, Young Frankenstein, Big, The Game, Edward Scissorhands, What Dreams May Come, Love Actually, Magnolia, The Other Sister, Napoleon Dynamite, Man on the Moon, The Princess Bride, Dogma, Finding Neverland, Garden State, Cinderella Man, Hustle & Flow.


I am a reality TV whore! Other than that it is HBO and Showtime series.


Anything that gets my mind going.


My Papa...Love him more than any other man. He has always been there even when my life went if ways he did not agree with. My 2 brothers are awesome too. Those 3 are my forever. We are all so different but somehow exactly the same.

My Blog

The month of October

Hey All,   October is almost here, our favorite yet most busy month of the year.    We wanted to let you all know the Halloween party will be on Saturday, October 27th. ...
Posted by Lulabee on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 02:15:00 PST

I got this very important email today...thought I should share!

Wine vs. Water In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of E...
Posted by Lulabee on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 04:15:00 PST

You should come it will be FUN!

Our house Saturday March 24th at 7ish!
Posted by Lulabee on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 07:32:00 PST

Do you know Italian??

Le piccole bugie pietose sono stupide. Non niente seriamente, perché le persone sentono il bisogno per mentire di? L'ESEMPIO: Qualcuno i capelli immerge bagnato. Chiedo, "Oh, lei ha lavato appena i su...
Posted by Lulabee on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 04:11:00 PST

OMG...Daren killed Anna Nicole Smith!

Seriously, just the other night we were watching TV and he was wishing her dead. He was SICK of seeing her and her drama on TV all the time. I said how horrible. Couldn't you wish for no one to g...
Posted by Lulabee on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 02:41:00 PST

To not killing myself anymore...

So, I have decided to quit smoking (actually a little guilt from a certain 9 year old is what did it). I am on day 3 and it is getting to the irritating part. Everything and everyone is driv...
Posted by Lulabee on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 11:02:00 PST


...Natures Goodness in the summer?? Oh so yummy! A meal and a drink all in one glass. You were never dehydrated.This time of year we have discovered Hot Butter Rum. So good when it touches your lips. ...
Posted by Lulabee on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 01:07:00 PST

Truth, beauty, freedom, and above all things LOVE...

A Tous nos amis,(To all our friends,) A bohemian storm is brewing! Daren and I are proud to host the worlds first truly revolutionary Moulin Rouge party at our house on Saturday, December 9th.There wi...
Posted by Lulabee on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 10:32:00 PST

A room to call "OURS"

We have painted our room (well almost). No more purple and red, thank god! It is amazing how just changing the color makes it feel so much calmer. It looks camouflage right now. I am keeping the faith...
Posted by Lulabee on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 09:11:00 PST

Incase you did not know...

I am a bitch. The most important person in my life is ME. I know I will be in my life forever. I command honesty and respect from the people I surround myself with. I doubt promises and commitments p...
Posted by Lulabee on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 12:56:00 PST