Ryan Fucking Burge profile picture

Ryan Fucking Burge

Ryan Von Burge (sucks at life?) nah Im getting better

About Me

I climb up high to excape my insanity - Only to fall tumbling back into my reality
Who me? what to say.....21 years still alive - 5'7 athletic build? I dont know....If you want to know about me for me - you should take a read at my rants/blogs....

Im a shy guy who talks to much? A character to say the least,

Yahoo instant messanger = ryanburge15yr@yahoo.com

------ Myspace = I am here to meet new people So IF I float your boat Send me a message say whats up - I need out... --------

If you see me out and about INTRODUCE yourself - "hi Im from the internets"

I would like to think that I am the most open minded person in kansas right now Im just here to Quench My thurst for New flavors Of Life!

i am very caring individual and if you tell me about your problems i will be instantly concerned and i would love to help you - thats just part of being a nice guy / good person

Ive Have to say Ive missed Out On many things In life But I am in no way Sheltered... I try to get out and do something But alas.... every one , everything seems to hold me back

Im a total closet geek , Im a Brave Shy - however I end Up talking alot or too much - I try to make Every one happy and Laugh a "funny guy" many times it comes off a bit annoying though but I only try to bring joy Im tired of people trying to hard to be something that they are not...

- see I am Far more in tuned "sensitive" to Everyones Feelings/emotions Around me - So Dont even try to fool/play games around me - I know better - I just try to lIve with it - although it has so many drawbacks

Currently I go about my life trying to make a dollar to please myself the next day.. going along day by day I think about the future alot - always contemplating and overthinking situations - or past situations hoping - dreaming.....

historically Ive lived in poverty all my life My car is the first and only nice thing Ive ever had and I worked my ever living ass off to the bone to earn it and Ive made it my own and appreciate it every penny earned and spent (be very little to much of it) is worth it. - Its my Canvas - the way I express myself - was my anti drug

right now Due To many Series of Unfortunate Events - I live dollar to dollar - trying to get ahead so right now its SNAFU - but Im getting better - Its got to get bad before it gets better right?

I have 2 sisters (younger and an older one) they are both daft (sorry guys) and the only other 2 things I care "love" is my dogs.. my 2 puppys are always their when I get home and are the only living beings on earth that are happy to see me.

Ive been to europe/ lived mainly in germany for a while .. and I discover that eventually I got to get out of this shithole... I wish I could have grown up anywhere but here

so right now Im trying to enjoy life as it keeps rolling heaps of shit my way.. ill just takem and chase em down with a bottle of rum!

My Interests

Enjoying my short stay on this world Im open to everything I have a THIRST for trying new things / flavors Of life

COUNTERCULTURE -anime- rock music -and driving fast-.

hanging out with down to earth people like myself who know where their at. and have individualtiy, hopes ,dreams and an artistic sence for this world

I love movies when I have the time Im a closet nerd Im a total gamer geek and scifi phreek www.ytmnd.com always puts a smile on my face /sick humor over at www.tshirthell.com

I enjoy graphic design and improving ideas and making things unique anything to take my mind off the world and all of my troubles
the persuit of happyness? Im trying...

oh Im an automotive enthusiast- my first Passion!

Now In search of my second love/passion....

I'd like to meet:

People that are genuine, true, can take a joke and joke back, who know how to chill out and have fun. Cool people.
alot of the people I know as "Friends" who, when it comes down to it, are just flakes who don't really,give a fuck.(Unless there's something I can do to benefit them) I call those people leaches and I don't really wana meet you people. I have enough of you in my life, and I'm really trying hard to pull you off one by one and heal the small and irritating little wounds you have covered me with. I can not and will not save you. I can help you no longer. Go without me because you are causing an infection in my heart against humanity, and Im only letting in the positive from now on. Deep down inside you all know who you are, and slowly, one by one I will collect you all and put you in a jar for my own personal useage one day. It's time to live my life for me now.

a cute foreign girl in high heels driving this car - My only weakness? check the vid...

seriously now-
I would like to meet myself.... 5 years ago - ask me why some time
also a few dead folks.. Id like to meet Bruce Lee... Mr.Kobain , Mr.Hendrix.... Dr.Steven Hawkings (not dead yet)

Get Your Own Voice Player Manageleave me a voice comment or something eh..
a tribute to the Baby...


First off Im not CORE anything - thats just fucking lame these new kids today need to label everything and over commercialize it ... fuck you emo/indie scum... you dont need to try That hard to be "different like every one else" either you have it or you dont - stop emulating music vids your almost as bad as "gansta whiggas" dont even get me started on them "hip hop FOLK"


---nirvana Of course--- CULTURED music.

Metal ,thrash ,norwegian death metal- mid 90s alternative ,some old hip hop beats box/ beastie boyz /Industrial metal/ Ministry/ sublime /, trance - driving music paul okenfold dj teisto ect ect alt metal / techno metal/

I respect all forms of music but I only like the kinds that matter and mean something to me- weither im Trancein it out to oakenfold/ or on a saturday night cruiz bumping the liquid buzz 96.5) or throwin on white zombie and roll loud with the top off!


i don't get to see many movies - I'm looking forward to enjoying movies with any one who would spend the time with me......


"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. "
-Winston Churchill


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


ha A HERO! yea RIGHT I havent had ANY ONE do anything significant enough in my life to even come close to a "hero" phhs! other than myself (i hope thats not self centered)that sums up my profile about it... Im going to add to it later and tinker with it as I change around my life. BELEIVE ME when i say their are Fathoms MORE to me than what you see here.and to every one else who gives a fuck.... relate to this picture

My Blog

more shit....

clothes in a bag... living out of suitcase for about a year now........ how I want to punch babies... give them to me...... I hate everything right now my reflection - where I live - how I live - I h...
Posted by Ryan Fucking Burge on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:58:00 PST

Tough Times In my life

Here we go again -  a suprlus of mindwashing  again lifes misnomers come to get me&   My grandmother overbey and my great grandmother cox  are in the hospital  pretty much dyeing &&...
Posted by Ryan Fucking Burge on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 02:54:00 PST

Re- my Del sol - And My Drivers Licence Situation

the hell sol Started right up after a battery charge - Pcv valve - cleaned it got it idling right runs great - need to work out some turn signal bugs and wiring after I put in the new headlights and a...
Posted by Ryan Fucking Burge on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 03:12:00 PST

2/17/2008 - My Latest Update - News? Rants? Recockoulousness Inside Here

wow- Just ----- WOW... Murphy 's Law Just Won't Forget About Me - I just typed An Epic amount of soul shattering information for the new blog and the power decided to go off once again Shit On a Sti...
Posted by Ryan Fucking Burge on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 02:02:00 PST

More EPIC rants On the Dawning of the NEW YEAR - I suck at life

well ... hello again here we are at the dawn of a new year... same as before - chalk another year up in the shitter - wasted away to the throws of murphys law - - for witch I have been plauged by for ...
Posted by Ryan Fucking Burge on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 11:01:00 PST

FINNALLY things are looking up!!

Just kidding.       Hey guys its burge again... the "pillar of responsablity" the "good guy"  meh fuck off - Im at job corps now and you will hear about it below but first   ...
Posted by Ryan Fucking Burge on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 08:56:00 PST

This Is Goodbye for a while - Then The suck Will Commence

this is goodbye for a while so I have arrived here so far in my life   sliding in sidways at a 100 mph a smoking terror - 2007 has turned into 2006 a bit worse though... not as bad as 2005 thank ...
Posted by Ryan Fucking Burge on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 07:43:00 PST

Im an angry Depressed little Caucasian Man - Update to my glorious life

so what now?   yes another angste ridden rant? probably but if I dont get it off my chest.... bodys will start showing up..... murphys law - has yet again plauged and taken another year of my lif...
Posted by Ryan Fucking Burge on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 11:35:00 PST

When It Rains - It Pours

..> UPDATE: - When It Rains - It Pours....... so lets get this straight - murphys law? thats an understatement ...coupled with all the bullshit thats happened to me here....I found out yesterday b...
Posted by Ryan Fucking Burge on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 03:12:00 PST

Update - The Shitty Situation that is Life right now for me

RYANBURGE - tis fucked. I dont wanna be...... I dont wanna be me... anymore.... my life right now is as it is.... Ive got nothing Going for me right now... nothing I can remotley be proud of If I met...
Posted by Ryan Fucking Burge on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 05:15:00 PST