Debbie Does Dahmer profile picture

Debbie Does Dahmer

About Me

Debbie Does Dahmer = something beautiful (pornography) and something sick & twisted (cannibalism). The band was formed in February of 2005 and has had a tough time keeping reliable band members so is for now a solo project and is actually kind of shelved while I focus on playing bass for the band Charity Payne & other endeavors. But stay tuned.

Contact DDD at [email protected] or add to friends and leave a comment.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/17/2005
Band Website: You see it SUCKA!
Band Members: Just one sick monkey on guitars, vox, drum machine

Influences: Ministry, Down, Nirvana, Tool, Metallica, Marilyn Manson, Megadeth, Pantera, Godsmack, Type O Negative, SOAD, NIN, APC, all that is wrong with this world, shitty presidents, serial killers, and life & death as it's played out in this intricate little web called our world.
Sounds Like: no other
Record Label: Unsigned

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