The Underground Poets Society, Inc. (The Un. P. S.) is an official web based 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation dedicated to poetry and education. Our site is highly trafficked at approximately 1 million visits per month and thousands of registered members and friends. We have been the number one poetry site for the past 6 years on Soul Search and Yoodels search engines and we are listed on all major internet search engines such as Yahoo, Lycos, A.O.L., Alta Vista, Google, Infoseek, etc.
The mission of The Un. P. S. is to promote the creation and performance of poetry while cultivating literary activities and spoken word events on-line or otherwise in order to build audience participation, stimulate creativity, awaken minds, foster education, inspire mentoring, encourage artistic statement and engage communities worldwide in the revelry of language.
The headquarters of our 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation is located in the State of Florida, in the City of Sunrise and County of Broward but our on-line presence spans worldwide!
The Underground Poet's Society, Inc.
National Poetry Conference 2009
A Look Into My Third Eye