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My name is Keith S. Winn.I am a "Baby Boomer" and live with my beautiful wife in two residences in Ft.Lauderdale, FL and the Florida Keys. I have been semi-retired for the past 10 years, afterhaving established early success in several conventional and network businesses. As I enjoy a challenge, Ihave also built an extremely successful home based business in a short amount of time. I aman avid outdoors person, and enjoy boating, scuba diving, landscaping, hiking & motorcyclingand I am also a certified ridercoach, When I am not doing those activities, I enjoycoaching, training, public speaking and generally helping people attain their goals anddreams.
OK..So Who is Keith S. Winn?
I was always a person that liked to have money in my pocket,even as a kid. I was always doing odd jobs around my middle class suburban neighborhood onLong Island: shoveling snow and mowing lawns. At age 15 my friend and I had our ownlandscaping business and had over 20 lawns that we regularly maintained. At age 16, Ibecame a counselor at a day camp. This was my first experience as a mentor, and even atthat young age, I took it seriously.
Young Love...and MLM?
A year later, mygirlfriend (later to become my wife) and I became Amway distributors. I suppose we did aswell as we could without any training nor guidance. Our career in network marketing lastedabout 5 months.
The Times They Were AChangin'
By the time I was in college, “the times they were a changin’â€,especially around the campuses in America. Our country was involved in an unpopular war.Many people, especially college students, were not only questioning our government’spolicies, but actively forming anti-war groups and arranging massive peace demonstrationsand regular “takeovers†of university offices. After the concert at Woodstock, we actuallybelieved a revolution was taking place, as new lifestyles began to emerge. With this newlifestyle, came the social use of “recreational†drugs such as marijuana and hashish, whichwas readily available anywhere…and a new industry was emerging. I'm not referring tosmuggling or dealing these drugs which was illegal, but manufacturing and distributingaccessories for the smoking of these drugs.
Like a RollingStone
A close friend was a manager at a local gift store that had a “headâ€shop. They sold a small selection of smoking accessories such as pipes and rolling papers.He told me that the “head†shop was extremely busy and profitable. So we each invested $26and purchased some raw materials to start our own line of accessories. We brought ourfinished products to the buyer at the store and he bought them for $280. Our business wasborn. I was 19 years old and I left college to pursue my fortune. My parents thought I wascrazy...maybe I was.
So Keith, you became a Capitalist Pig?
Over the next several years, we expanded our product line, puttogether a catalog, exhibited in trade shows, opened a factory, and hired employees. Wewere selling our products to gift store chains, clothing “boutiquesâ€, convenience stores,and even stand alone head shops which had popped up around every college campus and in everycity. Business was booming...yeah, we used to say booming, now it's EXPLODING!
Uh, Oh...the Sh*t's Hitting theFan!
However, we soon learned, nothing in business remains static. Therewas conservative pressure being placed upon state and local politicians to shut down allwholesale and retail sales of these type of products. While there was no federal nor stateconstitution basis for doing this, many entrepreneurs were forced to close, simply due tothe cost of litigation. Business slowed substantially and we still had rent, employees andother fixed expenses. To me, the handwriting was on the wall. I sold my interest in thebusiness to my partner, and began a new career – life insurance sales.
What Do You Mean Get a Haircut?
Let me tell you…it wasn’t easy. An employment agency placed me with alocal insurance agency, where I was promised a monthly salary plus commissions. Afterworking with them for a month, movers came one day to remove the furniture and equipment.It seemed the owner had simply charged everything to a bad credit card, and he was gone.So, the agency placed me with another company. This time, it appeared solid, and I waslearning the business and getting paid…until an old friend of the manager showed up,unrolled a bag of marijuana in the office, proclaimed himself the assistant manager andstarted smoking with the manager. Their days consisted of smoking a joint, and going to theOff Track Betting Parlor (OTB). Hey, I thought I was done with this. At this point I wasone of only two agents actually producing, but again, I saw this wasn’t going to last. Iarranged an interview with a nearby company with a great reputation. They contacted myprior company for a reference, and received back a completely phony report, as they wereangry I had left. How do you convince a reputable insurance business person that the reporthe received is from two dope smoking jerks when they are still in business and sponsored andfinanced by a major insurance carrier? I made a request to prove my abilities and he let mework there…on straight commission. After a month, I had reached the sales goals he had set,but he still had a problem with my report, so he asked if I could do it again for anothermonth. I did, and again reached the goal he had set. By this time, the prior agency hadbeen shut down by their insurance company sponsor, and when news of this reached my newcompany, I was immediately contracted.
I Think I See theLight
I remained as a commissioned sales rep with this company for severalyears. I learned a lot about people, about prospecting, about rejection, commitment,consistency and motivation. One day, we had a young man come in to visit our agency, MarkVictor Hansen. Today he is known for his motivational and inspirational speeches, as wellas his line of “Chicken Soup†books. I will never forget the gleam in his eyes which gaveme encouragement throughout the down times of my sales career.
Working Hard, or Hardly Working?
Although I was making a living, I began to notice that certain agentsactually were target prospecting, while I was simply buying lists of people who had bought ahome or recently had a baby. They were making the large sales to the people who had money:the doctors , lawyers and business owners. I was still working the kitchen table scene,trying to avoid the screaming kids and the ketchup stains. I learned what I could fromthese successful agents, but it wasn’t until later in my career did I realize theirsecret.
A NewBeginning...Almost
I answered a classified ad in the newspaper one day. (Yeah, they stillhad paper back then). An insurance company was seeking “enrollers†to simply sign people upfor insurance. Their employers were sponsoring the insurance plans and making it availableto their employees through payroll deduction. Wow, no prospecting. This had to be theanswer I was looking for. I was hired and trained, and within a few months actually managedteams of enrollers using a 34’ RV as a mobile office. Business was great, but I was simplyan employee, it was a JOB, and I was not getting paid what I felt I was worth.
Branding Myself I decided to emulate (duplicate?) what this company was doing, gotcontracted with another insurance company, and formed my own “brandâ€. I began offering my“branded†and, at the time, innovative program to credit unions. After some time, people incredit unions began to trust me, and they sponsored my program to their hundreds and eventhousands of members. I was working a few hours a day enrolling people, and earning apretty good living, as I was now keeping 100% of the commission.
Good Day Sunshine!
I was always a summer person. It was time to move to sunny Florida,but I needed to get some business going there first. I began making regular business tripsto Florida from NY. Two years later, (remember, they have to know you and trust you) Isigned my first credit union in Florida and my wife and I and our two cats moved down. Ideveloped a new marketing strategy and continued my prospecting, all the while buildingtrust among my prospects. Within a few years I had a thriving business, with dozens ofaccounts throughout Florida. Our product line had changed and the business model consistedof me teaching and coaching the credit union staff on our products, and how to successfullyoffer them to their members. I essentially became the "Coach" and worked withthousands of staff members nationwide as my business was also spread through independentbrokers in other states.
Finally - The Good Life!I was financially secure at an early age, and enjoyed "The GoodLife". I had set up the business to practically run by itself, providing a steadystream of residual income. I had all of the things successful people had: Money, Freedom,and Time to spend with my family.
Still Crazy After All TheseYears With all my free time, I became involved with motorcycling, and becamea safety advocate I took courses and became a certified Motorcycle Safety FoundationInstructor. I wanted to give back, to help people become safer riders, and perhaps, save alife or two.
Uh Oh, not another MLM?
It wasn't until a friend of ours told us her story how thisrelatively new "dietary supplement" helped her with her health condition, did wegive network marketing a thought. My wife, who had been in a car accident two years prior,had ongoing pain in her back and neck. Almost two years of physical therapy had done littleto relieve her pain. In fact, it was painful for her to ride on my motorcycle from just ourmain home to downtown - about 14 miles. After only two months of using this supplement, herback and neck pain were relieved considerably, and we decided to go into business and spreadthe word. Last summer, me, my son and my wife took a motorcycle vacation in North Carolina.We rode about 1000 miles in one week...something she could not have done before.
So Now You Know AboutMe...
Using the techniques I had learned over the years, combined with theguidance, and Web 2.0 teaching from my business partners, our network marketing business isexploding (remember, we used to say booming). Even our son is a distributor and followingthe same duplicable system...not the company's, but OURS.
Help Is On The Way!
Today, I am offering to help YOU! Ifyou are struggling, but are committed to this business; if you truly can visualize yourdreams; if you are a consistent worker; if you can work past any previous failures; if youare not afraid of rejection; then most certainly, I can help.
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Keith S. Winn
Network MLM Pro
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