General Info:
Real Name: Roberto DaCosta
Universe/Timeline: Marvel Universe
Current Status: X-Corporation Los Angeles, Hellfire Club
Previous Team Affiliations: X-Force (II), New Mutants, Fallen Angels, Mutant Liberation Front
Aliases: Reignfire, Shadowskin, Cloak, Black Rook, Black King, Lord Imperial
Currently: Sunspot is currently running the Los Angeles branch of the X-Corporation as well as acting as Lord Imperial over the Hellfire Club.
Affiliations CEO of Da Costa International
Nationality: Brazilian
First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel ..4
A founding member of the New Mutants, Bobby was a mainstay of the junior team for 98% of its existence. However, when his father died (killed by the External Gideon), Bobby went with Gideon, who was an old friend, to take over his father's business. Gideon, however, was looking for the next External, and thinking that it was Sunspot, had Bobby subjected to various experiments that increased his solar absorption capabilities by 3000%. When Sunspot was liberated by X-Force, he found he had the ability to fire energy blasts from his hands. Later still, during a battle with the M.L.F., Sunspot channeled his solar energy around his body, enabling him to fly. Unfortunately, he flew into one of Locus' portal beams and was sent into the timestream. It was thought that Sunspot had an alternate persona called Reignfire who led the M.L.F., but it has become clear that they are separate entities.
After Bobby flew into Locus' beam, Reignfire captured him and forged a telepathic link that made Sunspot his puppet. When Cable forced his Askani disciplines into Sunspot to "expunge" Reignfire, he severed that link and Bobby returned to normal. As a result of Cable's actions, Bobby is now fluent in Askani and has gained finer control over his powers. He is currently so powerful that he finds it hard not to be in his blacked-out "fiery-head" state, but he can power down using the Askani methods. In the final battle with Reignfire, Bobby was possessed by his nemesis, but eventually regained control of his body, and is stronger than ever. While his best friend Sam Guthrie (Cannonball) was with the X-Men, Bobby got closer with Sam's girlfriend Tabitha (Meltdown). Things progressed to the point where the teammates kissed, just in time for Sam to burst in and see them. This drive a wedge between the friends that hasn't really healed, although they managed to work together when Sam rejoined X-Force.
Recently, Bobby was deported from the U.S. because his student visa was no longer valid since he was not a student anymore. He returned to Brazil, but was restless and found the life of a rich playboy heir boring and meaningless. At that moment, Selene, who had usurped control of the Hellfire Club, approached Bobby and convinced him to help her stop the Deviants in the Damocles Foundation from resurrecting a Celestial Template. Bobby agreed, and met up with X-Force again during the battle. However, Selene didn't give up so easily and put Bobby through a number a illusory situations to force him to her side. Sunspot saw through all of them, so Selene and Blackheart, the new Black King, played their trump card: Juilana Sandoval. Juilana was Bobby's girlfriend before his powers manifested. She was captured along with him by the Hellfire Club and she died to save him from being shot by a HC goon. Blackheart told Bobby that Juliana was supposed to have lived, but someone in Processing messed up. The deal was: Bobby joins the Hellfire Club, and Juliana gets a new start in a recently deceased girl's body. Feeling that he owed his life to Juliana, Bobby had no choice but to accept, and left X-Force to become the third Black Rook.
With Sebastian Shaw's resumption of leadership of the Hellfire Club, Bobby appears to have been released from his vow. Exactly what occured and why Shaw would let Bobby get away is still unknown. Bobby then became the head of the Los Angeles X-Corporation branch, and is working with Empath to insure that mutant interests are taken care of. For some reason, Bobby no longer uses or has access to his energy-blasting and flight abilities, and now simply operates as "super-strong." In that capacity, Bobby helped Jon Spectre and a reconstituted X-Force battle the Skornn. Recently, Bobby was again contacted by Shaw (and secretly by Sage) and invited to join the Lords Cardinal as the Black King under Shaw, who sought the overarching position of Lord Imperial. However, Shaw's injury at the hands of Donald Pierce put Roberto in position to become Lord Imperial, with Sage as his primary adviser...
Doctor Joshua of the Damocles Foundation altered my powers in X-Force ..13-15, allowing me to direct my bio-energy as concussive force, and later as thrust for flight as well. my time as a slave of Reignfire(from sometime before X-Force Annual ..3 until X-Force ..43) and my resultant mind-merge with Cable altered my powers again. Instead of metabolizing the solar power,I now rechannels it as different forms of heat and infrared radiation. I am also capable now of absorbing other forms of heat and light besides solar power.
Aside from his mutant powers Sunspot has a gift for language fluency. It has been demonstrated that Sun Spot can fluently (or at least with proficiency) speak Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Classical Latin, Chinese, and English. It is likely that he speaks other languages as well, but the extent of his linguistic gifts have not been fully revealed. Sunspot is also learning how to manage a large finnancial empire and a secretive society known as the Hellfire club. As such he has some knowledge of international laws regarding trade, organization, and structure of large corporate enterprises.
Bring It On!
X-Force, New Mutants, Mutant Liberation Front(under Reignfire's influence), Gladiators, Fallen Angels, Bratpack, Hellfire Club, Inner Circle, X-Corp
Originally, I metabolized the sunlight I absorbed, charging my muscles to increase in strength, endurance, and resilience in other words superhuman strength. As a youth he was only able to utilize this superhuman form for a period of several minutes and his superhuman strength had an upward limit in the nieghborhood of 30 tons. After this length of time his body would have exhausted its solar resources and he would revert to a normal (sometimes physically exhausted) state.
Sometime during his early adult life Sunspot developed the ability to further harness his solar powers in such a manner so as to allow him to project from his hands concussive blasts of intense heat and light. Such blasts are sufficient to destroy structures as large as cars and melt through most building materials. Obviously such blasts would be lethal if directed at a human body at close range.
Even without his solar augmentation Roberto is highly athletic in terms of strength, speed, and agility
It is likely that as an adult with a mature body who has had lifelong training in the use of his powers his strength level and the amount of time he can sustain it is at least twice what it was when he was a member of the New Mutants. The length of time he can maintain this form depends on his present exposure to solar radiation to allow him to absorb additional energy. For example, he can presumably keep his form indefinately if he is kept in close proximity to a star's exposure or a synthesized equivalent. In case of darkness or heavy shade, his body has limited internal supply of energy to use...
Sunspot is Roberto da Costa, a Brazilian male, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro. He is the son of wealthy businessman Emmanuel da Costa and archaeologist Nina da Costa (maiden name unrevealed). Emmanuel was a very driven man, who "grew up [...] a barefoot houseboy", and "by age 20 [...] was a millionaire. By 30, an economic and political force to be reckoned with". (New Mutants ..7) Despite becoming one of the most influential people in the Brazilian economic and political scenery, Emmanuel always had time for Roberto; they were more like best friends than father and son. However, Emmanuel always relentlessly drove Roberto to be well-educated, decisive, strong and ruthless — Emmanuel had every intention of making Roberto into a worthy heir for his business empire.
Roberto went to school (as opposed to being homeschooled) in Rio's Vilár school. During his early teenage, he became the star soccer player in his school's team, the Thunderbolts. Olympic recruiters took notice of him at that age, and began grooming him for eventual inclusion in Brazil's national soccer team for the Olympics.
Shortly before his fourteenth birthday (as best can be determined — there are conflicting references) Roberto was in a soccer game between the Thunderbolts and their arch-rivals, the Dynamos. Racist members of the Dynamos assaulted Roberto during the game without the referee's notice, and Roberto took matters into his own hands, initiating a fight on the field. It was at this time that he would for the first time manifest his mutant superhuman powers. Transforming suddenly into a creature of solid black solar energy, he was as surprised and terrified as everyone else. The soccer game was broken up when the audience fled the stadium in panic.
Within a matter of days, a mutant-hating faction led by Donald Pierce and employing Hellfire Club mercenaries kidnapped Roberto's girlfriend Juliana Sandoval. The mercenaries used Sandoval to lure Roberto into a trap, where they planned to kill him simply for being a mutant. Roberto attempted to use his newfound powers to battle these mercenaries, but was ultimately defeated. The mercenaries were about to kill Roberto when the scene was crashed by Karma and Mirage, two women who would become Roberto's fellow founding members in the New Mutants. Karma and Mirage rescued Roberto, but in the course of the battle, Juliana threw herself in front of a bullet to save Roberto. Juliana perished, and Roberto would always in a way blame his mutancy for her death.
After the rescue, Roberto joined Karma and Mirage in going after Donald Pierce. The three were joined by Wolfsbane, and in the course of the battle with Pierce, Pierce's misguided mutant hireling Cannonball also joined the group. Professor X then offered to train the five teenagers in controlling their nascent mutant powers. All five accepted, and became founding members of the New Mutants, a group of junior X-Men whom their teacher only intended to be students, not superheroes
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