Zhoul profile picture


Gotta grow down to grow up

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Old buildings. Hidden rooms. Weird dreams. Studying strangers. Painting. Driving around and listening to music. Watching movies. Nostalgia. Daydreaming. Immature jokes. Cathedrals. Aliens. The occult. Religion. My baby's smile is absolutely my favorite thing in the world.

I'd like to meet:

Shoe Lady, Turrets Lady, Teddy Bear Lady, Black guy with beads, Pink guy, Pentecostal Jesus bum, Rag lady with the covered face, Big Afro guy who drives the brown van and sees dead people, ummm....am I missing anyone?


PJ Harvey, Sioxsie and the Banshees, Jucifer, Concrete Blonde, The Kills, X, Patty Smith, Heart, Nina Simone, Queen Adrena, The Stooges, Two Ton Boa, T-Rex, Led Zep, Black Sabbath, Kyuss, TSOL, Slayer, Pulp, Misfits, Danzig, Circle Jerks, Fugazi, Low, Leonard Cohen, Neil Diamond, Nick Cave, Bauhaus, New Order, Depeche Mode, TV on the Radio, Midnight Movies, Johnny Thunders, Jeff Buckley, Antony & the Johnsons, Velvet Underground, Sleep, Johnathan Richmond, Lou Reed, Blackheart Procession, Chokebore, Radiohead, Cursive, Runaways, Townes, Rolling Stones, Motels, Ramones, Muse, Jesus and Marychain, Sleepytime Guerilla Museum, Gold Frapp, Echo & the Bunnymen, Melvins, Lovage, Warlocks..


Excalabar, Blade Runner, Conan the Barbarian, Buffalo 66, Dumb and Dumber, What About Bob, 2046, Mulholland Dr., Rosemary's baby, Bringing out the Dead, The Emperor and the Assasin, City of Ghosts,Immortal Beloved, Three Seasons, Princess Mononoki, All Miyazaki, The Little Mermaid(1979 version) Basquiat, Apocalypse Now, The Dancer Upstairs, Last Tango in Paris, Down in the Valley, Running with Scissors, Sherry Baby, Winter Passing- and other such disfunctional family type themes..


Reno 911, John Stewart, both of "the offices", Scrubs and House.


ONE FLEW OVERTHE COOCOO'S NEST, MEMIORS OF A GEISHA, JUNKY, CATCHER IN THE RYE, SIDDARTHA, Tao Te Ching, Neverending Story, Communion, Me talk pretty one day.


Always re-evaluating that idea. I guess a hero is someone you would strive to be like. I don't know.