Real people. People who can hear the music, and really feel it. Doesn't really matter what kind of music, as long as it moves you... As long as you let it move you...Creative people are good too, especially if your method of creativity lends itself to collaboration with one of my many creative outlets.People who can dance. This goes back to the first point above, 'cause being a good dancer just takes an ear, a heart and some soul.oh, yeah, and People with Soul!People who care about the community around them and try to improve it.People who care about people.People who make art, not because they want to, but because they don't know how NOT to make art.People who exist to live. I mean really live. To experience life, rather than hide out and try to keep safe.Intelligent people. People know the integral of 4x^2+8 calculated between +/- infinity. People who know who Albert Camus is. People who know how to balance dual SU carberetors. People who know what the circle of fifths is. You get the picture, 'cause you're intelligent, and aren't afraid to show it.People who don't judge people based on physical things, or what they like to do, but instead judge them, as the Good Reverend once said "solely on the content of their character."And as far as celebrity role-models.... Terri Nunn and Madonna... attractive, powerful, and amazing musicians.
BTW, it looks like I'm running this term, check it out....