...discussions, being creative in everyday life, actually living life, entertainment, aikido, reading, writing, being artistic, making music, thinking, coming to realizations, standing in awe, sex, being amongst nature (even in LA), leaving where I live, roadtrips, adventure, making videos, friendships, interesting things...
the creative soul of the universe
There is so much good music out there. Tool, DJ Shadow, Massive Attack, Beethoven, The Beatles, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Zero 7, Kanye West... Right now, the song that I am listening too and I am thinking is the best song in the world is called "what does your soul look like part 4" by dj shadow.
movies that can hold my interest, such as requim for a dream, memento, fight club, etc. I like movies that I can actually learn something from, unless I am in a feeble mood and need to be entertained via comedy. I also tend to like movies with female nudity.
Dont watch tv, it is bad for you (except for laker games, the history channel, etc.)
Negative Utopia Trilogy (1984, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World), Plato's Dialogues, Hume, Sartre "Being and Nothingness", "think on these things" -j krishnamutri, Nietzche, Locke, Descartes Meditations, recommend a book for me to read...
Me, myself, and I. Sometimes other people.