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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a person that likes to use my mind. I like to think about things, and I like people who like to think about things. But... sometimes I just like to not think, I like to do. We cant live our lives inside our heads all the time now can we? I also like to be creative, I try to draw, paint, write, play my drums and travel everywhere I can whenever I can. I am probably the most down to earth person you will ever meet. I do have a slight 'problem', I tend to say exactly what is on my mind, regardless of the circumstances. I just dont like to keep things in, I feel it is counter-productive to life. I also dont think you can learn too much about someone from them typing adjectives and ideas into a coulmn titled "about me"

My Interests

...discussions, being creative in everyday life, actually living life, entertainment, aikido, reading, writing, being artistic, making music, thinking, coming to realizations, standing in awe, sex, being amongst nature (even in LA), leaving where I live, roadtrips, adventure, making videos, friendships, interesting things...

I'd like to meet:

the creative soul of the universe


There is so much good music out there. Tool, DJ Shadow, Massive Attack, Beethoven, The Beatles, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Zero 7, Kanye West... Right now, the song that I am listening too and I am thinking is the best song in the world is called "what does your soul look like part 4" by dj shadow.


movies that can hold my interest, such as requim for a dream, memento, fight club, etc. I like movies that I can actually learn something from, unless I am in a feeble mood and need to be entertained via comedy. I also tend to like movies with female nudity.


Dont watch tv, it is bad for you (except for laker games, the history channel, etc.)


Negative Utopia Trilogy (1984, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World), Plato's Dialogues, Hume, Sartre "Being and Nothingness", "think on these things" -j krishnamutri, Nietzche, Locke, Descartes Meditations, recommend a book for me to read...


Me, myself, and I. Sometimes other people.

My Blog

travel bug

the travel bug has bitten me once again.   I think I may stay in america this time.  im out.
Posted by dana on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 01:33:00 PST


so I have been in Europe for almost a month now...what an infuckingcredible month it has been.  Time passes so fast, I have done so much.  I feel like I just got here but at the same time I ...
Posted by dana on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 03:27:00 PST

lets boycott these 'holidays'

I say we should just boycott these corporate 'holidays'.  Who needs to deal with all kinds of stress about buying people things, and especially buying them the 'right' thing.  Call me wierd,...
Posted by dana on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 09:16:00 PST


    So today i got commissioned for my first painting, and from a church!  I did a 24 by 8 FOOT (yes FOOT) mural, and it took sooo long.  It was so much fun  I got to wal...
Posted by dana on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 12:49:00 PST


thanks everyone for the birthday love, it makes me a happy person.  And when dana is a happy person, other persons become happy, so all of you should always just try to make me happy, because the...
Posted by dana on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 10:41:00 PST

recomend me a book please

I just read  Youth:  Scenes from  provincial life II by J.M Coetzee, anybody have a good book like that for me to read?  I have been looking for awhile for a good book, but none se...
Posted by dana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Has anybody noticed the huge increase in cops around LA in the past 5 months?  I sure have, and it sure is no fun.  Everyday I drive I see someone pulled over, and I too have been pulled ove...
Posted by dana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

short story

because of a friends request, I am posting a short story I wrote. Comments are welcome, enjoy. Oh and btw, this is copywrited, so dont think of copying it and using it for anything other than reading ...
Posted by dana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


ANNOYED....at everything, the state of the world, the people in it, the things in it, whatever it is that makes up everything around me, if there is even a thing called me...
Posted by dana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Yeah so Earl and I just got back from an awsome time in Santa Cruz. If any of you want to have fun, go there, they have a nice wild side.
Posted by dana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST