sHhH!.. L3t m3 P3eP g4M3, cUz b4B1 is w4T 1 dO! ;) profile picture

sHhH!.. L3t m3 P3eP g4M3, cUz b4B1 is w4T 1 dO! ;)

w4T's mY n4M3 M0oD4f0O0O0Ch4S!!!!??? *L4D1 G, G 1s 4? G1L3S sUcKErS!*

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!!! MY N1GG 4 l1F3!!!
dis nigg is known as CELLE
born JUl 9, 1987
y am i writtin dis?
2 thank him 4 erthang
thank chu 4 always bein on my side, even thru my mistakes
thanks 4 slappin me back n 2 place, wheneva i got out of line(lol)
thanks 4 showin chu care, tho chu have a hard way of showin it
i memba when we was younga, we wud talk bout things
n da days we wud play wata guns n jump on top of da buildin wit our niggiewiggies *lol*
i miss those times...
but we've grown apart.
n chur b cummin a old grumpi man
chu don tell me nethang nemore, n i don tell chu
chur still a lil ova protective, but chu've let go a lil
so0o im thankful 4 dat 2
chur da bes person n da world
n ima learn how 2 ball like chu 1 day *lol*
i love chu brobro...n neva 4 get dat
bye peaches *hahhaha*
LOVE CHU! *MUAHS* cha babi sis..;)


mY bB

mE w/o him?! :(
wat can i say?
dis my besteses frien
n i love everythang about him
he's 1 of da greatest dudes i eva met
n he keeps a smile on my face ;)*lol*
i mean...wat wud i do w/o chu babes?
honestli, i cant realli answa dat ? eitha
cuz im hopin dat i'll neva lose cha
cuz if i did, id go INSANE! *lol*
chur a great person, n chu shud neva hide who chu truli r, or how chu truli feel
chur MYKE!, whose betta den chu? b sides me lol!?
no1 will eva take da place, chu've cum 2 hold
cuz i will neva let it happen! ;)
n jus kno dat im always here 4 chu, wheneva chu need me
i lUvVvVVvsEssSEsS cHu So0o0o mUch
n i cant wait 2 c chu *yay* lol
well...i don have much left 2 say
but make sure cha chick is doin chu right
cuz if not, she gotta deal wit me!!!

n we all kno im like da biggest intimidation eva! haha chu b a good boi 4 me!!! *muahs*