well my relationship with God is first and foremost, i enjoy studying and analyzing the scriptures and studying the historical, philosophical, and theological aspects of my christian walk...i'm by no means a scholar, but i keep on learning..
Jesus, Paul, St. Augustine, Stephen Hawking, Francis Schaeffer, C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, Dante Alighieri, and any cool person that'd be great
i listen to everything, but i'm a sucker for jazz, sinatra, i even enjoy a little bit of stuff
Fight Club, Gladiator is my favorite though, Waterworld, Napoleon Dynamite, O Brother Where Art Though?, Troy, Sahara, Lord of the Rings, Zoolander (haha gotta love it), Pirates of the Carribean, Finding Neverland, Ray, Butterfly Effect, lets jut say i'm a movie man and there are alot more to be added on this list
eh tv is crap nowadays...minus seinfeld and big sports events
The Holy Bible,Waking The Dead,Wild At Hear, Great Gatsby, As I Lay Dying, THe Historian, 1984, ANimal Farm, This Side of Paradise, shakespeare, F. Scott, Any philospophicl or theological, or even historical book, i'm slowly becoming a book man and i love it!!!