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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I am an artist of all mediums. I went to school for tattooing and piercing. Designing clothing is my passion especially when it is inspired by the 1940's and 50's and rocka/gotha/psychobilly. I anything artistic in my spare time as well as visiting Boston as often as i can. I chill with my friends on a weekly basis mostly at the Taverna. We are like a big family that has a reunion every Monday. lol Sometimes I have the honor of singing with my buddies, Chaindrive, Thanks, guys! you really helped me out with my stage fright. I have the most amazing boyfriend ever. Woki, I love you with all of my heart and this feels so real. Tahnk you fro helping me get passed my insecurities. I'm a very busy gal now but i will awlays try to make room for new friends on myspace. email: [email protected] send me a message or i will not add you unless i already know you. chances are, i don't.
You Are Ugly Underwear!
Comfortable and soft, more people like you than let on.
But it's very difficult for you to show yourself in public. What Crappy Christmas Gift Are You?

My Interests

tattoos and piercings, blood, gore, horror, vampires, facial hair, sideburns, bass players (good musicians), strong hands, cheesy pick up lines, thai iced teas, oolong and jasmine hot tea, white and milk chocolates, saki, grape crushes, sushi, nag champa, anyone different who is not afraid to be themselves, non-conformity, fashion, autographs, smiling and laughing, creativity, photography, vintage clothing and furniture, my rat (Price)(RIP 2004-2007), my 8inch long goldfish (Ming the Mercilous), Zoidberg 2(my snail) pin-up girls and noseart, Coop devil art, my family and friends, asian and gothic decorating, music and finding out about any new local bands, supernatural, life and death, ...definitely not in that order.

I'd like to meet:

whoever, Batch!


i like almost anything: Bauhaus, Ministry, NIN, Bugs and Rats, Darkbuster, Reverend Horton Heat, Converge, The Hidden, The Cure, Joy Division, The Smiths, Neil Diamond, Johnny Cash, The Misfits, Sheer Terror, Social Distortion, Clutch, Jane's Addiction, The Cramps, Chopin, Souxsie and the Banshees, Bjork, The Nekromantics, Slayer, Iron Maiden, In Flames, Arch Enemy, Soilwork, Once I Tried, Kevorkian's Angels, Bob Marley, The Black Eyed Peas, Throwing Shrapnel, Sin of Angels, Grief, The Freeze, G.G. Allin, Defiance, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, The Dead Milkmen,'s, Amy Winehouse, Regina Spektor, Timbaland, Doomriders, Deftones, Adolf Satan, Switchblade Symphony, She Wants Revenge, The Thrift Syndicate, Patsy Cline... i could go on... i'm not really that picky.


A Clockwork Orange, Opera, City of Lost Children, Dark City, The Lost Boys, Romper Stomper, Nosferatu, Young Frankenstein, The Court Jester, The Young Poisoner's Handbook, The Virgin Suicides, The Jazz Singer, Bedazzled(the original 1967), Edward Scissorhands, Hairspray, Cry Baby, Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend, My Fair Lady, Tommy, SLC Punk, Shrek, Ringu, Orgazmo, Ghost World, Dracula, Alice in Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz, Carrie, Psycho, Vertigo, House of 1000 Corpses, Nightmare Before Christmas, Hero, Half Baked, The Omen, Madagascar, Kung Fu Hustle, anything by Tim Burton,Stanley Kubrick, George Romero, Kurasawa, Quentin Tarantino, John Waters and Alfred Hitchcock. too many to name... i like movies.


CSI (Las Vegas), Project Runway, So You Think You Can Dance, Ace of Cakes (I love Duff), How I Met Your Mother, The Class, Survivor, any of Rachel Ray's shows, Family Guy, Futurama, Quantum Leap, Sex and The City, MXC...


Hairstyles of the Damned, Buddhism for Beginners, The Virgin Suicides, Goth Chic, The Vampire Book, Worst Case Scenario...


Batch and Gash

My Blog

some really great things together

so like i said, this is about Woki. i always have a fear of writing about a significant other because when i do i always end up jinxing it and they enver want to speak to me again. i don't really feel...
Posted by Stephanie on Wed, 16 May 2007 07:19:00 PST

spreading the pink

ok, so i am sitting here on Woki's computer while he is playing gears of war. it's comfortable and i like it. i'm here pretty much everyday and i definitely don't get sick of it. it's so easy yet so d...
Posted by Stephanie on Wed, 16 May 2007 07:02:00 PST

fucking moron, drama queen bitches

so, last night i was hanging out with renee, jen and donna at jen's/renee's house and i had been sending text messages all night. (mmm smores and magic hat!)  anyway, i realized i had a miss...
Posted by Stephanie on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 03:05:00 PST

YAY! Happiness

so i'm extremely busy and i have no idea why i am online. i guess you could say it's a bit of an addiction. i hung out with marianne last night. it was awesome! we were going to go see Blade...
Posted by Stephanie on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 12:40:00 PST

me, a fashion show and a boy named matt.

so there is a lot of shit going on, not like bad shit, but really amazing shit. so i'm doing this huge fashion show in may and IN BOSTON, right in the commons. it's for youth pride day and it's May 12...
Posted by Stephanie on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 01:25:00 PST

catching up with old friends

i don't remember the last time i had so much fun and realized who my real friends were.oh wait yes i do, over 3 years ago before i was forced to never see them again. man i'm lame for doing that. well...
Posted by Stephanie on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 07:29:00 PST

bye bye internet... for now

so i'm being charged double for the lousy internet connection so it is going to be shut off tomorrow. so for anyone who needs to get ahold of me, call me and if you don't have my number then too bad. ...
Posted by Stephanie on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 07:15:00 PST


You're Whip Bettie. You're definitely on themasochistic side. You like to sport dark colorsand especially black vinyl. Pain isbeauty...and well SEXY! Many see you as abitch, but that's okay, you can't...
Posted by Stephanie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

have autoclave, and schedule appointments soon...

i just ordered my autoclave and it should be here in about 7-10 days. i need to buy more jewelry and tubes and such but i do have some stuff i can use as soon as my autoclave gets here. i should be re...
Posted by Stephanie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i'm movin on up...

ok people so i am leaving tomorrow morning (4:30am).yikes. i'll be headin' halfway across the country to go to school. but it's only a 2 week school and those of you who actually talk to me or read my...
Posted by Stephanie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST