Slave Name: Mariney
Chopped and Screwed:
Mel. Mo Mo. Mewny. Skunkay. T-Pain. M.Phreezy
Okay. Long story short. I'm not the type of person that tolerates blunt ignorance, stupidity or utter disrespect.
Respect is numero uno. No way around it. If you dont know how to show it or talk to a female. Don't even bother.
You WILL regret it.
I'm 22. I like dinosaurs. I love Batman.
I think Anderson Cooper is beautiful.
Laos is where my family came from.
New London, CT is the birthplace of Greatness [ahem, ME]
I need anger management. Very dangerous temper
I use profanity like it's the only language I know.
I find intelligence and ambition in a man very appealing. Not to be confused with big words or big cars. NO
I mean like common sense, hunger for knowledge, never settling for just what is handed to him.
Random might as well be my middle name. Because that's what I'm is.
It takes a while for me to warm up to someone just because I like observing what their all about instead of just asking generic questions, which can be so easily replied to with bullshit answers.
I don't have that many females friends [close ones anyway]
I'd prefer it that way. I'm not missing out on anything
A sense of humor is a must if someone dared to talk to me. honestly.
I say very outlandish shit all the time, if you take offense to what I say then... oh well. Grow up.
Keeping my smartass remarks to myself is a daily struggle. You have NO idea. I think some people [even if they don't know me] are out to get me by pushing my buttons with their dumbassness
Seriously. That's not cool, brother.
I have a very bad habit of speaking before I actual think about what I'm trying to say. Most of the time it hurts people's feelings. I apologize.
I don't like to argue. About serious things.
Frankly resorting to violence because you're angry. Immature.
I like Sharpies.
Writing and music is my only therapy. I might be too lazy to write, but never ever too lazy to sing or just listen to music.
Yes I do sing. Don't ask me to though lol. It has to happen naturally
I can't stand self-pity. Women who nag/complain about shit but don't do anything about it. Just shut the fuck up before I make you cry worse than your deadbeat whore of a husband did
My mother is my heart. My family is my life. Angie is my best friend and soulmate. Nini is my Protege. William is my laughter
I have the greatest people in my life. I don't deserve but I'm very grateful.
I love the people I love. and I'd die for them even if they wouldn't die for me.
I'm truely a nice person, you can check any one of my contacts. They'll warn you about me =]
I have alot more to say but that's what blogs are for. PAYCE BITCH!