C0M3 0R1G1N4L profile picture

C0M3 0R1G1N4L

we can spend our lives letting the world tell us who we are.sane or insane. saints or sex addicts.le

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this will become my obsession for quite sometime.
10-6-08|| 10:23 PM

i read a lot. at least one book every two weeks. i'm not sick, i'm just not well. one of my goals before i graduate is to purchase as many american flag stickers as it takes to paste them everywhere around town, upside down to stand for our country in distress and see everyone react to it. ha. you can't fathom how ecstatic i am for the 21st of Oct. fable II gets released! i'll just need an xbox 360 console to enjoy it /: Brisingr is by far my favorite book out of the entire inheritance cycle by C.P. i love chuck palahniuk and i loathe stephanie myer's books. they were great once-upon-a-time but not anymore. ever since EVERYBODY has to read them to fit in or be cool. people are conforming way earlier then they should. i really would like to meet quentin tarantino. kurt wenner is genius and my school is prego :D

it's then all the heaving, the flopping, the clawing and gasping, everything, it's right then when everything stops.
"widower" isn't the right word, but it's the first word that comes to mind.


JR , my_murderCUNT , R1N4! , serial.killer. , ALEX!


My Blog


why is it that every god damn night that passes by...i’m always the one still awake?Yeah, your all can say "go the fuck t sleep...it’s that easy". no, it really is not that easy. no body u...
Posted by C0M3 0R1G1N4L on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 11:05:00 PST

i spend money when bored...

Here I am, watching 10 Things I Hate About You, synching my Blink-182 CD "Enema of the State" and ANTI-FLAG’s new CD "The Bright Lights of America" to my itunes, and wishing I would have gone wi...
Posted by C0M3 0R1G1N4L on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 10:58:00 PST