cycles, skate and snow devices....booostin and rooostin. Running, camping, backpacking, hiking, music, art, good books, food, friends, cocktails or coffee in the sun, and the occasional grilled-cheese-Sammie-banger.
Dude, Chums not Chummmmpz.Do you ever get that gnarly shiver 2 goosebumps when you think about the cool things you have done and love doing? The people you love and have yet to meet? I cant get enough of that feeling. WAY Too philisophical for mysp@ce? TELL ME ABOUT YOUR GOOSEBUMPS.
EVERYYTHINGS...rock, hip-hop,rap, emo techo ish, bluegrass mabey, yikes! local 303 stuff currently in the cd player.....Deca, Pirate Sygnal,P-hill Shortbus, 72 hour hold and Chamcha are killin fools (I miss u guys)...Durango stuff...The Freeman Social, Adventures with Might, Mr. Love Muscle Russel...tool, gnarls barkly, living legends, kings of leon, Queen's of the Stone Age, teddybears, fischerspooner, ratatat(Thnks Phelinx)....Super funny snowriding playlist right now...Pat Benatar, AC-DC, Bad Snoop dog from the no limit era, clipes, slim thug, My favorites from Deca's: The Hedonist and Pirate Sygnal,72 hour hold.....
Waking Life, American Beauty, Big Lebowski, Fear and Loathing, Donnie Darko.... Snow porn...anything from MDP...Absinthe...Standard... gets me stoked on snowriding...Bike stuff...all of clay porters vids, the earthed collection, as much as people hate on The Collective I like the lifestyle aspect of those vids. I dunno, i like watchin average people having fun on their cycles/snowboards more than rock star/super hero stuff.
Kill your T.V...... Simpsons, Familiy Guy...u cable so i hope u like the spanish channel and new mexico news!!
I'm into nature writing recently...David Peterson and Ken Wright are my favorite local Durango authors...Ed Abby for sure. A Million Little Pieces (thanks Libby)...Vanishing America, Loving Peterson's new one; Man Made of Elk (I've been waitin on this one for a while)
Family, Friends, and all the underdogs killing it on bikes, skateboards, and snowboards. Deb at Equillibrium for creating a sick clothing line with a social conscience. The 303 krew...P-Hill kids for being amazing artists, musicians and friends. The Nature's Oasis family for all the help, support, good food, and friendship. Big up the PTP MAFIA (Pinto, (NVD: earns special hero status for breaking himself off and commin back stronger everytime!!), P-Funk, Jay Owe, Benny Second, Torin and everyone else... Chums4lyfe) and BUBBAS KREW (Especially but not limited to BUBZ...Thanks for keepin me stoked on snowboarding man!!)you guys all inspire the uber dirt-snow boogie shredfest spectacular...shine on.