I'm a tad spontaneous. I went on a first date with my friend of 10 years, John Negrete, on Feb 9th, 2007. He asked me to marry him that night. Since he was the man of my dreams that I considered to be WAY out of my league, I said yes.We were married exactly four months later on June 9th, 2007.A tad sponaneous.And married! Loving it.For more details on our story, check out www.JohnyKat.comFor cheaper deals than you'll find anywhere for car rentals, hotel, cruises, concert tickets, sports events, magic mountain and more, check out www.JohnyKatTRAVEL.comTo become a travel agent (meaning you write off like EVERYTHING and get PAID come tax time) you get half off, even up to 70% off cruises, hotels, etc. for doing next to nothing! Check out www.JohnyKatTRAVEL.info for a demo.Oh, and here are a few other things I love, BESIDES Jesus Christ and John Negrete.Sean Gannon -- My Family -- Friends -- Salsa Dancing -- Flossing -- Laughing -- Red -- Being Initiated With -- Friendly Customer Service -- Alexis and Amanda Araujo --The Bible -- Swing Dancing -- Irish Culture -- Hugs -- Warm Greetings -- Photo Ops -- Verbal Affirmation -- Mi Abuelito -- Coffee Ice Cream -- Musical Theater -- iphone -- Professional Massage -- Cuban Bistro -- A Kiss on the Cheek -- Dancing Cha Cha Cha on 2 -- Peruvian Culture -- Text Messaging -- Teaching -- Chivalry -- Performing -- Eggnog lattes -- Kids -- Honesty -- Sparkly Things -- My Honda Civic -- Danville -- Mosaic -- Rent -- Fantasmic -- Creativity -- Chocolate -- My Wedding -- My Life
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