Hey everyone. As you already know by reading. My name is Aimee, and I'm 23 years old. But their is alot more to know about me.I'm not going to go into all the boring details. I've always been very imaginative And yes sometimes that can be a disadvantage lol depending upon how random and humorous my mind is . I love living my life to the fulles and am very passionate and emotional. Im a very deep thinker as well. I can look at something or somebody ive never known and write a story about how my heart the beauty in that. Their are so many options awaiting me. And I've always been a firm believer in determination I try not to let the bad times get me down. Simply because I know I'm better than that. It would be tragic to let bad times get in the way of my dreams. Bad situations are temporary. Dreams are ourminds highest peak of accomplishment. If I can endure through it. Than I know I'll be ok.
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