Japan/Japanese culture (especially chado, Japanese tea ceremony which I've been practicing for more than 12 years now), cats, choco, baking, seeing new places, cultures of the world, meeting new ppl, reading, languages, the supernatural...also like to sing, dance and draw.
Genuine, interesting, honest and open-minded ppl who have similar interests. People who mean what they say and don't give me any BS. I'm tired of superficial shallow selfish ppl who don't have anything interesting to say. I am very happily married so don't bother to try anything "romantic". If you'd like to add me as one of your friends please send me a message first. Ja aina parempi, jos kirjotat suomeksi =D
I'm a metal chick but enjoy listening to other kinds of music too depending on my mood. Nightwish is the bomb and so is is Apocalyptica! Sentenced, Metallica, Red Hot Chilipeppers, Foo fighters, Jimi Hendrix etc. just to mention a few bands/artists I like.
I love going to the movies but don't have a specific favorite. E.g. the LOTR trilogy was awesome. There are just TOO MANY great movies. Movies that have impressed me VISUALLY: Hero, Grouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and House of flying daggers. Animated films can be great too like Ice Age, Totoro and Tokyo Godfathers for example or the old school Disney films like Snowwhite (it was the first movie I ever saw!), Bambi and Dumbo.
I watch too much crap on TV...e.g. Miami Ink, Jericho, Heroes, Ghost whisperer, Amazing race, American Idol, Little people big world, Take Home Chef, House, Big Love, What not to wear etc. I wish Carnivale was still on...
My alltime fav is prolly Gabriel Garcia Marquez's 100 years of solitude. The LOTR is pretty amazing too. Also loved Mika Waltari's (a Finnish author) The Egyptian. When I was a kid L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables and Emily of New Moon were the most wonderful books ever ;) I've loved Pippi Longstockings (Peppi Pitkätossu) and the Moomin (Muumi) books eversince I was little. The Chronicles of Narnia, the Harry Potter books, The Hobbit, Pride and Prejudice, The Book of Tea...etc.etc. I've read soooo many fab books in my life it's impossible to mention them all here!
My mum. She rocks. My grandpa was awesome. Miss him tons...