Wish I could have met Heath Ledger. RIP. =[ He was one of the greatest actors of our time. How sad it is when someone with so much talent and such a zest for life is taken from it way too soon. May he rest in peace.
Would love to meet my favorite actresses: Anne Hathaway, Keira Knightly, Sandra Bullock, Scarlett Johansson, Kirsten Dunst, Drew Barrymore, Sienna Miller, Clare Danes, Nicole Kidman, Renee Zelwegger. My favorite actors: Jude Law, Viggo Mortenson, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ewan McGregor, Orlando Bloom, Collin Farrell, Jonathan Rhys Myers and Cillian Murphy.
My favorite musicians: Daughtry, Hanson, Kane, and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
I have already met favorites Evaline, Aiden, Kill Hannah, and Jared Leto with 30 Seconds To Mars. All are the best.
I love meeting people. I am always on the lookout for new friends.
Find out how much I think you're WORTH!
Stardust, Brokeback Mountain, Matchpoint, A Knight's Tale, Bend It Like Beckham, Ever After, Lord Of The Rings, Cassanova, Tangled, History Of Violence, Alexander, Proof, American Outlaws, Phonebooth, Elizabethtown, The Island, Haven, Miami Vice, Lord Of War, Zodiac, .
Prison Break, Supernatural, Grey's Anatomy, Bionic Woman, Cold Case, Medium, Boston Legal. Some old: The Crow, Far Scape, Invasion.
History, biographies and anything by Anne Rice
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