I use mouthwash,
Sometimes i floss,
I've got a family and i drink cups of tea,
I've got nostalgic pavements,
I've got familiar faces,
I've got mixed up memories,
And i've got favourite places.
THE WAY TO MY HEART IS....Fashion, leopard print, archers, paul's boutique, newspapers, big brother, poo look, tescos own chocolate, the gym, pennywhistle, smoothies, asos.com, black nail polish, nites in, wild nites out, i heart NY t shirts, gigs, vw beetles, fresh bread smell, fairy lights, marshmellows, leesie (my dog), cuddles, sunny holidays, the oc, fake tan, kate nash, bowling, picnics, big sunglasses, music of any kind, men in shirts, my bed, chiense food, lie ins, a strong cup of tea, shit girly films, laughter.
Alex Zane and Liam from BB please!!!
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Aguilera and Monroe.