*Mz.Sharie* profile picture


So Lovin Myself More And More Cus If I Dont Who Will?? It Starts With Urself! Remember That! YUP!

About Me

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I am who I am and cant be or wont be anything else! Realizing so much about myself as these years pass by; some good some bad BUT its all apart of growing up. More and more i become comfortable with myself but i still have my doubts and questionable moments. My mind is something that never stops working; I'm always thinking about something constantly but the thoughts i possess I rarely share which one day might hurt me in the end. Single status still flying! Havent met anyone special enuf to make me wanna change that. I honestly think my mindset isnt on that just yet; maybe one day soon tho!! So for sure dont put all your money on me cus in the end you might end up broke! :-p


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My Interests












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My son, music, tattoos, shoes, jewelery, sunglasses, BOYS, takin pics!!
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A Good Survey, NOT the over used questions, you wil tell ur life story in this great for myspace!!!!
Name?: Shara
Wish your name was?: i love my name! wouldnt wanna be anything else!
Age?: 21 be 22 in aug
Wish your age?: 12..lol.
What color hair do you have?: drk brown almost black
What color hair do you want?: like mines!
what color eyes do you have?: drk brown almost black
what color do you want?: like em how they are
I fyou could change one thing about your body what would it be?: uumm that i was alot more toned maybe and my butt was bigger!
If you could change one thing about yourself mentally what would it be?: that i wasnt so afraid to just let go!
If you could have one super power what would it be?: mind reading
If you could live one fairy tale which one would it be?: uumm idk; did any of them actually work out in the end?? hmmm
Who would you sacrafice your life for?: ANDRE
Who do you love the most?: ANDRE
Is the saying true blood is thicker than water?: i believe so...family is so much more important than anything! BUT in some aspects i could see why ppl would think otherwise...
If you could be with one person in the world who would it be?: uumm idk; someone rich i kno that for sure!
If you could bring one person back who would it be?: my grandfather...
If you could wish one person out of your life who would it be?: i wouldnt wish anyone out of my life..ppl are meant to be in ur life for sum reason one way or another
Who do you hate the most?: i hate no one
Love the most?: ANDRE
Miss the most?: my grandfather...
Have the most fun with?: ANDRE and my friends
Would spend your life with?: im gonna of course be with Andre for my life BUT itd be nice to have a man around as well one day...
Would spend your life without?: i dont have an answer for that
Who have you know the longest?: amber
Who is most like you?: verleana
Who is your opposite?: o man! who isnt?!
Who looks most like you?: Andre i guess and i look like my older sister...
What celeberty would you want to be if any?: i would want to be angelina jolie cus #1 shes GORGEOUS! and #2 shes with brad pitt!!
What celeberty do you look most like?: ive heard raven and a lil bit of cassie(if she was fat i say! ;-p) and i just heard the other day that i look like a younger asian version of angelina jolie.LOL.
Are you high matnance?: can be
what is more important looks or personality honesty?: personality
Is honesty always the best policy?: yes it is..it may hurt to hear the truth but id rather be hurt that way than to be hurt by being lied to
How many people have you dated this year?: 1
How many people have you asked out this year?: i ask no one out
How many people have you turned down this year?: o man! thats a good question..i get alotta offers but i pass on most if not all
If you had only one friend who would it be?: right now itd be verleana...
If you could eat anything right now what would it be?: nuthin..
Do you love your friends or family more?: family
What is your favorite band?: dont have one
What is your favorite song?: i have too many favorites to just pick one
What sterotype are you ?: idk...u tell me...
What sterotype would you like to be?: not into stereotypes...
Did you ever cut yourself purposely?: nope
Did you ever cry to get out anger?: yes
Did you ever cry over a boy/girl?: yup once and i for sure will never be doin that again! for sure!
Are you a virgin?: i sure am!! LOL im just kidding; i have a kid so wat does that tell u...
Do you have a boyfriend?: nope...S.I.N.G.L.E. BABY!! its the best way to be!! ;-p
How long would you want to keep your virginity?: lol
If you lost it already do you regret it?: nope!
If you could change one point in your life would you?: uumm maybe
What religion are you?: i dont have one really...
How do you feel today?: i feel alright. got a lot on my mind right now...
If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?: new york
If you had to be one of your friends sisters/brothers who would you pick?: idk
What is your favorite candy?: used to be reeses but honestly candy is startin to not be my thing anymore
What is your favorite kind of guy/girl .... sterotype?: i like bad boys...
How long do you like your relatioships to last?: i prefer long term when im in one but honestly i am realizing that relationships arent my thinG
How tall would you like your boyfriend/girlfriend?: taller than me
about how much would you like them to be, toothpick,skinny,average,bigger?: average; i like em athletic
How did your last relationshp end?: HA! thats a funny one! for me to kno and u to ponder about! lol
Do you miss it?: nope
Were your ever really in love?: ive been in love before..
whats the last thing you would say to one person b/4 dieing?: idk..never thought of it
If you were in love would you get married before college?: im not in college and honestly dont kno if i wanna do marriage either
Do you have more guy friends or girl friends?: more girl friends but im closer with my guy friends tho; always have gotten along better with boys!
If you could be at any point in your life what would it be?: i would be already moved out and with a good job and andre in school
If you had to pick a way to die how would it be?: in my sleep
Do you like yourself?: yessir
What do you wish to become someday?: i dont wish for anything i just want to be happy and super content with my life and wat im doing and what or who is in it
Do you trust people easily?: nope
How important is school to you?: im not in it right now but when i was in high school i didnt see it as being too important. i never understood y we hadta learn the things we did cus im surely not using any!!
What song are you listening to right now?: nuthin
If you could talk to anyone now who would it be?: idk
Delivery is at the door at your house who is it from ?: no one
what is your perfect date like?: a picnic!!
if you could completely change who you are would you?: nope
would you be friends with yourself?: yes
Do you talk to people often?: no
Are your romantic?: not really
Do you talk bout your dreams?: no
Do you dream often?: no
Do you ever pray?: no
Did you ever cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope
How many hours do you spend on myspace?: not that much. dont never get on the computer to be on there much
What is the layout?: some graffiti.
What is the song?: uumm a cassie song.
Do you know everybody on your myspace friends?: most yes
Do you like everybody on your myspace friends?: sure
Do you like who you are becoming?: for the most part yes..i do think that i am starting to lose that sweet girl i had for so long so im kinda lookin within to see if i can find her again.
What is the most important thing in your life?: andre and being happy
what would you never change about yourself?: i would never change my ethnicity; i love bein blasian and i wouldnt change my this strong-ness that i have about myself.
When was the last time you cried?: decemeber at my grandfathers funeral.
Do you think the guy should always pay?: not always..im not a fan of guys paying for me.
What is your favorite movie?: wizard of oz and grease
What movie sucked the most?: o man! grease 2 was horrific and so was freddy vs jason.
Who is your favorite actress?: angelina jolie
Who is your favorite actor?: denzel washington and will smith
If you could change one thing in our world what would it be?: no war and killing of ppl randomly..society needs to chill out on the anger twards one another
Do you have any bad habits?: yea who doesnt
Do you think your fat?: yea....
Are you overweight?: idk..i havent been weighed in a min..everyone says i look small but idk
What was the last thing you ate?: i had some chinese food...o wait i had a freeze pop like a couple hrs ago...
What is better mcdonalds/burgerking?: mcdonalds...even tho it makes my stomach hurt soo much after i eat it
Would you date Ron off of harry potter? /guy,hermoinie off harry potter?: no
Woud you date a guy/girl with freckels?: uumm dont find that attractive but hey if the personality is nice i guess
if you could star in one movie what would it be?: idk
Who do you want to be like?: myself
what word best describes yourself?: mysterious
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What..'s Your Name?: Shara
What are/ is your nickname(s)?: sharie, yoshi, fathead, cheddar p,
What..'s your zodiac sign?: VIRGO
When were you born?: aug 29th
How old are you?: 21
How tall are u?: last time i knew 5'4
What color is your hair?: drk brown almost black
What color are your eyes?: same as my hair
What is your ethnicity/race?: black and japanese
What are your religous beliefs?: i dont really have any BUT i do believe God
Political views?: i guess democratic BUT i dont really follow too much on that
How much do you weigh?: ooo a lil personal! lol
Body Type?: i would say average
Would u say that your pretty?: sure; i have my moments
Are you a boy or girl?: GIRL
Sexual Orientation?: STRAIGHT...i likes me some boys!! :-)
Favorites, Hobbies and Interest
Favorite type(s) of music: i like everything but im partial to r&b
Favorite artist/band/group?: have alot
Favorite Types of movies?: comedies and action and horror
Favorite movie(s)?: grease, wizard of oz, waitin to exhale, set it off, superbad, madagascar, 40 yr old virgin! and lots more
Favorite Actor(s)/Actress(es)?: denzel washington, angelina jolie, will smith
Favorite T.V. Show(s) and Cartoon(s)?: hannah montana, suite life, any of those stupid celebrity reality shows, kimora in the fab lane,
Favorite Song(s)?: i have too many
Favorite Food(s)?: chicken and french fries
Favorite Dessert(s) and Candies?: cake and ice cream and cookies...junkfood is my vice lemme just say!!
Favorite Book(s)/Comic(s)?: dont have any
Hobbies?: idk wat classifies as a hobby to be honest...
Interest?: my son, movies, music, hangin out, stars, boys, shoes, shopping,
Favorite Color(s)?: yellow,black,and red
Friends and Family
Do You Have alot of Friends?: i have a few close friends
Do have at least one best friend?: yes
How Would You Describe Your Friends?: they are a mixture of a bunch of different personalites but somehow we all come together and just get along great
How would u Describe your family?: crazy
Would you say u have a good relationship with your family?: uum we arent as close as we should be but its ok
How many brother's and sisters do u have?: i have two sisters
Love Life?
Are single or taken ?: single
Do u like being single?: yes i do! it has it downsides but so far the upsides are outweighin them
How is your relationship with your GF/BF?: ...
Do you love them or like them?: ....
Have u ever cheated on your BF/GF?: nope
Do u think they'll ever cheat on u?: ive been cheated on before
Why are u with them?: ....
Why are they with u?: ....
Do u think u'll get married on day?: i dont really want to get married but maybe someday ill change my mind; who knows...
Do u wanna have kids?: i have one but i would love to have at leat 1 or 2 more
Have u ever been heart broken?: yes
Have u ever broken someone's heart?: probly
To u what is love in your own definition?: love is unconditional. its something that cant be described with words i think..its just a feeling that u kno that someother person is the only one u want and will ever want.
About Yourself
How would u describe your personality?: im shy and pretty withdrawn and sometimes mistaken for being stuck up.
Are u comfortable wih who u are?: for the most part yes
Are u comfortable with the people around u?: yes
What lyrics to what songs would best describe u?: there are alot!! o man!
What are your dislikes?: liars, fake ppl, being asked too many questions, my space being too over taken, rude ppl,bad smells, pink, purple, soda, steak, feet, pushy ppl, to be rushed, to be ignored
If there was any vehicle u could have then what woud it be?: i want an audi
What do u wanna be when u grow up?: happy
What are ur religous/spiritual view?: dont really have any
What do u wanna do in your life time?: to make a good life for myself and andre...and to go to hawaii or new york or even japan.
What do think will happen to you when you die?: idk..im afraid of death so i dont think about it much.
Do u love yourself?: yes, if i dont then who will
To U and in your own definition...what is life?: life is one big lesson! everything we do affects the next thing. theres always something to learn from watever move we happen to make.
What is your own personal quote?: "id rather be hated for who i am than to be loved for who i am not"
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I'd like to meet:

cool-real-drama free-people basically! but to be honest i am happy with the ppl that i already kno and have in my life right now...altho a MAN would be nice to have around tho! :-p


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EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING! but im kinda a lil more partial to some r&b.

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Grease and 40 Year Old Virgin and Jackass The Movie and Dude Where's My Car and Bad Boys 1&2 and Fight Club and Mommie Dearest and Mr & Mrs. Smith and Love & Basketball and Waiting to Exhale and Set It Off and Poetic Justice.


I'M Looking For A Thug... Words

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i dont watch tv very much but when i do i watch american idol,flavor of love,and of course cartoons with my son...

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my mom is probably my hero...she was and is a single parent so she had to deal with alot; raising me and working and making sure there was food for us and that we had a nice place to stay...she did a pretty good job...i only wish to be able to do the same for my son...

My Blog


A comment towards my previous blog made by a good friend :-) had mentioned settling and it got me thinking about how quickly settling is becoming an epidemic amongst the relationship world and populat...
Posted by *Mz.Sharie* on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 08:20:00 PST

was on my mind...

so i just got home a bit ago from seeing the Sex And The City movie and it got me thinkin ALOT. we all kno the show was based off of four single women living in new york searching for that infamous fo...
Posted by *Mz.Sharie* on Sat, 31 May 2008 12:21:00 PST