Tracklist :
(taken from "[...] du coup" CDr out on Maquillage & Crustacés)
Action that music inspires can be a threat
(taken from the 10'' split with Les Aus avaialble on Gaffer records - Weasel Walter plays drums on that track)
Hyper Mega Giga
(taken from the tape/ 3'' CDr on Gaffer records)
Discography :
**"Hyper Mega Giga" tape and 3'' CD on Gaffer records - Available
**10'' split as Sheik Anorak_Weasel Walter duo w/ Les Aus (feat. Lydia Lunch) - AVAILABLE !!
**"[...]du coup" CD-r on Maquillage & Crustacés - available!!
If you wanna get your hands on those records please visit and
News :
Sheik Anorak on Wire Tapper n°21
(Wire issue 302 : ) :
Check the track with Weasel Walter on Wire compilation CD number 21. Track is "Silver" from the 10'' split w/ Les Aus on Gaffer Records.
Some nice releases are on the way :
ZXZW label (from the fest in Tilburg) will release "20 minutes with Sheik Anorak" CDr soon.
for Noise's sake will release a CDr called "Week ep" : 4 tracks of raw No wave/avant rock (release on tape in Greece by Phase! records)
Thanks guys!
Shows :
Forthcoming shows
April 25th - Lyon @Sonic - International Noise Conference
May 11th - Lyon @Grnd zero vaise w/Xiu Xiu & Action Beat
May tour with Weasel Walter and Mario Rechtern in Belgium, France and Switzerland
April 30th - Paris @Chiquito w/Salmingondis
May 1st - Montaigu Fest @foyer des jeunes w/Saviours and more...
May 2nd - Kortrijk @The Pit's
May 3rd - Clermont Ferrand @ Rayomond bar
May 4th - Lyon @Grnd Zero w/MoHa!
May 5th - Genève @Ilôt 13 w/Twig Harper (orga. Cave 12)
Some past shows this year
Feb. 21st - Lyon @Grnd Zero w/Pneu, Keiko Tsuda & Carne
Sept. 18th - Den Haag @Andergrond
Sept. 19th - Leiden @Bar & Boos
Sept. 20th - Tilburg @ZXZW fest (Eurovision noise contest)
Sept. 21st - Tilburg @ZXZW fest (cul de sac)
Oct. 11th - Clermont Ferrand @Raymond Bar w/Chapel 59
Nov. 05th - Lyon @Grnd zero w/Magic Barbecue + Anes et Bateaux
Nov. 7th - Madrid @Espiritu Santo 38 w/Aupier & Baalte
Nov. 8th - Barcelona (duo with Arnau Sala) @Cova de les cultures
Nov. 9th - Mataro @La Flama
SHEIK ANORAK - Mars 09 - Grrrnd Gerland from Grrrnd Zero on Vimeo .